
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering

The principal aim of the Sylhet International University is to provide high quality education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels relevant to the needs of a dynamic society. The courses and curricula are so designed as to enable a student to enter into the world of work or pursue higher academic and professional goals with a sound academic foundation. The medium of instructions in Sylhet International University is English. The academic goal of the university is not just to make the students pass the examination and get the degree but to equip them with the means to become productive members of the community and continue the practice of lifelong learning.


The mission of the CSE Department is to provide quality education for those students who are able to compete nationally and internationally, able to produce creative and effective solutions to the national needs, conscious to the universal moral values, adherent to the professional ethical codes and to generate and disseminate knowledge and technological essentials to the local and global needs in the fields of Computer Science and Engineering.


The vision of the CSE Department is to become a nationally and internationally leading institution of higher learning, building upon the culture and the values of universal science and a center of education and research that creates knowledge and technologies which form the groundwork in shaping the future of the Computer Science and Engineering fields.


Message From Dept. Head

Mr. Khaled Hussain

Welcome to the Computer Science and Engineering Department of Sylhet International University. You are here because you dream of a future with a strong foundation in knowledge and skill in the world of technology. We, the teachers of this department, nurture a congenial atmosphere for self-development. With utmost sincerity everyone here strives for the continual development of self and society. Our students enjoy what they learn and get hands on experience of all possible applications of the knowledge they gather. Thus, knowledge and practical application are developed hand in hand. The department offers a healthy atmosphere of competitiveness in both skill development and academic research through initiatives of the SIU Computer Society, Center for Research, Testing & Consultancy (CRTC), Programmer’s Den etc. The academic atmosphere is enhanced by.......

Fees For B.Sc.Engg. in CSE (Day)(4 years)

  • Programmes Fees Structure
  • Tution Fees Waiver

Fees For B.Sc.Engg. in CSE (Eve)(3 years)

  • Programmes Fees Structure
  • Tution Fees Waiver

Syllabus Day Program

  • First Year : Semester I
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE-101 Computer Fundamentals 3.0
    CSE-102 Computer Fundamentals Lab 1.0
    PHY-101 Mechanics, Properties of Matter, Waves. Optics, Heat and thermodynamics 3.0
    MTH-105 Differential and Integral Calculus 3.0
    CSE-105 Structured Programming Language 3.0
    CSE-106 Structured Programming Language Lab 1.5
    HUM-105 Oral and Written Communication in English Language 3.0
    HUM-113 Bangladesh Studies: History and Society of Bangladesh 3.0
    Total 20.50
  • First Year : Semester II
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE-107 Object Oriented Programming I 3.0
    CSE-108 Object Oriented Programming I Lab 1.5
    MTH-107 Geometry and Linear Algebra 3.0
    PHY-103 Electromagnetism and Modern Physics 3.0
    PHY-102 Physics Lab 1.5
    ECE-101 Basic Electrical Engineering 3.0
    ECE-102 Basic Electrical Engineering Lab 1.5
    ECN-101 Principles of Economics 3.0
    HUM-103 Language Composition and Comprehension 3.0
    Total 22.50
  • Second Year : Semester I
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE-201 Discrete Mathematics 3.0
    CSE-211 Object Oriented Programming  II 3.0
    CSE-212 Object Oriented Programming II Lab 1.5
    CSE-205 Data Structures 3.0
    CSE-206 Data Structures Lab 1.5
    MTH-205 Vector Analysis and Complex Variable 3.0
    ECE-201 Electronic Devices and Circuits 3.0
    ECE-202 Electronic Devices and circuits Lab 1.5
    ACN-203 Cost and Management Accounting 3.0
     Total 22.50
  • Second Year : Semester II
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE-207 Algorithms 3.0
    CSE-208 Algorithms Lab 1.5
    CSE-209 Numerical Methods 3.0
    CSE-210 Numerical Methods  Lab 1.5
    CSE-231 Digital Logic Design 3.0
    CSE-232 Digital Logic Design Lab 1.5
    MTH-207 Differential Equations , Laplace Transforms and Fourier Analysis 3.0
    CSE-200 Project Work 2.0
    Total 18.50
  • Third Year : Semester I
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE-321 Database Systems 3.0
    CSE-322 Database Systems Lab 1.5
    CSE-331 Computer Architecture 3.0
    CSE-323 Web Engineering 2.0
    CSE-324 Web Engineering Lab 1.5
    MTH-301 Statistics and Probability 2.0
    CSE-309 Cyber crime and Intellectual Property Law 3.0
    CSE-310 Technical Report Writing and Presentation 1.5
    CSE-326 Engineering Drawing 1.0
    Total 18.50
  • Third Year : Semester II
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE-300 Software Development 2.0
    CSE-303 Operating Systems 3.0
    CSE-304 Operating Systems Lab 1.5
    CSE-315 Data Communication 3.0
    CSE-313 Microprocessors and Microcontroller 3.0
    CSE-314 Microprocessors and Microcontroller Lab 1.5
    CSE-337 System Analysis and Software Engineering 3.0
    CSE-338 System Analysis and Software Engineering Lab 1.5
    Total 18.50
  • Fourth Year : Semester I
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE-425 Digital Signal Processing 3.0
    CSE-426 Digital Signal Processing Lab 1.5
    CSE-403 Compiler Design 3.0
    CSE-404 Compiler Design Lab 1.5
    CSE-421 Computer Network 3.0
    CSE-422 Computer Network Lab 1.5
    CSE-4** Option 3.0
    CSE-4** Option Lab 1.5
    Total 18.00
  • Fourth Year : Semester II
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours  
    CSE-415 Artificial Intelligence 3.0  
    CSE-416 Artificial Intelligence Lab 1.5  
    CSE-431 Computer Graphics 3.0  
    CSE-432 Computer Graphics Lab 1.5  
    CSE-435 Computer Interfacing 3.0  
    CSE-436 Computer Interfacing Lab 1.5  
    CSE-4** Option 3.0  
    CSE-4** Option Lab 1.5  
    CSE-400  Project / Thesis  3.0  
    CSE-402  Comprehensive Viva Voce 2.0  
    Total 23.00  
  • Optional
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE-437 Pattern Recognition 3.0
    CSE-438 Pattern Recognition Lab 1.5
    CSE-411 VLSI Design 3.0
    CSE-412 VLSI Design Lab 1.5
    CSE-419 Graph Theory 3.0
    CSE-420 Graph Theory Lab 1.5
    CSE-423 Computer System Performance Evaluation 3.0
    CSE-424 Computer System Performance Evaluation Lab 1.5
    ECE-421 Digital Communication 3.0
    ECE-422 Digital Communication Lab 1.5
    CSE-407 Simulation and Modeling 3.0
    CSE-408 Simulation and Modeling Lab 1.5
    CSE-453 Digital Image Processing 3.0
    CSE-454 Digital Image Processing Lab 1.5
    CSE-455 Wireless and sensor Networks 3.0
    CSE-456 Wireless sensor Networks Lab 1.5
    CSE-409 Computer Security and Cryptography 3.0
    CSE-410 Computer Security and Cryptography Lab 1.5
    CSE-457 Bioinformatics 3.0
    CSE-458 Bioinformatics Lab 1.5
    CSE-461 Neural Networks 3.0
    CSE-462 Neural Networks Lab 1.5
    CSE-463 Machine Learning 3.0
    CSE-464 Machine Learning Lab 1.5
    CSE-465 Contemporary course on CSE 3.0
    CSE-466 Contemporary course Lab on CSE 1.5
    CSE-467 Advanced Database Systems 3.0
    CSE-468 Advanced Database Systems Lab 1.5
    CSE-469 Natural Language Processing 3.0
    CSE-470 Natural Language Processing Lab 1.5
                        Total Credit Hours Required for Degree 162.00
  • Detailed Syllabus

