
Department Of English

Department of English of Sylhet International University started from the Fall semester 2004. Among all private universities in Sylhet, Department of English of SIU is the pioneer in establishing both the graduate and post graduate programs. The department fosters outcome based education in order to keep pace with the recent developments while significantly contributing to the wealth of knowledge by way of high quality education and research. So, the curriculum of English Department has been designed so that it can cover a broad range of disciplines related to language, different branches of literature, ELT, Linguistics etc.


The program helps students build knowledge of language and literary studies. Our faculty is committed to an interdisciplinary approach to knowledge, evident in their involvement in courses such as History, Economics Philosophy, Politics, Bangla, Computer Application, Literary studies, etc. The program produces critical, creative, innovative, and competitive graduates as lifelong learners who implement and develop the study of language, literature and culture.


The Department of English aspires to be a leading English Language and Literature studies program of higher learning, building upon the culture and the values of universal literature and language.


Fees For BA Hons in English (4 years)

  • Programmes Fees Structure
  • Tution Fees Waiver

Fees For M.A. in English (1 year)

  • Programmes Fees Structure
  • Tution Fees Waiver

Fees For M.A. in English (Preliminary & Final)

  • Programmes Fees Structure
  • Tution Fees Waiver

Syllabus (BA in English)

  • Programme Structure
    Types of Courses Number of Courses Credit Hours
    A. General Courses 08 25
    B. Core Courses 30 89
    C. Elective Courses 02 06
    D. Project / Thesis 01 03
    Viva Voce (Comprehensive)   03
      41 126
  • First Year : Semester I
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    BAN 101 Introduction to Bangla Bhasha 3.0
    HUM 101 English-I (Oral & Written Communication Skills) 3 .0
    HUM 111 Bangladesh Studies 3.0
    CSE 100 Computer Skills 3.0
    ENG 101 Introduction to English Literature I 3.0
  • First Year : Semester II
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    HUM 103 English-II (Language Composition & Comprehension) 3.0
    ENG 103 Introduction to Linguistics 3.0
    ENG 105 Critical Appreciation, Rhetoric and Prosody 3.0
    HST 101 Socio-Political and Cultural History of England 3.0
    ENG 107 Introduction to English Literature II 3.0
  • Second Year : Semester I
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    ENG 204 Language Skills: Reading and Writing 3.0
    BAN 103 Introduction to Bangla Sahitya 4.0
    ENG 203 Phonetics and Phonology 3.0
    ENG 205 History of English Literature 3.0
    ECN 101 Principles of Economics 2.0
  • Second Year : Semester II
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    ENG 206 Language Skills: listening and speaking 3.0
    ENG 209 Anglo-Saxon and Medieval English Literature 3.0
    HST 103 European History 3.0
    ENG 211 Morphology and Syntax 3.0
    GPL 101 Government and Politics of Bangladesh 3.0
  • Third Year : Semester I
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    ENG 301 English for Professional Purposes 3.0
    ENG 303 Aesthetics and Literary Movements 3.0
    ENG 305 Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century English Literature 3.0
    ENG 307 Advanced Expository Writings 3.0
    PHL 101 Western Thoughts 3.0
  • Third Year : Semester II
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    ENG 309 Restoration and 18th Century English Literature 3.0
    PHL 103 Eastern Thoughts 3.0
    ENG 311 The Romantic Poets 3.0
    ENG 313 Victorian Poetry 3.0
    ENG 315 Victorian Fiction 3.0
  • Fourth Year : Semester I
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    ENG 401 English Language Teaching (ELT) 3.0
    ENG 403 English Literary Theory 3.0
    ENG 405 American Literature 3.0
    ENG 407 Greek and Latin Classics in Translation 3.0
    ENG 409 Structure of English 3.0
  • Fourth Year : Semester II
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    ENG 411 Modern English Drama 3.0
    ENG 413 Modern English Novel 3.0
    ENG 415 Modern English Poetry 3.0
      Elective Course I 3.0
      Elective Course II 3.0
  • Elective Courses:
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    ENG 417 Comparative Literature 3.0
    ENG 419 Development of Modern English Language 3.0
    ENG 421 South Asian Literature 3.0
    ENG 423 World Classics 3.0
    ENG 400 Project / Thesis 3.0
    ENG 402 Viva Voce (Comprehensive) 3.0
      Total Credits required for degree


  • Detailed Syllabus


    [Courses common with other faculties are not repeated here]

    BAN 101:          Introduction to Bangla Bhasha                               3 Credits 

    Hum 101:     English-1 (Oral and written Communication Skills)                                           3 Credits


    Grammatical Focus: Grammatical and Structural aspects covering Parts of Speech, Tense, Voice, Clause,

    Preposition, Degrees of Comparison, Synonyms and Antonyms, etc; identifying and Analyzing Grammatical errors including errors in Spelling and Punctuation.

    Reading: Vocabulary Building; Comprehension; Interpretation; Summarizing

    Writing: Letter Writing – Formal, Informal; Accepting and Declining Invitations; Paragraph Writing,

    Precise Writing, Essay Writing

    Speaking: Interactive Communication like Introducing Self, Greetings, Conversations, etc; Pronunciation:

    Appropriate stress, intonation, clarity

    Listening: Understanding – Spoken English, Formal English; Exercises


    1. Jones L., Alexander R., New International Business English (Communication Skills in English for Business Purposes), Cambridge University Press.
    2. NCERT, Knowing about English – A Book of Grammar and Phonology
    3. NCERT, Working with English – A Workbook

    ENG 101:          Introduction to English Literature I            3 Credits


    Shakespeare                 :   “Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s day”;

    “My Mistress’s Eyes are Nothing Like theSun.”

    Donne                            :   “The Sunne Rising”; “Canonization.”

    1. B. Shelley : “The Ode to the West Wind”

    John Keats                    :   “Ode on a Grecian Urn.”, “To Autumn”

    Tennyson                      :   “Ulysses”, “The Lotos-Eaters”

    Browning                       :   “My Last Duchess”, “Fra Lippo Lippi”

    Eliot                                :   “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.”

    Emily Dickinson          :   “I like to see it Lap the Miles”; “Because I could not stop for Death”



    Books Recommended:

    1. Brooks and R.P. Warren : Understanding Poetry
    2. Shapiro and Beum : A Prosody Handbook
    3. Boulton : Anatomy of Poetry
    1. M.H. Abrams :  A Glossary of Literary Terms
    2. X.J. Kennedy :  An Introduction to Poetry, Fiction and Drama.
    3. Pranab kanti Deb      :An Approach to the study of English Literature

    HUM-111 Bangladesh Studies : History and Society of Bangladesh                   3 Credits


    Bangladesh-Geography of Bangladesh-History of Bangladesh: ancient, medieval, British periods, politics of 1930’s and 1940’s, Language movement, 6-point & 11-point programs, liberation war and emergence of Bangladesh and constitutional transformation of the state. Social structure of Bangladesh-Social problems such as repression of women, eve-teasing, urbanization, terrorism, communalism, corruption etc.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Bangladesh Encyclopedia (English Version)
    2. History of Bengal (English Version)   –   K. Ali
    3. History of Bengal (English Version)   –   Majumder
    4. Economy of Bangladesh (Economic Journal)

    CSE-100 Computer Skills                                                              3 Credits


    Computer fundamentals: Computer Hardware and Software: Role of information in business: Historical Review, Current Trends, Use of IT in different functional Area: Management, Finance, and Accounting, Production, Marketing, Introduction to WINDOWS; MS- Word, Excel; MS PowerPoint, MS Access; Financial Management Application in MS Excel, CRM application in MS Access, Financial Analysis and Planning Template in MS-Excel, Bulk Mailing Application in MS Word, Business Presentation by MS PowerPoint.

    Books Recommended:

    Norton: Introduction to Computer

    HUM 103: English II: (Language Composition and Comprehension) 3 credits

    Grammar – Expressing in Style: Words often Confused; One-word substitution; Phrases; Idioms.

    Advanced Reading: Understanding business-related correspondences; Comprehension of factual material; Interpreting Visual Information: Tables, Graphs, Charts; Speed Reading.

    Effective Writing: Business Correspondences (Letter, Fax, e-mail) for making enquiries, placing Orders, Asking and Giving Information, Registering Complaints, Handling Complaints; Drafting notices;

    Drafting Advertisements: Job Applications

    Speaking: Business Etiquettes; Impromptu Speech; Debate; Role Play; Presentations

    Listening: Business-related Conversations; Exercises

    Book Recommended:

    1. A. Ashley: A Handbook of Commercial Correspondence, OUP
    2. M. Monipatty: The Craft of Business Letter Writing, Tata McGraw Hill
    3. K. Mohan and M. Banerjee : Developing Communication Skills, Macmillan
    4. M. Osborn and S. Osborn : Public Speaking, AITBS Publishers
    5. M.A. Rizvi : Effective Technical Communication, Tata McGraw-Hill

    ENG 103:          Introduction to Linguistics                   3 Credits

    Language: Definition and Characteristics; Origins of Language, Society and Culture; History of English Language and the Study of English Language Changes ; Different Branches of Linguistics; Phonetics, Morphology, Syntax and Semantics; Relationship between Linguistics and Literature; Role of Linguistics in Language Teaching ; Second Language Acquisition / Learning; Recent Developments in Linguistics.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Victoria Framkin: An Introduction to Language
    2. John Lyon: Language and Linguistics
    3. Dr Varshney: A Introductory Text Book of Linguistics and Phonetics
    4. J Richard & J Plot: Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics
    5. R L Trash: A Student Dictionary of Language and Linguistics


    ENG 105:          Critical Appreciation, Rhetoric and Prosody       3 Credits 

    Summary and Interpretation: Narrative prediction; language, dialogue and setting; sound patterns and interpretation; literary and non-literary language; word patterns; stylistic analysis, Analyzing poetry and prose for sound, sense, imagery, structure, rhetoric and prosody.