    Detailed Syllabus

    CSE-101 Computer Fundamentals               

    3 Credits 

    Introduction: Definition, history & some applications of computer. Classification of Computer: H/W and S/W computer components. Number systems : Binary, octal, hexadecimal number systems and operations, computer codes. Boolean algebra.Data processing techniques.Arithmetic e’ logic operation.Logic gates. Operating systems: MS-WINDOWS, UNIX. Application software’s: Word processors, word perfect, Ms-word Excel, Foxpro. Programming languages: M/c language, assembly language, high level languages, source & object language, 4th generation language, compilers, translators & interpreter. Elements of computer H/W. Data transmission & networking.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to Computers – Subramanian
    2. Inside the PC – P. Norton
    3. Introduction to Computer –  Norton
    4. Computer Fundamentals –  Prodeep K. Sinha

     CSE-102 Computer Fundamentals Lab

    1.0 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 101.

    PHY-101 Mechanics, Properties of Matter, Waves, Optics, Heat & Thermodynamics

    3 Credits

    Mechanics : Measurements, Motion in one Dimension, Motion in a Plane, Particle Dynamics, Work & Energy, Circular Motion, Simple Harmonic Motion, Rotation of Rigid Bodies, Central Force, Structure of Matter, Mechanical  Properties of Materials. Properties of Matter: Elasticity, Stresses & Strains, Young’s Modulus, Bulk Modulus, Rigidity Modulus, Elastic Limit, Poisson’s Ratio, Relation between Elastic Constants, Bending of Beams. Fluid Motion, Equation of Continuity, Bernoulli’s Theorem, Viscosity, Stokes’ Law. Surface Energy & Surface Tension, Capillarity, Determination of             Surface Tension by Different Methods Waves : Wave Motion & Propagation, Simple Harmonic Motion, Vibration Modes, Forced Vibrations, Vibration in Strings & Columns, Sound Wave & Its Velocity, Doppler Effect, Elastic Waves, Ultrasonics, Practical Applications. Optics : Theories of Light, Huygen’s Principle, Electromagnetic Waves, Velocity of Light, Reflection, Refraction, Lenses, Interference, Diffraction, Polarization. Heat & Thermodynamics : Temperature and Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, Calorimetry, Thermal Equilibrium & Thermal Expansion, First Law of Thermodynamics, Specific Heat, Heat Capacities, Equation of State, Change of Phase, Heat Transfer, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Carnot Cycle, Efficiency, Entropy, Kinetic Theory of Gases.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Fundamental of Physics (Part I)-Haliday, Resnick& Walker
    2. Modern Physics –   Bernstein
    3. Concepts of Modern Physics – Beiser
    4. Electromagnetism and Modern Physics
    5. Fundamental of Optics –  Brizlal
    6. Optics – Ghatak
    7. Heat & Thermodynamics –   Brizlal
    8. University Physics with Modern Physics –  Young
    9. EssentialUniversity Physics Volume I – Wolfson
    10. EssentialUniversity Physics Volume II – Wolfson

    MTH-105 Differential and Integral Calculus

    3 Credits

    Differential Calculus:  Real  number System. Relations and functions, Functions of single variable, their Domain, Range, Graphs, Limit, Continuity and Differentiability. Successive Differentiation, Leibnitz’s theorem, Rolle’s theorem, Mean value  theorem, Taylor’s theorem, Maclaurin’s  theorem, Langrage’s and Cauchy’s forms  of Remainder. Expansion of Function  in Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s Series. Maximum and Minimum Values of Function. Evaluation of Indeterminate forms of limit, L’ Hospital’s Rule. Tangent and Normal. Curvature, Radius of Curvature, Centre of Curvature. Functions of more than one variable, Limit, Continuity, Differentiability, Partial Derivatives, Euler’s Theorem. Jacobians.  Integral Calculus: Indefinite Integrals and its definition. Methods of Integration (Integration by substitution, Integration by parts, Integration by successive reduction). Fundamental theorem of Integral calculus. Definite Integral and its properties. Definite Integral as the limit of a sum. Improper Integrals, Beta and Gamma Function, Its application in evaluating Integrals. Evaluation of Arc length, Areas, Surfaces of Revolution, Volumes of solids of Revolution, Multiple  Integrals.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Calculus – Howard Anton; 10th Edition; John Willy and Sons
    2. Differential Calculus – B. C. Das & B. N. Mukharjee; 54th Edition; U. N. Dhur & Sons PTL
    3. Integral Calculus – C. Das & B. N. Mukharjee; 54th Edition; U. N. Dhur & Sons PTL
    4. A Text Book on Differential Calculus – Mohammad, Bhattacharjee & Latif, 4th Edition, 2014; S. Chakravarty, Gonith Prokashan
    5. A Text Book on Integral Calculus – Mohammad, Bhattacharjee & Latif; 4th Edition, 2014; S. Chakravarty, Gonith Prokashan.

    CSE-105 Structured Programming Languages

    3 Credits

    Programming language: Basic concept; overview of programming languages, C-language: Preliminaries; Elements of C; program constructs; variables and data types in C; Input and output; character and formatted I/O; Arithmetic expressions and assignment statements; loops and nested loops; Decision making’ Arrays; Functions; Arguments and Local Variables; Calling functions and arrays; Recursion and recursive functions; structures within structure; Files; File functions for sequential and Random I/O. Pointers, Pointers and Structures; Pointers and functions; Pointer and arrays; Operations on pointers; Pointer and memory addresses; Operations on bits; Bit operation; Bit field; Advanced features; Standard and Library functions.

    Books Recommended:

    1. The C Programming Language  –  Kernighn& Ritchie
    2. Teach Yourself C  –  H. Schieldt
    3. The Complete Reference, Turbo C/C++  – H. Schieldt
    4. Programming with ANSI C  –  E. Balagurusamy
    5. Programming with C, Schaum’s outline Series  – Gotfreid

    CSE 106 Structured Programming Languages Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 105.

    HUM-105 Oral and written Communication in English Language

    3 Credits

    Oral & written communication skills include communicative expressions for day to day activities, both for personal and professional requirement. Grammar items will mainly emphasize the use of articles, numbers, tense, modal verbs, pronouns, punctuation, etc. Sentence formation, question formation, transformation of sentence, simple passive voice construction, and conditionals will also be covered.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Paragraph in English – Tibbits
    2. Exercise in Reading Comprehension – Tibbits
    3. Essential English Grammar – Ramon Murphy
    4. English Vocabulary in use – Stuart
    5. English Vocabulary in use  – McCarthy
    6. Intermediate English Grammar   –  Ramon Murphy

    HUM-113 Bangladesh Studies : History and Society of Bangladesh

    3 Credits

    Bangladesh-Geography of Bangladesh-History of Bangladesh: ancient, medieval, British periods, politics of 1930’s and 1940’s, Language movement, 6-point & 11-point programs, liberation war and emergence of Bangladesh and constitutional transformation of the state. Social structure of Bangladesh-Social problems such as repression of women, eve-teasing, urbanization, terrorism, communalism, corruption etc.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Bangladesh Encyclopedia (English Version)
    2. History of Bengal (English Version)   –   K. Ali
    3. History of Bengal (English Version)   –   Majumder
    4. Economy of Bangladesh (Economic Journal)