    Books Recommended:

    1. M H Abrahams: A Glossary of Literary Terms
    2. Bose and Sterling: Elements of Rhetoric and Prosody
    3. M Boulton: Anatomy of Poetry & Anatomy of Prose
    4. J A Cuddon: Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory
    5. Gopal Mallik Thakur: The Anatomy of Rhetoric and Prosody
    6. Rodger Fowler: A Dictionary of Modern Critical Terms
    7. Martin Stephen: English Literature: A student Guide

    HST 101:          Socio-Political and Cultural History of England         3 Credits 

    1. The Phoenicians’ Trade with the Britons: BC 200 – BC 79
    2. Roman Invasion by Julius Caesar’s Legionnaires: BC 79 – 449 AD?
    3. The Landing of Hengist and Horsa in Britain: 449 – 1066 (Anglo Saxon Period)
    4. The Norman Invasion: 1066 – 1400 (Anglo Norman Period)
    5. The Revival of Learning: 1400 – 1558 (The Renaissance)
    6. Elizabethan Age: 1550 – 1620
    7. The Puritan Age: 1620 – 1660
    8. Period of Restoration: 1660 – 1700
    9. The Eighteenth Century: 1700 – 1800
    10. The Union of the Great Britain and Ireland to Crimean War: 1800 – 1854
    11. The Victorian Age: 1850 – 1900
    12. Twentieth Century England upto the Second World War

    Books Recommended:

    1. Mahajan V. D : History of England.
    2. M. Trevelyan : A Shortened History of England
    3. M. Trevelyan : English Social History
    4. John Thorn, Roger Lockyer, David Smith : A History of England
    5. A.N. Johri : A Social History of England
    6. Ford, Boris : History of English Literature, 1 – 10

    ENG 107:          Introduction to English Literature II        3 Credits


    George Orwell                       :  “Shooting an Eelephant”

    1. K. Narayan : The Financial Expert

    Jane Austen                          : Pride and Prejudice

    William Golding                   : Lord of the Flies

    William Shakespeare          : A Midsummer Night’s Dream

    Bernard Shaw                      : Arms and the Man

    Books Recommended: 

    1. M. Forster : Aspects of the Novel
    2. B. Millett : Reading Fiction
    3. Boulton : Anatomy of Fiction; Anatomy of Prose
    4. J. Kennedy : An Introduction to Poetry, Fiction and Drama.
    5. Boulton : Anatomy of Drama
    6. T. Jones : Studying Drama, An Introduction
    7. I. Choudhury : Kabya Totto (Bangla Translation of Poetics)


    ENG 204: Language Skills: Reading and Writing                   3 Credits 


    Argument and Persuasion – Students will learn to define terms, develop a thesis statement, structure an argument, perform induction and deduction, refute opposing arguments, and examine the different strategies of persuasion. Reader’s Theater, Jigsaw Reading.


    Developing a Sense of Mechanics- Students will focus on word choice, sentence variety, and paragraph structure.

    Translation – Students will translate passage from Bangla into English.

    Reading short stories, novels, dramas and poetry.


    Writing the Research Paper – Students will learn how to use library sources, take notes from reading, use quotations, document sources, use footnotes. Intensive and Extensive Reading; Critical Analysis and Interpretation of Texts. Essays ; Report Writing; Book Reviews ; Research Papers.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Joseph Gibaldi : MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. Fifth edition, NY: The Modern Language ; Association of America, 1999
    2. Cook G : Discourse and Literature
    3. Levinson : Pragmatics
    1. Sharma, R.C & Mohan, K. Business Correspondence and Report Writing (2nd Ed.), New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 1999.
    2. Heffernan, A.W.J. Writing: A College Handbook, Fifth Edition, New York and London: Norton, 2000.



    BAN 103:          Introduction to Bangla Sahitya         3 Credits 

    h¡wm¡ p¡¢qaÉ :  ¢h¢iæ d¡l¡l p¡¢qaÉ J p¡¢q¢aÉL f¢l¢Q¢a, p¡¢q­aÉl N¢afÐLª¢al p¡j¡¢SL, l¡S¯e¢aL J p¡wúª¢aL


    L¢ha¡:      Bd¤¢eL k¤N (jd¤p§ce ®b­L haÑj¡e na¡ë£l o¡­Vl cnL)

    j¡C­Lm jd¤p§ce cš    x hঙ্গঁভূমির প্রতি

    lh£¾cÐe¡b W¡L¤l x hm¡L¡

    L¡S£ eSl¦m Cpm¡j x ¢h­â¡q£

    S£he¡e¾c c¡n       x hema¡ ®pe

    Sp£j EcÚc£e         x Lhl

    p¤L¡¿¹ iVÊ¡Q¡kÑ  x R¡sfœ

    n¡jp¤l l¡qj¡e            x ­ghЦu¡l£ 1969

    e¡VL x

    j¤e£l ®Q±d¤l£      x Lhl

    R¡V NÒf x

    lh£¾cÐe¡b W¡L¤l x r¤¢da f¡o¡Z

    ¢hi§¢ai§oZ h­¾c¡f¡dÉ¡u     x f¤yC j¡Q¡

    ¯puc j¤Sah¡ Bm£ x f¡cV£L¡

    q¡p¡e B¢SS¤m qL    x BaÈS¡ J HL¢V Llh£ N¡R

    ¯puc Ju¡¢mEõ¡q  x eue Q¡l¡

    fÐhå J ee-¢gLne NcÉp¡¢qaÉ x

    qlfÐp¡c n¡Ù»£       x °am

    lh£¾cÐe¡b W¡L¤l x nСhe påÉ¡

    j¡a¡­ql ®q¡­pe ®Q±d¤l£       x pwúª¢aLb¡z


    Efeɡp x

    lh£¾cÐe¡b W¡L¤l x ®n­ol L¢ha¡

    ®hNj ­l¡­Lu¡           x p¤ma¡e¡l üfÀ


    pq¡uL NË¿Û x

    1z B­e¡u¡l f¡n¡ : lh£¾cÐ ®R¡V NÒf pj£r¡ (1j J 2u Mä)

    2z fÐjbe¡b ¢hn£ : lh£¾cÐe¡b W¡L¤l

    3z jep¤l j¤p¡ : f§hÑ h¡wm¡l EfeÉ¡p

    4z j¢el¦‹¡j¡e-pÇf¡¢ca : p¡S¡q¡e

    5z j¤q¡Çjc Bhc¤m q¡C J ®j¡q¡Çjc

    j¢el¦‹¡j¡e-pÇf¡¢ca : p¡S¡q¡e

    6z l¢gLEõ¡q M¡e : h¡wm¡­c­nl EfeÉ¡p : ¢hou J ¢nÒfl¦f

    7z p¤e£m L¤j¡l j­M¡f¡dÉ¡u : Sp£jEŸ£e

    ENG 203:          Phonetics and Phonology           3 Credits

    Phonetics- Articulatory and acoustic phonetics; the organs of speech; IPA symbols; description of consonants and vowels of different languages; contrastive study of English and Bengali speech sounds; cardinal vowels; English short vowels, long vowels and diphthongs; English plosives, fricatives, affricates and nasals.

    Phonology –Defining phone, allophone and phoneme. Supra-segmental phonology-voice quality and voice dynamics.

    Phonemic transcription – stress – the nature of stress; factors of stress prominence; weak and strong forms

    Intonation system in English; Functions intonation; structure of tone unit; high and low heads; pitch possibilities in the simple tone unit ; semantics of information; transcription of utterances , assigning stress marks and showing intonation.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Peter Roach: English Phonetics and Phonology
    2. Allan Cruttenden: Pronunciation in English
    3. A C Grimson: An Introduction to Pronunciation of English
    4. David Abercrombie: Elements of General Phonetics
    5. Dr Varshney: An Introductory Text Book of Linguistics and Phonetics
    6. David Crystal: A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics


    ENG 205:          History of English Literature       3 Credits

    1. Introduction
    2. The Anglo-Saxon or the Old English Period
    3. The Anglo-Norman Period
    4. The Age of Chaucer
    5. The Elizabethan Period
    6. The Puritan Age
    7. The Restoration Period
    8. Eighteenth Century
    9. The Romantic Age
    10. The Victorian Age
    11. The 20th Century Literature
    12. Modernism and Postmodernism

    Books Recommended:

    1. Edmonds, E.W :A Historical Summary of English Literature
    2. Hudson, W. H : An Outline History of English Literature.
    3. Long, J. W : English Literature.
    4. Batson, F. W : A Guide to English Literature. Long man
    5. George Watson (ed.): Concise Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature.
    6. Legouis and Cazamian : History of English Literature.
    7. Cambridge History of English Literature.
    8. Oxford History of English Literature.
    9. Sampson : The Concise Cambridge History of English Literature.
    10. Daiches, David : A Critical History of English Literature. (2 volumes).
    11. Ford, Boris : History of English Literature. (6 volumes)
    12. Macfarlane and Brodberry : Modernism
    13. Healey, S : Postmodern for the Beginners.






    ENG 206: Language Skills: listening and speaking                     3 Credits


    Language –as a means of Communication, Oral Communication: nature, function and types, Advantages and disadvantages. Guidelines for effective oral communication.

    Listening and Speaking: Features of language for listening and speaking: Phonetic features, Grammar, Vocabulary, Audience awareness, Context; Speaker- listener rapport; Body language: Perspectives, importance and types; Advantages and limitations; Effective use of body language; Guidelines for improving listening and speaking skills.

    Situations and tasks: Interview, Telephonic conversation, Discussion, Presentation, Debate, Conversation, Public speaking, storytelling  and  retelling , role – play, simulation, giving impromptu  talk, teaching Listening through “Listen and Do” songs etc


    Books Recommended:

    1. Friederike   klippel :  keep Talking
    2. Mantin Bygate :  Speaking
    3. Oconnor, J.D          :  Better English Pronunciation
    4. Pease, A.                 : Body Language (New Ed.)
    5. Gordon, R.L. : Interviewing Strategy, Techniques and Tactics.


    ENG 209:          Anglo-Saxon and Medieval English Literature     3 Credits

    1. Beowulf
    2. The Seafarer
    3. The Wanderer
    4. 14th Century Lyrics : Selected Pieces from Sisam’s edition
    5. Malory : The Tale of the Death of King Arthur. Ed. Vinaver
    6. Chaucer : Prologue to The Canterbury Tales

    Books Recommended:

    1. Long, W. J : English Literature
    2. Gordon, R.K : Anglo-Saxon Poetry. Everyman’s Library.
    3. Penguin Classics: Beowulf.
    4. Penguin Classics: The Earliest English Poems.
    5. Penguin Classics: Medieval English Verse.
    6. Renwick & Orton : The Beginnings of English Literature.
    7. Wardel : Chapters on Old English Literature.
    8. Penguin Classics: The History of English Church: Bede
    9. Anderson, G. K : The Literature of the Anglo-Saxons.

    HST 103:          European History       3   Credits 


      1. Classical Greece
      2. The Renaissance
      3. The Reformation
      4. The Enlightenment
      5. The French Revolution
      6. World War I



    1. France on the eve of the Revolution of 1789: Political, Social, Economic conditions and the writings of the intellectuals.
    2. Beginning of the Revolution and the Works of the National Constituent Assembly (1789-1791)
    3. Reign of Terror (1793-94)
    4. France under the Directory (1795-1799) and Napoleon’s Coming to Power.
    5. Reformation of Napoleon Bonaparte.
    6. Continental System and the Downfall of Napoleon.
    7. The Congress of Vienna, 1815.
    8. Metternich: Internal and Foreign Policies.
    9. July Revolution, 1830.
    10. February Revolution, 1848
    11. Unification of Italy
    12. Unification of Germany.
    13. The Eastern Question : Crimean War and the Treaty of Berlin.
    14. Czar Alexander II
    15. Bolshevik Revolution. 1917
    16. Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles, 1919-1920
    17. The Emergence of Dictatorship in Europe.
    18. World War II

    Books Recommended: 

    1. M. Burns: Western Civilization: Their History and Their Cultures.
    2. Ergang : Europe from the Renaissance to Waterloo
    3. Hayes: Political and Cultural History of Modern Europe (Vols. I & II)
    4. Riker: A History of Modern Europe
    5. Lipson: Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries
    6. Thomson: Europe since Napoleon
    7. Hazen: Europe since 1815
    8. Kettelbey: A History of Modern Times from 1789
    9. Grant and Temperley: Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries
    10. Holland Rose: Revolutionary & Napoleonic Era
    11. A. Crain: Europe Since 1815
    12. F. M. Sayeed : Europe Between the Two World Wars.
    13. Chambers, Harris and Bayley: This Age of Conflict

    ENG 211:          Morphology and Syntax           3 Credits 

    Words: Definition and Classification ; Word Formation, Processes

    Morpheme and Morphology : Types of Morphemes; Morphs and Allomorphs; Bloomfieldian Concept of Morpheme and Its Subsequent Modilication; Morphological Processes

    Grammar: Definition and Types; Grammaticality and Syntax; Syntactic Rules and Syntactic Category.

    Grammatical Categories: Meaning, kinds , Primary and Secondary Categories, Person, Number, Gender, Case, Voice, Mood, Tense.

    Complex Noun Phrases – Pre- modifier, Head and Post – modifier

    Clause Structure: Subordination: Subordinate and Superordinate Clause, Subordinate and Time, Tense and Aspect

    Syntactic Analysis: Immediate Constituent Analysis: Phrase Structure Grammar, Case Grammar

    Transformational Generative Grammar: The Components; Standard Theory of Chomsky and Modified Theory of Chomsky

    Books Recommended:

    1. Bailey, Dudley (1965): Introductory Language Essays. New York: Norton & Company Inc.
    2. Bauer, Lamie (1988): Introducing Linguistics Morphology, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University
    3. Chomsky, Noam (1957): Syntactic Structures. The Hague : Mouton
    4. Chomsky, Noam (1965): Aspects of the Theory of Syntax, Cambridge, Mass: MLT Press
    5. Cook V. J. (1988): Chomsky’s Universal Grammar. Oxford : Basis Blackwel’ Ltd.
    6. Grecubaum, Sidney and Randolph Quirk (1990): A student’s Grammar of the English Language Singapore’ Pearson Education Ltd.
    7. Leech, Geoffrey and Jan Svartvik. (2000): A communicative Grammar of English Lissex: Pearson Education Ltd.
    8. Palmer, Frank (1984): London : Penguin
    9. Quirk, R. S. S. Gr eenbaum, G Lecch and J. Svartvik. (1985): A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. London: Longman
    10. Quirk, Randolph and Sidney Greenbaum (1973): A University Grammar of English Essex: Pearson Education Ltd.
    11. Radford, Andrew (1988): Transnational Grammar. Cambridge: Cambridge University

    GPL 101:          Government and Politics of Bangladesh      3 Credits

    Form of government in Bangladesh – History of relevant amendments of constitution leading to parliamentary form of government – Relationship among Parliament, Executive and Judiciary in Bangladesh –Powers of President and Prime minister– Separation of Judiciary from Executive – Parliamentary committees – Role of Opposition – Female seats in parliament – Concept of caretaker government – Election and Election Commission – Role of bureaucracy in Bangladesh – Local governments, their present position and expected role – Political parties in Bangladesh – Manifestoes of major parties – Pluralistic democracy.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Harold J. Laski: The State in Theory and Practice.
    2. Harole J. Laski: A Grammar of Politics.
    3. Judd Harmon: Political Thought from Plato to the Present.
    4. I. J. Rosenthal: Political Thought in Medieval Islam
    5. Majid Khadduri: Political Trends in the Arab World.
    6. David Spitz: Political Theory and Social Change (9th)
    7. Morris Janowitz: The Military in the Political Development of New Nation.
    8. E. Wiloughby: Government of Modern State,
    9. Finer: Theory and Practice of Modern Government.


    ENG 301:          English for Professional Purposes                3 Credits

    Business Reports: Business Letters; Job Applications; Internal Memoranda; Translation; Editing ; Developing Press Copies ; Notice, Minutes and Note of Dissent, Draft Writing.

    Books Recommended:

    1. C. Sharma and K. Mohan: Business Correspondence and Report Writing
    2. M. Maniruzzaman : Basic English Language Skills
    3. S. Baugh, M. Fryar and D. A. Thomas: How to Write First Class Business Correspondence
    4. V. Lesikar and J. D. Pettit. Jr. : Business Communication 😛 Theory and Application
    5. Pal and J. S. Korlahalli : Essentials of Business Communication

    ENG 303:          Aesthetics and Literary Movements         3 Credits

    1. Classicism
    2. Neo-Classicism
    3. Romanticism
    4. Art for Art’s Sake
    5. Realism
    6. Naturalism
    7. Anger/Hungry
    8. Expressionism
    9. Stream of Consciousness
    10. Surrealism
    11. Imagism
    12. Symbolism
    13. The Absurd

    Books Recommended: 

    1. Chadwick, Owen : The Secularization of the European Mind in the 19th Century
    2. Cuddon, J. A : The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory.

    ENG 305:          Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century English Literature      3 Credits 

    Spenser                 : The Faerie Queen, Bk. 1

    Bacon                   : Essays: ‘‘Of Friends’’, ‘‘Of Truth’’.

    Thomas Kyd       : The Spanish Tragedy

    Marlowe               : Doctor Faustus

    Shakespeare        : Macbeth

    Donne                   : As in Grierson’s Metaphysical Lyrics and Poems

    (Except ‘‘The Sunne Rising’’ and ‘‘Canonization’’)

    Marvell                 : As in Grierson’s Metaphysical Lyrics and Poems

    Milton                   : Paradise Lost, Books IX and X.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Alvarez: The School of Donne
    2. J. Smith: Donne: Songs and Sonnets
    3. Willey: Seventeenth Century Background
    4. M. Tillyard: Milton
    5. R. Wilson: Seventeenth Century English Prose
    6. K. Hunter: Paradise Lost
    7. J. Grierson: Cross Currents in English Literature of the 17th Century
    8. Bayley, Spenser: Fairie Queen
    9. The Pelican Guide to English Literature Vol.3
    10. C. Bradeley: Shakespearian Tragedy
    11. L. Lucas: Seneca and Elizabethan Tragedy
    12. B. Harrison: Introducing Shakespeare
    13. Salinger: Shakespeare and the Traditions of Comedy
    14. C. Bradbook: Themes and Conventions of Elizabethan Tragedy
    15. N. Rabkin (ed.): Twentieth Century Interpretations of the Duchess of Malfi.

    ENG 307:          Advanced Expository Writings        3 Credits

    Current practices in such forms as essay, commentary, magazine article:

    Students will develop writing skills and engage in different types of writing activities .

    1. Developing writing skills with emphasis on vocabulary

    and structure.

    1. Moving from process to product.
    2. Pre-writing
      1. Reading relevant texts to facilitate writing.
      2. Brainstorming, discussing, debating to formulate ideas.
      3. Working out a plan
      4. a) Developing a topic
      5. b) Making a thesis statement
      6. Outlining
      7. Composing (controlled to free writing)
      8. Revising and Editing
      9. Different types of writing
      10. Situational writing
      11. Expository writing
      12. Academic writing
      13. Different writing tasks
    3. Paragraph writing
    4. Essay writing
    5. Writing reports
    6. Letter writing both informal and formal.

    Grammar in Use: While grammar will generally be taught in context, some attention to grammar may be necessary at this stage. The following aspects may be taught.

    • Articles
    • Verb patterns
    • Tenses
    • Sentence combining – subordinating and coordination
    • Conditional sentences
    • The infinitive, gerund, and participle
    • Subject – verb agreement.