    CSE-107 Object Oriented Programming I

    3 Credits

    Introduction to Java: History of Java, Java class Libraries, Introduction to java programming, and a simple program. Developing java Application: Introduction, Algorithms, Pseudo code, control Structure, The If/Else selection structure, the while Repetition structure, Assignment operators, Increment and decrement operators, Primitive data types, common Escape sequences, Logical operator. Control Structure: Introduction, for Structure, switch structure, Do while structure, Break and continue Structure. Methods: Introduction, Program module in Java, Math class methods, method definitions, java API packages, Automatic variables, Recursions, Method overloading, Method of the Applet class. Arrays: Introduction, Arrays, declaring and allocating arrays, passing arrays to methods, sorting arrays, searching arrays, multiple subscripted Arrays. Inheritance: Introduction, Super class, Subclass, Protected members, using constructor and Finalizes in subclasses, composition vs. Inheritance, Introduction to polymorphism, Dynamic method building, Final methods and classes, Abstract super classes and concrete classes, Exception Handling.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Java, How to Program- H. M. Deitel & P. J. Deitel
    2. Core Java (Vol. 1 and 2)- Sun Press
    3. Beginning Java 2, Wrox – Ivor Horton
    4. Java 2 Complete Reference- H. Schieldt


    CSE 108 Object Oriented Programming I Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 107.

    MTH-107 Geometry and Linear Algebra

    3 Credits

    Geometry: Two dimensional Geometry: Transformation of Co-ordinates. Pair of straight lines, General Equation of Second Degree, Circle, Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola. Three Dimensional Geometry: Three Dimensional Co-ordinates, Direction Cosines and Direction Ratios. Plane and Straight line. Linear Algebra: Determinant and properties of Determinants, Matrix, Types of matrices, Matrix operations, Laws of matrix Algebra, Invertible matrices. Elementary row and Column operations and Row-reduced echelon matrices, Rank of matrices. System of Linear equations (homogeneous and non-homogeneous) and their solutions. Vectors in Rn and Cn   , Inner product, Norm and Distance in Rn and C. Vector Spaces, Subspace, Linear combination of vectors, Linear dependence and independence of vectors. Basis and Dimension of vector spaces. Inner product spaces, Orthogonality and Orthonormal sets, Eigen values and Eigen vectors, diagonalization, Cayley-Hamilton  theorem and its application.

    Books recommended:

    1. Analytical Geometry of Conic Section – J. M. Kar
    2. An Elementary Treatise on Co-ordinate Geometry of three dimensions –J. T. Bell; Macmillan India Ltd
    3. A Text Book on Co-ordinate Geometry – Rahman & Bhattacharjee; 12th Edition, 2014; S. Chakravarty, Gonith Prokashan
    4. Schaum’s Outline Series of the Theory and Problems on Linear Algebra – Seymour Lipschutz; 3rd Edition; McGraw Hill Book Company
    5. Linear Algebra with Applications – Antone
    6. Linear Algebra – Dewan Abdul Quddus; Latest Edition; Titash Publications
    7. Linear Algebra – Saikia

    PHY-103 Electromagnetism and Modern Physics

    3 Credits

    Electrostatics, Electric Charge, Coulomb’s Law, Electric Field & Electric Potential, Electric Flux Density, Gauss’s Law, Capacitors and Dielectrics, Steady Current, Ohm’s Law, Magnetostatics, Magnetic Field, Biot-Savart Law, Ampere’s Law, Electromagnetic Induction, Faraday’s Law, Lenz’s Law, Self Inductance & Mutual Inductance, Magnetic Properties of Matter, Permeability, Susceptibility, Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism&Ferroma-gnetism, Maxwell’s Equations of Electromagnetic Waves, Waves in Conducting & Non-Conducting Media, Total Internal Reflection, Transmission along Wave Guides. Special Theory of Relativity, Length Contraction & Time Dilation, Mass-Energy Relation, Photo Electric Effect, Quantum Theory, X-rays and X-ray Diffraction, Compton Effect, Dual Nature of Matter & Radiation, Atomic Structure, Nuclear Dimensions, Electron Orbits, Atomic Spectra, Bohr Atom, Radioactive Decay, Half-Life, a, b and g Rays, Isotopes, Nuclear Binding Energy, Fundamentals of Solid State Physics, Lasers, Holography.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Fundamental of Physics(PartII)- Haliday, Resnick& Walker
    2. Modern Physics –   Bernstein
    3. Concepts of Modern Physics – Beiser
    4. Electromagnetism and Modern Physics
    5. Fundamental of Optics –  Brizlal
    6. Optics – Ghatak
    7. Heat & Thermodynamics –   Brizlal
    8. University Physics with Modern Physics –  Young
    9. Essential University Physics Volume II – Wolfson

     PHY-102 Physics Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on PHY-101 & PHY-103.