    Books Recommended:

    1. George E : Wishon & Julia M. Burks: Let’s Write English
    2. Maurice Imhoof and Herman Hudson: From Paragraph to Essay.
    3. Sue Lorch Basic Writing: A Practical Approach
    4. M. Maniruzzaman: Advanced Reading and Writing Skills
    5. Haque, M.Z : Advanced Reading and Writing, The Easy Way


    PHL101:           Western Thoughts        3 Credits 

    The Greeks and the Romans: The Pre-Socratics, Plato, Aristotle, Stoics, Epicureans, Cynics, Skeptics

    The Medieval World View

    The Renaissance: Erasmus, More, Machiavelli, Bacon

    The Reformation and The Counter-Reformation

    The Rise of Modern Science: Copernicus, Galileo, Newton

    The Rise of Modern Philosophy: Descartes, Hobbes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke

    The Enlightenment and 18th Century Thought: The Philosophies, Berkeley, Hume. Burke, Adam Smith, Malthus, Rousseau, Kant.

    Romanticism and the French Revolution

    Mary Wollstonecraft and the Birth of Feminism

    The American War of Independence and Democracy

    19th – Century Thought: Hegel, Marx and Socialism, Utilitarianism, Darwin and the Theory of Evolution, Positivism (Comte), Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Feminism.

    20th Century Thought: Bergson and Creative Evolution Pragmatism, Modern Analytical Philosophy and the Scientific World-View, Modern Psychology (Freud, Jung and Psychoanalysis. Behaviorism, Gestalt Psychology), Existentialism, Feminism.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Russell: History of Western Philosophy
    2. Russell: The Wisdom of the West
    3. The Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    4. Scruton: A short History of Modern Philosophy
    5. Radhakrishnan: ed. History of Philosophy, East
    6. Bronowsk:: The Western Intellectual Tradition
    7. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
    8. Will and Ariel Durant: The Story of Philosophy
    9. Entries in Encyclopedia Britannica

    ENG 309:          Restoration and 18th Century English Literature       3 Credits

    Dryden                           : MacFlecknoe

    Defoe                             : Robinson Crusoe

    Swift                               : Gulliver’s Travels

    Addison & Steele         : Coverley Papers (Selections)

    Pope                               : The Rape of the Lock

    Johnson                         : Life of Cowley

    Congreve                       : The Way of the World

    Sheridan                        : The Rivals

    PHL 103:          Eastern Thoughts         3 Credits


    Indian: The Vedas, The Upanishads, Buddhism, Jainism, Carvaka, The Six Orthodox Schools, Sankhya-Yoga, Mimansa-Vedanta, Nyaya-Vaisesikha, Bhakti, Indian Aesthetics.

    Chinese / Japanese: Taoism, Confucianism. Zen Buddhism.

    Islamic: School of Muslim Philosophy, Muslim Contribution to Western

    Thought, Sufism.

    Books Recommended: 

    1. M. Hiriyanna : Outline of Indian Philosophy ; Essentials of Indian Philosophy
    2. S. Radhakrishnan : Indian Philosophy ; History of Philosophy, Eastern and Western.
    3. A. Watts : The Way of Zen
    4. E. Dimock, et. al. : The Literature of India
    5. H. G. Creel : Chinese Thought: From Confucius to Mao Tse—tung
    6. T.J. de Boer : The History of Philosophy in Islam
    7. The Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    8. Encyclopedia Britannica

    ENG 311:          The Romantic Poets         3 Credits 


    Blake                       :   Songs of Innocence and Experience

    Wordsworth           :   Prelude I; “Tintern Abbey”; “Immortality Ode”; “Michael”; “She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways”; “Three Years She Grew”; “A Slumber Did My Spirits Seal”

    Coleridge                :   The Rime of the Ancient Mariner; “Kubla Khan”; “Christabel”; “Dejection: An Ode”

    Byron                      :   Don Juan I & II

    Shelley                    :   Adonais; “Ode to a Skylark”, “The Cloud”.

    Keats                       :   “The Eve of St. Agnes”, “Ode to a Nightingale”, “Ode to Psyche”, “Ode on a Melancholy”.

    Books  Recommended:

    1. B. Pinion : A Wordsworth Companion
    2. C. Bowra : The Romantic Imagination
    3. H. Abrams (ed) : English Romantic Poets
    4. Frye : A Study of English Romanticism
    5. Elton : A Survey of English Literature: 1780-1830
    6. Hodgart : Preface to Shelley






    ENG 313:          Victorian Poetry     3 Credits 

    Tennyson                        :   In Memoriam (Selections), “Tithonus”; “Locksley Hall”;

    Browning                         :   “Porphyria’s Lover”, “Andrea del sarto”; “A Grammarian’s Funeral”; “Rabbi Ben Ezra”.

    Browning, Elizabeth B  :   Sonnets from Portuguese 13, 14 & 21.

    Arnold                              : “Thyrsis”; “The Scholar-Gipsy”; “Rugby Chapel” ; “Dover Beach”;

    Hopkins                               : Selected Poems

    Books Recommended: 

    1. Walker, Hugh : The Literature of the Victorian Era.
    2. Elton, Oliver : A Survey of English Literature (1830-1880)
    3. Brandes, George : Main Currents in the 19th Century Literature



    ENG 315:          Victorian Fiction       3 Credits 

    1. M. Thackeray : Vanity Fair

    Charles Dickens       : Great Expectations

    Charlotte Bronte     : Jane Eyre

    Emily Bronte            : Wuthering Heights

    George Eliot              : Silas Marner

    Thomas Hardy        : Tess of the D’Urbervilles

    Books Recommended: 

    1. Cecil, David : Early Victorian Novelists.
    2. Brandis, George : Main Currents in the 19th Century Literature Vol.:4
    3. Walker, Hugh : The Literature of the Victorian Era
    4. Elton, Oliver : A Survey of English Literature: 1830-1880
    5. Forster, E. M : Aspects of Novel
    6. Allen, Walter : The English Novel.

    ENG 401:          English Language Teaching (ELT)            3 Credits 

    This paper aims at familiarizing students with the theories and practices of English language teaching with a view to preparing them to be effective language teachers. This paper will include the following:

    Approaches, Methods and Techniques in ELT: History of ELT Grammar-Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-Lingual Method, Chomskyan, Revolution and Contemporary Methods, The Communicative Approach and the Natural Approach. Teaching and Testing the Four Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

    Testing: Language Testing – Purposes and kinds – General Principles- Norm – reference and criterion – referenced measurement – Some general requirements for tests: reliability and validity – Ways to estimate reliability – Factors affecting reliability – Types of validity – Factors influencing validity – Ways of assessing different skills. Designing language test formats: multiple choice, close tests, open-ended tests, etc.

    Syllabus Design: Purpose, types, factors, construction. Needs Analysis and syllabus design: a learner centred approach: designing lesson plans, class observation, experimental teaching and feedback. Designing syllabuses for students at different levels.

    Error Analysis: The concept of Error – Description and explanation of Error – Significance of Error Analysis – Limitations of Error Analysis.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Hughes 1989 : Testing for Language Teachers. CUP
    2. Tomlinson (ed.). 1998 : Materials Development in Language teaching. CUP
    3. C. Richards and T. S. Rodgers. 1986 : Approaches and methods in Language Teaching. CUP
    4. Ur. 1996 : A Course in Language Teaching. CUP
    5. V. White. 1988 : The ELT Curriculum. Oxford: Blackwell
    6. 1991 : Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom. OUP
    7. Harmer. 1983 : The Practices of English Language Teaching Longman.
    1. Roy, Himadri Sekhar & Mahmud, Rashed. Syllabus, Curriculum and Material Design.



    ENG 403:          English Literary Theory                     3 Credits

    Dryden                : Preface to the Fables

    Johnson              : Preface to Shakespeare

    Wordsworth       : Preface to the Lyrical Ballads

    Coleridge            :  Biographia Literaria

    (Chapters xiii, xiv, xv, xvii)

    Eliot                     : Tradition and the Individual

    Talent; The Metaphysical Poets

    Arnold                 : The Study of Poetry

    Said                     : Introduction to Orientalism

    Spivak                : Three Women’s Texts and a Critique of Imperialism


    Books Recommended: 

    1. Wimsal & Brooks : Literary Criticism: A Short History.
    2. Richards, A: Principles of Literary Criticism
    3. Wellek, Rene : The Rise of English Literary History.
    4. Warren, Austen. & Wellek, Rene : Theory of Literature.
    5. Polts, T.D : Poetics: Aristotle.


    ENG 405:          American Literature                 3 Credits 

    Emerson                 : The American Scholar

    Walt Whitman       : Song of Myself

    Emily Dickinson    : Selections

    Frost                        : Selections

    Hemingway                          : A Farewell to Arms

    Toni Morrison        : The Bluest Eye

    Eugene O’Neill       : Emperor Jones

    Arthur Miller          : The Death of a Salesman

    Books Recommended: 

    1. Aldridge, John : After the Lost Generation: A Critical Study of the Writers of Two Wars. 1951.
    2. Hoffman J : Freudianism and the Literary Mind. 1957
    3. Klein, Marcus. Foreigners: The Making of American Literature
    4. Singal, J. Daniel : The War Within: From Victorian to Modernist Thought in the South 1919-1945. 1982
    5. Bigsby, C.W.E : A Critical Introduction to Twentieth Century American Drama. Vol: 1,1985
    6. O’Neil and His Plays: Four Decades of Criticism. Ed. Cargil, Oscar. 1962
    7. Day. Christine and Woods, Bob. (ed.) 1978 : Where I Live: Selected Essays..
    8. Miller, James : Eugene O’Neil and the American Critic. 1962
    9. Ranald, L. M : The Eugene O’Neil Companion. 1984.
    10. Quinn, Arthur : A History of the American Drama from the Civil War to the Present Day.
    11. Moss, P. Sydney : The Critic in the Context of His Literary Milieu.
    12. Poe: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Regan, Robert.
    13. Kaplan, Justin : Walt Whitman: A Life.
    14. Kaplan, Justin : A Reader’s Guide to Walt Whitman.
    15. Kaplan, Justin : New Whitman Handbook.
    16. Miller, J. (ed.) : Whitman’s ‘Song of Myself’: Origin, Growth, Meaning.
    17. Cook, L. Regiland : The Dimensions of Robert Frost.
    18. Smythe, Daniel : Robert Frost Speaks.
    19. Mertin, Louis : Robert Frost: Life and Talks – Walking
    20. Creeley, Robert : A Quick Graph.
    21. Jarrel, Randall : Poetry and the Age.
    22. Roy, Himadri Sekhar. Arthur Miller and Modern American Drama.



    ENG 407:          Greek and Latin Classics in Translation             3 Credits 

    Homer                     : The lliad

    Aeschylus               : Agamemnon

    Sophocles               : Electra

    Seneca                    : Thyestes

    Euripides                 : Alcestis

    Aristophanes          : Frogs

    Books Recommended:

    1. Maurice B. Bc Namee: S.J., Homer and the Epic Hero
    2. H. M. Chadwick: The Heroic Age
    3. Paul Merchant: The Epic
    4. H.D.F. Kitto: Form and Meaning in Drama –Greek Tragedy
    5. Eric Segal:Oxford Readings in Greek Tragedy
    6. A.E. Haigh: Tragic Drama of the Greeks
    7. C.H. Whitman: Aristophanes and the Comic Hero
    8. W. W. Lawrence: Beowulf and the Epic Tradition
    9. John Jones: Aristotle and Greek Tragedy


    ENG 409:          Structure of English            3 Credits  

    Nouns: Position and Function –Noun Classes: count, non-count, proper nouns. Determinatives: Pre-deteminers,  central determiners, post-determiners. The use of Articles

    Verb: Major verb classes-time, tense and the verb. Sequence of Tenses-Conditional.

    Adverbs: Characteristics of the adverb – the adverb as a clause, element-the adverb and other word classes-syntactic functions of adverbs – correspondence between adjectives and adverbs – comparison of adjectives and adverbs.

    Adjectives: Characteristics of the adjective – central and peripheral adjectives – the adjective in relation to other word classes – syntactic function of adjectives – syntactic and semantic sub-classification of adjectives.

    Adverbial Phrases Adjectival Phrases – Prepositional Phrases – verb phrases.

    Tensed, Non-Tensed and Verbless Clauses.

    Voice – Principles of Passivization – Voice Constraints.

    Operators and traditional interpretation of the use and usage of modals.

    Recommended Books:

    1. S Hornby: Oxford Ledarner’s Dictonary of Current English
    2. J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet: A Practical English Grammar
    3. Maurice Imhoof and Herman Hudson: From Paragraph to Essay
    4. Clive Taylor: Advancing Language Skills
    5. Bernard Lott: A Course in English Language and Literature
    6. John Arnold and Jeremy Harmer: Advanced Writing Skills
    7. Simon Greenall and Michael Swan: Effective Reading
    8. Ann Baker: Ship or Sheep
    9. Thomas E. Tyner: Writing Voyage: An Integrated Process Approach to Basic Writing
    10. Robert O’Neill and Roger Scott: View Points: Interviews for Listening.

    ENG 411:          Modern English Drama                      3 Credits

    1. B. Shaw : Pygmalion
    2. M. Synge : The Playboy of the Western World
    3. Beckett : Waiting for Godot

    John Osborne         : Look back in Anger

    Harold Pinter         : The Birthday Party

    ENG 413:          Modern English Novel                   3 Credits 

    Joseph Conrad         : Lord Jim

    1. M. Forster : A Passage to India

    James Joyce             : A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

    Virginia Woolf         : Mrs. Dalloway

    1. H. Lawrence : Sons and Lovers

    Doris Lessing            : The Grass is Singing

    Books Recommended: 

    1. Forster E. M : The Aspects of Novel.
    2. Lubbock, P : The Craft of Fiction

    ENG 415:          Modern English Poetry             3 Credits 

    1. B. Yeats : The Lake isle of Innis free, The Second Coming, Byzantium, Sailing to Byzantium, a Prayer for my Daughter, 1919, Easter 1916, Under Ben Bulben, The Municipal Gallery Revisited (Selections)
    2. S. Eliot : The Waste Land and Selections
    3. H. Auden : Lullaby, The Shield of Achilles , Musee des Beaux Arts. The Ballad of Miss Gee (Selections)

    Dylan Thomas    :   Selections

    Ted Hughes         :   Selections

    Seamus Heaney :   Selections


    Books Recommended: 

    1. Cunliffe, J. W : English Literature During the Last Half Century .
    2. Bowra, C. M : The Heritage of Symbolism
    3. Solapinta, V : Crisis in Modern Poetry.
    4. Betho and Dobree : The Victorian and After.
    5. Frazer, G. S : The Modern Writer and his World.


    Elective Courses:


    ENG 417:          Comparative Literature           3 Credits  

    Mahfouz, Naguib        : The Thief and The Dogs

    Mulk Raj Anand         : The Untouchables

    V.S. Naipaul                 : A House for Mr. Biswas

    Chinua Achebe            : Things Fall Apart

    Wole Soyinka               : The Lion and the Jewel

    Books Recommended: 

    1. Badawi, M. M : A Short History of Modern Arabic Literature.
    2. Schwartz, Howard : Lilith’s Cave : Jewish Tales of the Supernatural
    3. Schwartz, Howard : Gabriel’s Palace: Jewish Mystical Tales.
    4. Mack, Robert L. (ed.) : Arabian Night’s Entertainments.

    ENG 419:          Development of Modern English Language          3 Credits  

    Modern English Syntax, Emphasis and Standard English, other social and regional dialects; work with various grammars and dictionaries.

    Morphology: What is meant by Morphology? Types of Morphology-Morphemes-Morphs-Allomorphs-Phonological and Morphological Conditioning – Bloomfieldian concept of Morpheme and its subsequent modification-Morphological Processes.

    Traditional Concepts: Words Problems in defining a word-Problems in classification of words, inflection and syntax, Sentence, Clause and Phrase.

    Grammatical Categories: Meaning of Grammatical Categories-kinds of Grammatical Categories-Primary Categories and Secondary Categories (Person, Number, Gender, Case, Voice, Mood., Tense, Aspect).

    Noun phrase-Modality-Progressive Aspect-Perfective Aspect-Clause Structure-Subordination : Subordinate and Super ordinate Clauses, subordinate and Matrix Clauses-Finite, Non-finite and verbless clauses, Formal indicators of subordination, the verb phrase in subordinate clauses.

    Syntactic and Semantic functions of subordinate clauses; Functions of nominal clauses – syntactic functions of adverbial clauses- semantic roles of adverbial clauses-comparative clauses. Co-ordination-Negation – Performs and Ellipsis. Co-ordination – Negation – Performs and Ellipsis.

    Time, Tense and the Verb. Systems of Syntactic Analysis: Immediate Constituent Analysis – Phrase Structure Grammar- Transformational Generative Grammar- Case Grammar.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Martinet & Thomson.: A Practical English Grammar
    2. Hornby, A.S: The Oxford Learner’s Dictionary of Current English
    3. Cowie & Mackin: Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English.
    4. Hornby, A.S: Guide to Pattern and Usage of English
    5. Taylor, Clive: Advancing Language Skills
    6. Quirk & Others: A Grammar of Contemporary English
    7. Leech: Communicative Grammar of English


    ENG 421:          South Asian Literature            3 Credits

    Amitava Gosh       : The Shadow Lines

    Jhumpa Lahiri       : An Interpreter of Maladies

    Nissim Ezekiel       : Selections

    1. K. Narayan : The Guide

    Kaiser Huq             : Selections

    Anita Desai            : Clear Light of Day



    ENG 423:          World Classics               3 Credits 

    Aristotle                  : Poetics

    Virgil                        : The Aeneid

    1. Dostoevsky : Crime and Punishment

    Thomas Mann      : Magic Mountain

    Milan Kundera      : The Joke

    Books Recommended:

    1. Barnet, Burman, Burto, and Cain. Longman (ed.). XI edition :  An Introduction to Literature.
    2. Jerome Beaty and Paul Hunter (ed.) : The Norton Introduction to Literature.
    3. Webster, Miriam : Encyclopedia of Literature
    4. . Malcolm Bradbary (ed.) : Introduction to American Studies,
    5. Luedike, L. S : Making America : The Society and Culture of the United States.
    6. Mathiessen, F. O : American Renaissance
    7. Lewis , R : The American Adam.
    8. Tayler, M. C : History of American Literature : 1607 – 1765
    9. Chase, Richard : The American Novel .


    ENG 400:          Project / Thesis         3 Credits

    Each student will choose a relevant topic and on the basis of his extensive reading and research he

    will write an essay of 12,000 to 15,000 words to be submitted by the end of the final semester. The

    project work will be initiated under the supervision of a teacher from the beginning of the 4th year .


    ENG 402:          Viva Voce (Comprehensive)     3 Credits

    A student will face a board of internal and external experts for a

    Viva Voce. The student will be asked questions on topics from the whole gamut of courses covered.

Syllabus (MA in Eng. Literature)

  • Detailed Syllabus

      Syllabus for M. A. (Prel. and Final) in English

    “Master of Arts (Preliminary) in English” Program

    “M. A. (Preliminary) in English” Program is a 1-year Program spread over 2 semesters. This program is meant for those university graduates (Such as B. A. pass graduates or graduates with concentration on any discipline other than English) who did not concentrate on English so far but now wish to be specialized in English and acquire a degree with specialization in English. Successful completion of M. A. (Prel.) in English Program will enable a student to join M. A. (Final) in English Program.