    ECE-101 Basic Electrical Engineering

    3 Credits

    Fundamental electrical concepts, Kirchoff’s Laws, Equivalent resistance. Electrical circuits: Series circuits, parallel circuits, series-parallel networks. Network analysis: Source conversion, Star/Delta conversion, Branch-current method, Mesh analysis, Nodal analysis. Network theorems: Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem. Capacitors. Magnetic circuits, Inductors Sinosoidal alternating waveforms: Definitions, phase relations, Instantaneous value, Average value, Effective (rms)Value. Phasor algebra Series, parallel and series-parallel ac networks. Power: Apparent power, Reactive power, Power triangle, Power factor correction. Pulse waveforms and the R-C response. Three-phase system Transformers.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Introductory Circuit Analysis- L. Boylestad
    2. Introduction to Electrical Engineering- P. Ward
    3. Electrical Technology (Volume 1)-L. Theraja, A.K.Theraja
    4. Alternating Current Circuits-M. Kerchner, G. F. Corcoran
    5. Electric Circuits – James W. Nilson

     ECE 102 Basic Electrical Engineering Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on ECE 101.

    ECN 101 Principles of Economics

    3 Credits

    Introduction: The Nature, scope and methods of Economics, Economics and Engineering. Some Fundamental concepts commonly used in Economics. Micro Economics: The theory of demand and supply and their elasticity’s. Market price determination competition in theory and practice. Indifference curve technique. Marginal analysis. Factors of production and production function. Scale of production – Internal and external economies and diseconomies. The short run and the long run. Fixed cost and variable cost. Macro Economics: National income analysis. Inflation and its effects. Savings, Investments. The basis of trade and the terms of trade. Monetary policy, Fiscal policy, Trade policy with reference to Bangladesh. Planning in Bangladesh.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Economics    –  Samuelson & Nordhaus
    2. Economics   –   Don Bush Fisher

     HUM-103 Language Composition and Comprehension

    3 Credits

    This course purports to make the student well up in composition and comprehension of English language used in formal write ups like articles, essays and treatises. Here text will be given for comprehension, exercises of writing essays, paragraphs and reports will be done and construction of proper sentences expressing formal ideas will be taught. Sufficient exercises of translation and re-translations will be included.

     Books Recommended:

    1. Exercise in Reading Comprehension   –  Tibbits
    2. Essential English Grammar  –   Ramon Murphy
    3. English Vocabulary in use   –  Stuart
    4. English Vocabulary in use   –   McCarthy
    5. Intermediate English Grammar   –  Ramon Murphy
    6. Paragraph in English   –  Tibbits

     CSE-201 Discrete Mathematics

    3 Credits

    Mathematical Models and Reasoning: Propositions, Predicates and Quantifiers, Logical operators, Logical inference, Methods of proof. Sets: Set theory, Relations between sets, Operations on sets. Induction, The natural numbers, Set operations on å*. Binary Relations : Binary relations and Digraphs, Graph theory, Trees, Properties of relations, Composition of relations, Closure operations on relations, Order relations, Equivalence relations and partitions. Functions: Basic properties, Special classes of functions. Counting and Algorithm Analysis: Techniques, Asymptotic behavior of functions, Recurrence systems, Analysis of algorithms. Infinite sets: Finite and Infinite sets, Countable and uncountable sets, Comparison of cardinal numbers. Algebras: Structure, Varieties of algebras, Homomorphism, Congruence relations.

     Books Recommended:

    1. Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Discrete Mathematics- Seymour Lipschutz
    2. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications- Kennth H. Rosen
    3. Discrete Mathematical Structures- Bernard Kolman, Robert C. Busby, Sharon Cutler Ross
    4. Concrete Mathematics- Ronald Ervin Knuth

     CSE-211 Object Oriented Programming II

    3 Credits

    String, String Buffer and String Builder classes, Files and Stream, Java Database Connectivity: Statement and Prepared Statement Interfaces, CRUD operations using Statement and Prepared Statement, JDBC Transaction Management, Object Relational Mapping, Java Persistency API: Introduction, Entity class annotations, Entity Manager interface, Entity Transaction interface, CRUD operations using JPA, Primary Key Generation Strategies, Entity Inheritance, Entity Mapping, Java Persistency Query Language: Select, Update, Delete and Named Queries, Servlets: Servlet Interface, Generic Servlet and HTTP Servlet, Servlet lifecycle, Java Server Pages: JSP Life cycle methods, Tags in JSP, JSP Implicit Objects, JSP Standard Tag Library, Java Server Faces: Introduction, JSF Architecture and Application Development, JSF Page Navigation and Managed Bean, JSF Core Tag Library, JSF Event Handling Model, JSF Validation Model, JSF Data Conversion Model, JPA JSF Integration, Java API, Utility classes, 2D Graphics, GUI, Swing, Events.

    1. Introduction to Programming in Java, Robert Sedgewick & Kevin Wayne
    2. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, Timothy Budd

    CSE-212 Object Oriented Programming II Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 211.

     CSE-205 Data Structures

    3 Credits

    Concepts and examples: Introduction to Data structures. Elementary data structures: Arrays, records, pointer. Arrays: Type, memory representation and operations with arrays. Linked lists: Representation, Types and operations with linked lists. Stacks and Queues: Implementations, operations with stacks and queues. Graphs: Implementations, operations with graph. Trees: Representations, Types, operations with trees. Memory Management: Uniform size records, diverse size records. Sorting: Internal sorting, external sorting. Searching : List searching, tree searching. Hashing: Hashing functions, collision resolution.