    Proficiency in English has turned out to be indispensable for entry into almost every walk of life in the modern world. Irrespective of what may be the professional field, English nowadays is required by everyone. We therefore in Bangladesh need English everywhere in all courses of study. To meet this enormous demand Sylhet International University is launching this M. A. (Prel.) in English Program. This program will ensure solid ground for students in English Literature as well as English Language including ELT.

    Program Structure

    M.A. (Preliminary) in English Program consists of two semesters. Each semester is of six months (April to September and October to March) in which there will be at least 15 weeks of course work and the rest of the time will include tests and examinations.

    The Program consists of 36 credit hours in all as detailed below.

    M.A. (Preliminary) First semester (15 Credits)

    The department of English will offer any five from the following courses each having 03 credit hours.

    Course Code Course Title Credits
    ENG 501 Language: Grammar, Reading, Writing and Comprehension 03
    ENG 503 Introduction to English Literature-I 03
    ENG 505 Introduction to English Literature-II 03
    ENG 507 Introduction to Linguistics 03
    ENG 509 Critical Application, Rhetoric and Prosody 03
    ENG 511 English Language Teaching (ELT) 03
    ENG 513 World Classics 03

    M.A. (Preliminary) Second Semester (15 Credits)

    The department of English will offer any five from the following courses each having 03 credit hours.

    Course Code Course Title Credits
    ENG 515 Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century English Literature 03
    ENG 517 Restoration and 18th Century English Literature 03
    ENG 519 The Romantic Poets 03
    ENG 521 English Literary Criticism 03
    ENG 523 Victorian Literature 03
    ENG 525 20th Century English Literature 03
    ENG 527 Anglo Saxon and Medieval English Literature 03

    * The department will offer courses in such a way that the student can be educated in both Literature and Language.

    * In addition to 30 credit hours noted above there will be 06 more credits as noted below.

    Course Code Course Title Credit hours
    ENG 530 A term paper to be presented before a board 03
    ENG 532 A comprehensive Viva Voce 03

    Course Description


    Part – I


    Course Code:  ENG 501

    Course Title : Language: Grammar, Reading, Writing and Comprehension


    1. Grammar:
    1. Clauses and sentences structures
    2. Syntax
    3. Sequence of tenses
    4. Phrases and Idioms/ Phrasal verbs
    5. Tense
    6. Voice
    7. Narration
    8. Prepositions
    9. Transformation of sentences
    10. Corrections
    1. Reading:

    Students will be required to answer questions from given passages. The questions are as follows:

    1. Comprehension questions
    2. Completing sentences
    3. Changing words
    4. Multiple choice
    5. Matching sentences
    6. True/false
    7. Précis/summary
    1. Writing:
    2. Paragraph
    3. Composition
    • Business Letters/ Job Application
    1. Report Writing/ Memoranda

    Book Recommended:

    1. A. Ashley: A Handbook of Commercial Correspondence, OUP
    2. M. Monipatty: The Craft of Business Letter Writing, Tata McGraw Hill
    3. K. Mohan and M. Banerjee : Developing Communication Skills, Macmillan
    4. M. Osborn and S. Osborn : Public Speaking, AITBS Publishers
    5. M.A. Rizvi : Effective Technical Communication, Tata McGraw-Hill


    Course Code: ENG 503

    Course Title : Introduction to English Literature-I


    Shakespeare: “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day”,

    “My Mistress’s Eyes are nothing Like the Sun”

    Donne   : “The sun rising”, “Canonization”,

    P.B. Shelley  : “The Ode to the West Wind”

    John Keats: Ode on a Grecian Urn”, “To Autumn”

    Tennyson: “Ulysses”, “The Lotos-Eaters”,

    Robert Browning: “My Last Duchess”, “Fra Lippo Lippi”

    1. S. Eliot: “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”

    Emily Dickenson: “I like to see it lap the miles”,

    “Because I could not stop for Death”

    Books Recommended :

    1. Brooks and R.P. Warren : Understanding Poetry
    2. Shapiro and Beum : A Prosody Handbook
    3. Boulton : Anatomy of Poetry
    1. M.H. Abrams :  A Glossary of Literary Terms
    2. X.J. Kennedy : An Introduction to Poetry, Fiction and Drama.
    3. Deb, P.K.      :An Approach to the study of English Literature

    Course Code:  ENG 505

    Course Title : Introduction to English Literature II


    George Orwell           :“Shooting an Elephant

    1. K. Narayan : The Financial Expert

    Jane Austen               :  Pride and Prejudice

    William Shakespeare:  A Midsummer Night’s Dream

    1. B. Shaw : Arms and the Man              

    Books Recommended: 

    1. M. Forster : Aspects of the Novel
    2. B. Millett : Reading Fiction
    3. Boulton : Anatomy of Fiction; Anatomy of Prose
    4. J. Kennedy : An Introduction to Poetry, Fiction and Drama.
    5. Boulton : Anatomy of Drama
    6. T. Jones : Studying Drama, An Introduction
    1. S.I. Choudhury : Kabya Totto (Bangla Translation of Poetics)           


    Course Code:  ENG 507

    Course Title : Introduction to Linguistics

    Language: Definition and Characteristics; Origin of language, society and culture: History of English language and the study of English language changes; Different Branches of linguistics; Phonetics, Morphology, Syntax and Semantics; Relationship between linguistics and Literature; Role of Linguistics in Language Teaching; Second language Acquisition/ learning; Recent development in Linguistics, Phonetics, phonology and IPA symbols.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Victoria Framkin: An Introduction to Language
    2. John Lyon: Language and Linguistics
    3. Dr Varshney: A Introductory Text Book of Linguistics and Phonetics
    4. J Richard & J Plot: Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics
    5. R L Trash: A Student Dictionary of Language and Linguistics


    Course Code:  ENG 509

    Course Title : Critical Appreciation, Rhetoric and Prosody

    Summary and Interpretation: Narrative Prediction; Language, dialogue and setting; Sound patterns and interpretation; Literary and non- literary language; Word patterns; stylistic analysis; Analyzing poetry and prose for sound, sense, imagery, structure, rhetoric and prosody.

    Books Recommended:

    1. M H Abrahams: A Glossary of Literary Terms
    2. Bose and Sterling: Elements of Rhetoric and Prosody
    3. M Boulton: Anatomy of Poetry & Anatomy of Prose
    4. J A Cuddon: Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory
    5. Gopal Mallik Thakur: The Anatomy of Rhetoric and Prosody
    6. Rodger Fowler: A Dictionary of Modern Critical Terms
    7. Martin Stephen: English Literature: A student Guide

    Course Code:  ENG 511

    Course Title : English Language Teaching (ELT)


    History of ELT : Grammar-Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-lingual Method, Revolution and Contemporary Methods, The Communicative approach and the Natural approach.

    Teaching and testing the four skills : Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing

    Testing : General principles of testing; purposes, kinds and designing language testing.

    Syllabus Design : Purpose, types, construction. Syllabus and curriculum. Needs analysis, Learner centred approach and designing syllabuses for students at different levels.

    Error analysis: The concept of error, description and explanation of error, significance of error analysis and limitation of error analysis.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Hughes 1989 : Testing for Language Teachers. CUP
    2. Tomlinson (ed.). 1998 : Materials Development in Language teaching. CUP
    3. C. Richards and T. S. Rodgers. 1986 : Approaches and methods in Language Teaching. CUP
    4. Ur. 1996 : A Course in Language Teaching. CUP
    5. V. White. 1988 : The ELT Curriculum. Oxford: Blackwell
    6. 1991 : Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom. OUP
    7. Harmer. 1983 : The Practices of English Language Teaching Longman.
    1. Roy, Himadri Sekhar & Mahmud, Rashed. Syllabus, Curriculum and Material Design.


    Course Code:  ENG 513

    Course Title : World Classics

    Aristotle                      : Poetics

    1. Dostoevsky : Crime and Punishment

    Sophocles                    : King Oedipus

    Ernest Hemingway     : The old man and The Sea

    Garcia Marquez’s        : One Hundred Years of Solitude

    Rabindranath Tagore : The Home and the World

    Lorca                           :  Selections

    Neruda                        :  Selections

    Books Recommended:

    1. Barnet, Burman, Burto, and Cain. Longman (ed.). XI edition :  An Introduction to Literature.
    2. Jerome Beaty and Paul Hunter (ed.) : The Norton Introduction to Literature.
    3. Webster, Miriam : Encyclopedia of Literature
    4. . Malcolm Bradbary (ed.) : Introduction to American Studies,
    5. Luedike, L. S : Making America : The Society and Culture of the United States.
    6. Mathiessen, F. O : American Renaissance
    7. Lewis , R : The American Adam.
    8. Tayler, M. C : History of American Literature : 1607 – 1765
    9. Chase, Richard : The American Novel .

    Part – II

    Course Code:   ENG 515

    Course Title : Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century English Literature


    Spenser            : The Faerie Queen, BK.1

    Bacon              : Essays: “Of Friends”, “Of Truth”

    Thomas Kyd   : The Spanish Tragedy

    Marlowe          : Doctor Faustus

    Shakespeare    : Macbeth

    Marvell            : “To His Coy Mistress”, “Definition of Love”

    Milton             : Paradise Lost, Books IX and X

    Books Recommended:

    1. Alvarez: The School of Donne
    2. J. Smith: Donne: Songs and Sonnets
    3. Willey: Seventeenth Century Background
    4. M. Tillyard: Milton
    5. R. Wilson: Seventeenth Century English Prose
    6. K. Hunter: Paradise Lost
    7. J. Grierson: Cross Currents in English Literature of the 17th Century
    8. Bayley, Spenser: Fairie Queen
    9. The Pelican Guide to English Literature Vol.3
    10. C. Bradeley: Shakespearian Tragedy
    11. L. Lucas: Seneca and Elizabethan Tragedy
    12. B. Harrison: Introducing Shakespeare
    13. Salinger: Shakespeare and the Traditions of Comedy
    14. C. Bradbook: Themes and Conventions of Elizabethan Tragedy
    15. N. Rabkin (ed.): Twentieth Century Interpretations of the Duchess of Malfi

    Course Code:    ENG 517

    Course Title :  Restoration and 18th Century English Literature


    Dryden                        :   MacFlecknoe

    Defoe              :   Robinson Crusoe

    Swift               :   Gulliver’s Travels

    Pope                :   The Rape of the Lock

    Congreve         :   The Way of the World

    Sheridan          :   The Rivals



    Course Code:  ENG 519

    Course Title : The Romantic Poets


    Blake               :  Songs of Innocence and Experience

    Wordsworth    :  Prelude 1; “Tintern Abbey”, “Immortality ode”, Lucy Poems.