     Books Recommended:

    1. Fundamental of Data Structures – Horowitz & S. Sahni
    2. Data Structures –  Reingold
    3. Data Structures, Schaum’s outline Series –  Lipshultz
    4. Data Structures & Programming Design –  Robert L. Kruse

     CSE-206 Data Structures Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 205.

    MTH-205 Vector Analysis and Complex Variable

    3 Credits

    Vector Analysis: Vector Algebra – Vectors in three dimensional space, Algebra of Vectors, Rectangular Components, Addition, Subtraction and Scalar multiplication, Scalar and Vector product of two vectors. Scalar and Vector triple product. Application in Geometry. Vector Calculus – Limit, Continuity and Differentiability of Scalar and Vector point functions.  Scalar and Vector field. Gradient, Divergence and Curl of point functions. Vector Integration, Line, Surface and Volume Integrals. Green’s theorem, Gauss’s theorem, Stoke’s theorem. Complex Variable: Field of Complex numbers, D’Moivre’s theorem and its applications. Limit and Continuity of complex functions, Derivatives, Analytic function, Harmonic function, Cauchy-Rieman equation. Line Integral of Complex functions. Cauchy’s  Integral theorem and Cauchy’s  Integral formula. Lioville’s theorem, Taylors and Laurent’s theorem, Singularity Residue, Cauchy’s Residue theorem. Contour Integration. Bilinear transformation. Mapping of Elementary functions. Conformal mapping.

    Book Recommended:

    1. Schaum’s Outline Series of the Theory and  Problems on Vector Analysis – Murray R. Spiegel; SI (Metric Edition); McGraw Hill Book Company
    2. Schaum’s Outline Series of the Theory and Problems on Complex Variable – Murray R. Spiegel; 2nd Edition; McGraw Hill Book Company
    3. Functions of a Complex Variable – Dewan Abdul Quddus; Latest Edition; Titash Publications

    ECE-201 Electronic Devices & Circuits

    3 Credits

    Introduction to semiconductors, Junction diode characteristics & diode applications, Bipolar Junction transistor characteristics, Transistor biasing, Small signal low frequency h-parameter model & hybrid -pi model, AC analysis of transistor, Frequency response of transistor, Operational amplifiers, Linear applications of operational amplifiers, DC performance of operational amplifiers, AC performance of operational amplifiers, Introduction to JFET, MOSFET, PMOS, NMOS & CMOS, Introduction to SCR, TRIAC, DIAC & UJT, Active filters Introduction to IC fabrication techniques & VLSI design.

    Book Recommended:

    1. Electronic Devices & Circuits McGraw-Hill -Jacob Millman & Christos C. Halkias
    2. Electronics Devices And Circuits- Salivahanan, N. S. Kumar And A. Vallavaraj, Tata McGraw – Hill
    3. Electronics Fundamentals: Circuits, Devices, and Applications- Ronald J Tocci

    ECE 202 Electronic Devices & Circuits Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on ECE 201.

    ACN-203 Cost and Management Accounting

    3 Credits

    Introduction: Cost accounting: Definition, Limitations of Financial Accounting, Importance, Objectives, Functions and Advantages of Cost Accounting, Financial Accounting VS. Cost Accounting VS. Managerial Accounting, Techniques and Methods of Cost Accounting, International Cost Accounting Systems. Managerial accounting: Definition , Evolution , Objectives , Scope , Importance , Functions , Techniques , Differences among Managerial Accounting , Cost Accounting and Financial Accounting , Management Accounting for Planning and Control .Cost Classification : Cost Concepts , Cost Terms , Cost Expenses and Losses , Cost Center ,Cost Unit , Classification of Costs , Cost Accounting Cycle, Cost Statement , The Flow of Costs in a Manufacturing Enterprise ,Reporting and Results of Operation.  Materials : Indirect & Direct Material , Procurement of Materials , Purchase Control ,    Purchase Department , Purchase Quantity , Fixed Order , Economic Order Quantity , Stock-out Cost , Re-order Level , Purchase Order , Receipts and Inspection ,Classification and Codification of materials ,Stock Verification , ABC Method of Store Control , Pricing of materials Issued , LIFO, FIFO and Average Pricing , Inventory Control; Labor: Labor Cost Control, Time Recording Systems, Manual and Mechanical Methods, Time Booking, Necessary Documents Maintained for Labor Control, Methods of Remuneration;  Treatment for Idle and Over Time. Overhead: Definition , Classifications of Overheads , Methods of Overhead Distribution , Distribution of  Factory Overhead to Service Departments, Redistribution of Service Department Cost , Uses of Predetermined Overhead Rates , Treatment of Over and under absorbed Overhead ,Treatment of Administration Overhead , Selling and Distribution Overheads , Calculation of Machine Hour rate . Job Order Costing: Feature Advantages, Limitation, Accounting for Materials, Labor and Factory Overhead in Job Costing, Accounting for Jobs Completed and Products Sold, Spoilage, Defective Work and Scrap in job Costing System, The Job Cost Sheet, Job Order Costing in Service Companies, Nature and Uses of Batch Costing, Determination of Economic Batch Quantity. Contract Costing: Introduction, Procedures, Types of Contract, Retention Money, Profit or Loss on Incomplete Contract, Cost plus Contract Systems; Operation Costing: Nature, Procedures, Costing for Transport and Hospital; Cost Behavior : Analysis of Cost Behavior , Measurement of Cost Behavior , Methods of Methods of Measuring Cost Functions , Analysis of Mixed Costs , High and Low Point Method , Scatter graph  Method , Least Squares Method , Use of Judgment in Cost Analysis ; Cost – Volume Profit Relationship : Profit Planning , Break Even Point , Break Even Chart , Changes in Underlying Factors , Profit Volume Graph , Income Tax effect on Break Even Point , Break Even Point in Decision Making , Risk and Profit Analysis , Limitations .