    Coleridge        :  The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, “Kubla Khan”, “Dejection:  An   Ode”.

    Byron              :  Don Juan І & Π

    Shelley            :  Adonais; “Ode to Skylark”, “The Cloud”

    Keats               : “Ode to a Nightingale”, “Ode to Psyche”, “Ode on a Melancholy”

    Books  Recommended:

    1. B. Pinion : A Wordsworth Companion
    2. C. Bowra : The Romantic Imagination
    3. H. Abrams (ed) : English Romantic Poets
    4. Frye : A Study of English Romanticism
    5. Elton : A Survey of English Literature: 1780-1830
    6. Hodgart : Preface to Shelley


    Course Code:  ENG 521

    Course Title : English Literary Criticism


    Dryden                        : “Preface to the Fables”

    Johnson           : “ Preface to Shakespeare”

    Wordswoth      : “Preface to the Lyrical Ballads”

    Coleridge         : Biographia Literaria

    (Chapters xii,xiv,xv,xvii)

    Eliot                 : “Tradition and The Individual Talent”

    Arnold              : “The study of poetry”

    Said                  : Introduction to Orientalism

    Books Recommended: 

    1. Wimsal & Brooks : Literary Criticism: A Short History.
    2. Richards, A: Principles of Literary Criticism
    3. Wellek, Rene : The Rise of English Literary History.
    4. Warren, Austen. & Wellek, Rene : Theory of Literature.
    5. Polts, T.D : Poetics: Aristotle.

    Course Code:  ENG 523

    Course Title : Victorian Literature


    Tennyson                     : In Memoriam (selection), “ Tithonus’, “Locksley Hall”

    Arnold                         : “Thyrsis”, “The scholar –Gipsy”; ‘ Rugby Chapel”, “Dover Beach”

    Browning                    : “Porphyria’s Lover”, “Andrea del sarto”, “ A Grammarian’s Funeral”,

    “Rabbi Ben Ezra”.

    Charles Dickens          : Great Expectation

    Thomas Hardy            : Tess of the D’Urbervilles

    Charlotte Bronte         : Jane Eyre


    Books Recommended: 

    1. Cecil, David : Early Victorian Novelists.
    2. Brandis, George : Main Currents in the 19th Century Literature Vol.:4
    3. Walker, Hugh : The Literature of the Victorian Era
    4. Elton, Oliver : A Survey of English Literature: 1830-1880
    5. Forster, E. M : Aspects of Novel
    6. Allen, Walter : The English Novel.

    Course Code:  ENG 525

    Course Title : 20th Century English Literature


    1. Beckett : Waiting for Godot

    E.M. Foster                 : A Passage to India

    Joseph Conrad            : Lord Jim

    T.S. Eliot                     : The Waste Land

    W.B.Yeats                  : Selection

    W.H. Auden               : Lullaby, The Shield of Achilles, Musee des Beaux Arts.

    Seamus Heaney           : Selections

    William Golding         : Lord of the Flies



    Course Code:  ENG 527

    Course Title : Anglo-Saxon and Medieval English Literature


    1. Beowulf
    2. The Seafarer
    3. The Wanderer
    4. Malory: The Tale of the Death of King Arthur. ED. Vinaver; and
    5. Chaucer: Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.



    Books Recommended:

    1. Long, W. J : English Literature
    2. Gordon, R.K : Anglo-Saxon Poetry. Everyman’s Library.
    3. Penguin Classics: Beowulf.
    4. Penguin Classics: The Earliest English Poems.
    5. Penguin Classics: Medieval English Verse.
    6. Renwick & Orton : The Beginnings of English Literature.
    7. Wardel : Chapters on Old English Literature.
    8. Penguin Classics: The History of English Church: Bede
    9. Anderson, G. K : The Literature of the Anglo-Saxons.

    M.A. in English Literature and Language Program

    “Master of Arts in English Literature and Language” Program is a 1-year Program divided into two Semesters. It is a graduate program intended for students who have already successfully completed a B.A. Honours program in English or who have successfully done an M.A. (Preliminary) program in English. The degree objective of this graduate program is “M.A. in English Literature and Language.” The detailed eligibility conditions for admission will be determined by the university.

    This program is designed to serve several purposes. Primarily this program is for those who took up English as their field of concentration at the under-graduate level and wish to go ahead with their specialization a step forward. This program, as its title indicates, specializes the student both for English literature and English language. Instead of being compartmentalized in either literature or language, students get more room to pursue both literature and language for further studies and remain capable of fulfilling wider requirements in the job market. Further this graduate program grooms up the students for efficiently pursuing programs for Ph.D. Apart from specialization in English and employment as teachers and researchers, the program ensures preparation of the student for executive jobs through competitive examinations.

    The program requires the student to complete 36 credit hours over two semesters as detailed in the following Program Structure. Each semester is of six months (April to September and October to March) in which there will be at least 15 weeks of course work and the rest of the time will include tests and examinations.

    Program Structure

    M.A. Final first semester (15 Credits)

    Course Code Course Title Credit hours Type of Course
    ENG 601 Shakespeare 03 Lit. (Compulsory)
    ENG 603 Literary Theory 03 Lit. (Compulsory)
    ENG 605 Modernism 03 Lit.
    ENG 607 Modern European Fiction and Drama 03 Lit.
    ENG 609 Second Language Acquisition 03 Language
    ENG 611 Sociolinguistics 03 Language
    ENG 613 Psycholinguistics 03 Language

    * The department of English will announce prior to each semester the courses that will be offered so that there may be 3 courses from literature including the two compulsory courses and 2 courses from language.

    M.A. Final Second semester (15 Credits)

    Course Code Course Title Credit hours Type of Course
    ENG 615 History of English Language 03 Language (Compulsory)
    ENG 617 Teacher Education and Research Methodology 03 Language (Compulsory)
    ENG 619 Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics 03 Language
    ENG 621 Syllabus and Material Design 03 Language
    ENG 623 American Literature

    (From Bradford to Mark Twain)

    03 Literature
    ENG 625 American Literature

    (From James to Morrison)

    03 Literature
    ENG 627 Post-colonial Literature 03 Literature
    ENG 629 20th Century Women’s Prose and Feminist literacy criticism 03 Literature

    * The department of English will announce prior to each semester the courses that will be offered so that there may be 3 courses from Language including the two compulsory courses and 2 courses from Literature.

    Thesis and Viva Voce

    In addition to course work of 30 credits done in the two semesters, there will be thesis and viva voce as detailed below.

    Course Code Course Title Credit hours
    ENG 600 Thesis 03
    ENG 602 Viva Voce 03

    * The student will begin preparation for a thesis under a guide teacher from the beginning of the second semester and present the thesis to a board at the end of the second semester for evaluation.


    * The viva voce will be comprehensive requiring preparedness of the student on all the courses studied.


    Course Description



    Course Code:   ENG 601

    Course Title : Shakespeare


    Literary Texts: 

    The Merchant of Venice

    Measure for Measure

    The Tempest

    Twelfth Night



    King Lear

    Julius Caesa

    Recommended Criticism:

    1. A.C. Bradley, Shakespearean Tragedy
    2. S.T. Coleridge, Lectures on Shakespeare
    3. E.M.W. Tillyard, the Elizabethan world picture, Introduction
    4. Wilson Knight, The wheel of fire
    5. Harold Bloom, Shakespeare, The invention of human
    6. Frank Kermode, Shakespeare’s Language
    7. John Drakasis , Alternative Shakespeare Vol-1


    Course Code:  ENG 603

    Course Title : Literary Theory


    New criticism







    Post Modernism

    Books recommended

    1. Peter Berry : “Beginning Theory’
    2. Terry Eagleton : “Literary Theory”
    3. Ryan: “Literary Theory: A practical Introduction”
    4. M.H. Abrams : “A Glossary of literary terms”
    5. Rivik, and Ryan’s : Literary Theory
    6. The Norton Anthology of Theory



    Course Code:  ENG 605

    Course Title : Modernism


    Movements: Symbolism, Aestheticism, Imagism, Impressionism, Expressionism, Dada and Surrealism


    Poetry: Yeats, Eliot, Pound

    Novel: Conrad, Joyce, Lawrence

    Drama: O’Neil, Synge

    (Selections to be provided later)

    Books recommended

    1. Pelican guide to English Literature Vol-7
    1. Malcom Bradbury, Modernism
    2. E. Wilson, Axel’s Castle.


    Course Code:   ENG 607

    Course Title : Modern European Fiction and drama



    J.P. Sartre        – Nausea

    Albert Camus – The Outsider

    Franz Kafka   –   The Trial


    Ibsen        – A Doll’s House

    Ionesco     – Bald Soprano

    Brecht       -Mother Courage and Her Children

    Recommended Books :

    Martin Essling :  The Theatre of  Absurd


    Course Code:  ENG 609  

    Course Title: Second Language Acquisition (SLA)  

    1. Definition of SLA. SLA vs FLA, Acquisition vs Learning, Competence vs Performance, Accuracy vs Fluency in SLA.
    1. Language Learning principles, conditions and variables: the learner processes, levels of Proficiency, role of input and formal materials.
    2. Theories of SLA: The Acculturation Model; the Monitor Model; the Accommodation Theory; Inter-language Model.
    1. Language Learner in the classroom:
    2. Individual Learning differences; Attitude, Aptitude, Memory, Motivation, Age, Personality, Cognitive and Transfer of Training.
    3. Learner Strategies: Social strategies, Cognitive strategies and Communicative strategies.
    4. Classroom Interaction: Mode of teaching __ group work, pair work, whole class, teacher talk and class management especially dealing with large classes.

    Books recommended

    1. Rod(1985) , Understanding Second language acquisition ; Oxford university Press
    2. Mitchell r. and Myles F.(2006). Second language learning theories: London: Hodder Arnold
    3. Ortega, L 9 2008 second language acquisition, London:
    4. Cook, v. (2001) second language learning and language teaching , London; Hodder  


    Course Code:  ENG 611  

    Course Title: Sociolinguistics

    Introduction: Definition, key terms and approaches, relationship between language and society, Sociolinguistics and the sociology of language.

    Language, dialect and varieties: Regional dialects, social dialects, styles, register, bilingual, multilingual, standard language and developing a standard variety.

    Pidgins and Creoles: definition, linguistic characteristics, from Pidgins to Creoles different case studies.

    Choosing a Code: Diglossia and bilingualism, definition and relationship — code switching and code mixing— borrow.

    National language and language planning: National and official languages— factors and planning a language and the linguist’s role in language planning.

    Language and Identity: language and social inequalities, attitude towards language, death and living language, language and gender.

    Studies in language dynamics: language change, language maintenance and language shift, multilingual and multicultural societies, proto-Indo-European language.

    Books recommended


    1. RT Bell(1985). Sociolinguistics: goals, approaches and problems: Batsford Limited
    2. Wardwaugh,R.(1986). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics: Oxford Press
    3. Miriam,M.(2006). Introducing Sociolinguistics: New York


    Course Code:  ENG 613  

    Course Title: Psycholinguistics


    Introduction: definition, different branches of Psycholinguistics, relationship between Psycholinguistics and psychology of language.

    Language Acquisition in the early years: Communicating with language—what young children talk about— how young children use their utterances and how adults talk to young children.

    Stages in language Acquisition: The babbling stage, holophrastic stage and the Two-word stage.

    First sounds in the child’s language: Perception of speech sounds and production of speech sounds.

    Later growth in the child’s language: activities of human brain, learning, complexity and processing, elaboration of language structure and language function.

    Acquisition of meaning: Early word meanings, context, strategies and semantic components.

    Theories of First language acquisition:  Behaviorist theory, Innatist theory, Cognitive theory and Maturation theory.

    Books recommended


    1.Aitchison,J.(2007). The Articulate Mammal: An Introduction to  Psycholinguistics: Routledge

    1. Thomas, S(1998). Psycholinguistics: Oxford Press

    3.Danny,D.S. and Natalia, S. (2006).  An Introduction to  Psycholinguistics; London; Longman


    Course Code:  ENG 615  

    Course Title: History of the English Language:


    History of the English Language from the ancient to the medieval time:

    1. old English b) foreign influence on Old English
    2. c) The Norman Conquest and the subjection of English (1066-1200)
    3. d) The re-establishment of English (1200-1500)
    4. Middle English

    History of the English Language from the Renaissance to the Twentieth and American English

    Books recommended


    1. Baugh, C.A.(1951). A History of the English Language; London: Routledge and Kegan Paul



    Course Code:  ENG 617  

    Course Title: Teacher Education and Research Methodology


    Teacher Education


    Theories and Principles of Teacher Education

    Approaches to teacher training

    In-service and pre-service


    Lesson plan and evaluation: Classroom observation

      Criterion for lesson observation (use of checklists, objective vs subjective observation)

    Peer observation

    Counseling and Feedback

    Modes of teaching and learning

    Lecture, seminar, Workplace, Self- access

    Micro teaching/ practicum

    Assessment of teachers


    Research Methodology


    Research– the concept; asking appropriate questions-systematic way, internal validity, external validity

    Approaches to research Methods—quantitative, qualitative, action etc.The problems, variables, definition, variable scales and function of variables

    Educational Research: Principles Appropriate steps; Methodology; technique

    Research Report Format; Probability and hypothesis testing

    Research Proposal: Selection of topic; research aims; methodology; data collection and analysis

    Documentation: Referring to books and journals; questions; footnotes; bibliography

    Research paper: Writing a research paper (2,000-3,000) on any aspect of the courses that students have studied

    Books recommended

    Wallace, M.J. (1992). Training Foreign Language Teachers. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press

    Richards, J.C and Nunan, D. Second language teacher Education: : Cambridge University Press



    Course Code:  ENG 619  

    Course Title: Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics


    Discourse Analysis: The objective and aim, structure of text and discourse, written and spoken language

    Approaches to discourse analysis: Rules and procedures, discourse analysis and language processing

    Role of context in interpretation: Topic and Representation of discourse content, the nature of reference in text and discourse. Discourse Analysis and language teaching. Cohesion and Coherence

    Speech acts: the types and the co-operative principle

    Conversation analysis: Exchange structure

    Language and literature: Study of Register and style, linguistic analysis Texts (prose, poetry and drama).

    Books recommended


    1. Yule, G (1996). Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press
    2. Brown, G. and Yule, G. (1983). Discourse Analysis, Cambridge: Cambridge University
    3. Halliday, M.A.K and Hasan,R.(1976). Cohesion in English, London: longman.
    4. Levinson, S.(1983). Pragmatics, Cambridge. Cambridge University


    Course Code:  ENG 621  

    Course Title: Syllabus and Material Design

    Syllabus Design:

    Syllabus and Curriculum Types, purposes

    Need Analysis

    Factors and constraints in syllabus

    Models of Syllabus Design

    Designing syllabus for students of different levels

    Syllabus Evaluation

    Syllabus Design: A learner centered approach

    Material Design:

    Principles of Effective Materials design development

    Evaluation of Materials at different levels.


    Books recommended

    1. Brumfit,C.(ed.).(1984). General English Syllabus Design. ELT Documents
    2. Munby, j. (1986). Communicative Syllabus Design: Cambridge University Press
    3. Nunan David, (1987). Syllabus Design: Oxford University
    1. Roy, Himadri Sekhar & Mahmud, Rashed. Syllabus, Curriculum and Material Design.


    Course Code:  ENG 623

    Course Title : American: Literature (From Bradford to Mark Twain)

    William Bradford       –  From of Plymouth Plantation

    Edgar Alan poe           – Selections

    Nathanial Howthorne – The Scarlet Letter

    Herman Melville         –  Moby Dick

    Walt Whitman             –  Song of Myself ( selections)

    Mark Twain                –  Adventure of Huckleberry Fin

    Ann Bradstreet           –  Selections

    Benjamin Franklin       – Autobiography

    Books recommended

    1. Paul Lauter  – Anthology of American Literature
    2. Perry Miller – The Puritans
    3. Sacvan Bercovitch –  The Puritan Origins of American Self



    Course Code:  ENG 625

    Course Title :   American literature (From James to Morrison)

    Fitzgerald                                – The Great Gatsby

    O’Neil                                     –  A Long Day’s Journey into the Night

    Miller                                       –   Death of a Salesman

    Frost                                        –  Selections

    Saul bellow                             – Seize The Day

    Hemingway                             –  The Sun Also Rises

    Toni Morrison                         – Beloved

    William Carlos Williams         – Selections

    Adrienne Rich                         – Selections

    Allan Ginsburg                        – Selections


    1. Leslie fielder                –  Love and Death in the American Novel
    2. Malcolm Cowley         – A Second Flowering
    3. Daniel Hoffman          – Harvard Guide to Contrary American Writing



    Course no    : ENG 627

    Course Title : Post Colonialism


    Nirod C. Chowdhury  –   The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian

    R.K Narayan               –   The Man-eater of Malgudi

    Amitabh ghosh            –   The Shadow lines

    Arundhoti Roy            –   The God of Small Things

    1. S. Naipaul – The Enigma of Arrival

    Chinua Achibe            –   Man of the People

    Wole Soyinka              –   The Road

    Darek Walcott             – Selections

    Nissim Ezekiel             – Selection

    Recommended Readings:

    1. Edward Said,  “Orientalism Reconsidered”
    2. Chinua Achebe,  “The African Writer and the English Language”
    3. Stuart Hall     “Cultural Identity and Diaspora”
    4. Spivak,  “Can the Subaltern Speak”
    5. Homi Bhaba, “Remembering Fanon”
    6. Leela Gandhi “Post colonial Theory- A Critical Introduction”


    Course no    : ENG 629

    Course Title : 20th Century Women’s Prose and Feminist Literary Criticism



    Early 20th century


    Kale Chopin               – The Awakening

    Rokeya Shakhawat     – Sultana’s Dream

    Virginia Woolf            – A Room of One’s Own

    Late 20th Century


    Sylvia Plath                 – The Bell Jar

    Doris Lessing              – The Golden Notebook

    Anita Desai                 – Fire on The Mountain


    Recommended readings:

    1. Ellen Moers “Literary Women”
    2. Tery lovell Consuming Fiction
    3. Niaz Zaman and Ferdaus Azim, “Iinfininte Variety: Women in Society and in Literature”
    4. Elaine showalter, A Literature of Their Own”

Faculty Members

Mr. Pranab Kanti Deb

Head & Associate Professor

Mrs. Swati Rani Debnath

Assistant Professor

Ms.Humayra Rahman Suma

Assistant Professor(Faculty of Humanities) (On Study Leave, Canada)

Ms. Joyshree Deb

Senior Lecturer (On Study Leave, Canada)

Ms. Farzana Akhanjee

Senior Lecturer(On Study Leave)(Faculty of Humanities)

Tasnim Sultana


Md Saiful Islam


Mahfuja Akther


S.K. Shahriar


Anamika Saha

Adjunct Faculty