    Books Recommended:

    1. Cost Accounting, A Managerial Emphasis: T. Hormgren ET all 
    2. Managerial Accounting: Ray .H. Garrison
    3. Management Accounting: N. Anthony
    4. Management Accounting: S.Kaplan
    5. Cost Accounting: Usry & Hammer
    6. Cost Accounting: G. Rayburn
    7. Cost Accounting: P Lyenger
    8. Accounting Principles – Kieso
    9. Financial & Managerial Accounting-  Needles
    10. Theory and Practice of Costing- Basu & Das

    CSE-207 Algorithms

    3 Credits

    Analysis of Algorithm: Asymptotic analysis: Recurrences, Substitution method, Recurrence tree method, Master method. Divide-and-Conquer: Binary search, Powering a number, Fibonacci numbers, Matrix Multiplication, Strassen’s Algorithm for Matrix Multiplication. Sorting: Insertion sort, Merge sort, Quick sort, Randomized quick sort, Decision tree, Counting sort, Radix sort. Order Statistics: Randomized divide and conquer, worst case linear time order statistics. Graph: Representation, Traversing a graph, Topological sorting, Connected Components. Dynamic Programming: Elements of DP (Optimal substructure, Overlapping subproblem), Longest Common Subsequence finding problem, Matrix Chain Multiplication. Greedy Method: Greedy choice property, elements of greedy strategy, Activity selector problem, Minimum spanning tree (Prims algorithm, Kruskal algorithm), Huffman coding. Shortest Path Algorithms: Dynamic and Greedy properties, Dijkstra’s algorithm with its correctness and analysis, Bellman-ford algorithm, All pair shortest path: Warshall’s algorithm, Johnson’s algorithm. Network flow: Maximum flow, Max-flow-min-cut, Bipartite matching. Backtracking/Branch-and-Bound: Permutation, Combination, 8-queen problem, 15-puzzle problem. Geometric algorithm: Segment-segment intersection, Convex-hull, Closest pair problem. And NP Completeness, NP hard and NP complete problems.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to Algorithms- Thomas H. Cormen , Charles E. Leiserson.
    2. Algorithms –Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
    3. Fundamental Algorithms- Donald E. Knuth,”Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Addison-Wesley Professional; 3rd edition, 1997.

    CSE-208 Algorithms Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Using different well known algorithms to solve the problem of Matrix-Chain Multiplication, Longest Common Subsequence, Huffman codes generation, Permutation, Combination, 8-queen problem, 15-puzzle, BFS, DFS, flood fill using DFS, Topological sorting, Strongly connected component, finding minimum spanning tree, finding shortest path (Dijkstra’s algorithm and Bellman-Ford’s algorithm), Flow networks and maximum bipartite matching, Finding the convex hull, Closest pair.

    CSE-209 Numerical Methods

    3 Credits

    Errors and Accuracy. Iterative process: Solution of f(x)= 0, existence and convergence of a root, convergence of the iterative method, geometrical representation, Aitken’s D2– process of acceleration. System of Linear Equations. Solution of Non-Linear equations. Finite Differences and Interpolation. Finite Difference Interpolation. Numerical Differentiation. Numerical Integration. Differential Equations.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis –  S. S. Sastry
    2. Numerical Methods for Engineers –Steven C.  Chapra
    3. Numerical Mathematical Analysis – James B. Scarborugh

    CSE-210 Numerical Methods Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 209.

    CSE-231 Digital Logic Design

    3 Credits

    Binary Logic. Logic Gates: IC digital logic families, positive and negative logic. Boolean Algebra. Simplification of Boolean Functions: Karnaugh map method, SOP and POS simplification, NAND, NOR, wired-AND, wired-OR implementation, nondegenerate forms, Don’t care conditions, Tabulation method – prime implicant chart. Combinational Logic: Arithmetic circuits – half and full adders and subtractors, multilevel NAND and NOR circuits, Ex-OR and Equivalence functions. Combinational Logic in MSI and LSI: Binary parallel adder, decimal and BCD adders, Comparators, Decoders and Encoders, Demultiplexors and Multiplexors. Sequential Logic. Registers and Counters. Synchronous Sequential Circuits. Asynchronous Sequential Circuits. Digital IC terminology, TTL logic family, TTL series characteristics, open-collector TTL, tristate TTL, ECL family, MOS digital ICs, MOSFET, CMOS characteristics, CMOS tristate logic, TTL-CMOS-TTL interfacing, memory terminology, general memory operation, semiconductor memory technologies, different types of ROMs, semiconductor RAMs, static and dynamic RAMs, magnetic bubble memory, CCD memory, FPGA Concept.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Digital Logic & Computer Design-M. Morris Mano
    2. Digital Fundamentals- Floyd
    3. Modern Digital Electronics-R. P. Jain
    4. Digital Systems- R. J. Tocci
    5. Digital Electronics- Green

    CSE-232 Digital Logic Design Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 231.

    MTH-207 Differential Equations, Laplace Transforms and Fourier Analysis

    3 Credits

    Differential Equation: Formation of Differential equation, Degree and Order of differential equation, Complete and Particular solution. Ordinary differential equation – Solution of ordinary differential equation of first order and first degree (special forms). Linear differential equation with constant coefficients. Homogeneous linear differential equation. Solution of differential equation by the method of Variation of parameters. Solution of linear differential equations in series by Frobenius method. Bessel’s function and Legendre’s Polynomials and their properties. Simultaneous equation of the form dx/P=dy/Q=dz/R. Partial differential equation – Lagrange’s linear equation, Equation of linear and non-linear first order standard forms, Charpit’s method.

    Laplace Transforms: Definition, Laplace transforms of some elementary functions, sufficient conditions for existence of Laplace transforms, Inverse Laplace transforms, Laplace transforms of derivatives, Unit step function, Periodic function, Some special theorems on Laplace transforms, Partial fraction, Solution of differential equations by Laplace transforms, Evaluation of Improper Integrals. Fourier Analysis: Fourier series (Real and complex form). Finite transforms, Fourier Integrals, Fourier transforms and application in solving boundary value problems.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Differential Equations – H. T. H. Piaggio; 1st Indian Edition, 1985, S. K. Jain for CBS Publishers
    2. A Text Book on Integral Calculus with Differential Equations – Mohammad,  Bhattacharjee & Latif, 4th Edition, 2010; S. Chakravarty, Gonith Prokashon
    3. Schaum’s Outline Series of the Theory and Problems on Laplace Transforms – Murray R. Spiegel; Revised Edition, 2003; McGraw Hill Book Company
    4. Differential Equation – Md. Abu Eusuf; Latest Edition; Abdullah Al Mashud Publisher

    CSE-200 Project Work

    2 Credits

    Project focusing on Object oriented programming approach and using standard algorithm is preferable. Every project should maintain a goal so that it can be used as a useful tool in the IT fields. Also innovative project ideas that require different types scripting/programming languages or programming tools can be accepted with respect to the consent of the corresponding project supervisor.

    CSE-321 Database Systems

    3 Credits

    Introduction: Purpose of Database Systems, Data Abstraction, Data Models, Instances and Schemes, Data Independence, Data Definition Language, Data Manipulation Language, Database Manager, Database administrator, Database Users, Overall System Structure, Advantages and Disadvantage of a Database Systems. Data Mining and analysis, Database Architecture, History of Database Systems Relationship Entity-Model: Entities and Entity Sets, Relationships and Relationship Sets, Attributes, Composite and Multivalued Attributes, Mapping Constraints, Keys, Entity-Relationship Diagram, Reducing of E-R Diagram to Tables, Generalization, Attribute Inheritance, Aggregation, Alternative E-R Notatios, Design of an E-R Database Scheme.

    Relational Model: Structure of Relational Database, Fundamental Relational Algebra Operations, The Tuple Relational Calculus, The Domain Relational Calculus, Modifying the Database. Relational Commercial Language: SQL, Basic structure of SQL Queries, Query-by-Example, Quel., Nested Sub queries, Complex queries, Integrity Constraints, Authorization, Dynamic SQL, Recursive Queries. Relational Database Design: Pitfalls in Relational Database Design, Functional Dependency Theory, Normalization using Functional Dependencies, Normalization using Multivalued Dependencies, Normalization using join Dependencies, Database Design Process. File And System Structure: Overall System Structure, Physical Storage Media, File Organization, RAID, Organization of Records into Blocks, Sequential Files, Mapping Relational Data to Files, Data Dictionary Storage, Buffer Management. Indexing And Hashing: Basic Concepts, Ordered Indices, B+ -Tree Index Files, B-Tree Index Files, Static and Dynamic Hash Function, Comparison of Indexing and Hashing, Index Definition in SQL, Multiple Key Access.

    Query Processing and Optimization: Query Interpretation, Equivalence of Expressions, Estimation of Query-Processing Cost, Estimation of Costs of Access Using Indices, Join Strategies, Join Strategies for parallel Processing, Structure of the query Optimizer, Transformation of Relational Expression. Concurrency Control: Schedules, Testing for Serializability, Lock-Based Protocols, Timestamp-Based Protocols, Validation Techniques, Multiple Granularity, Multiversion Schemes, Insert and Delete Operations, Deadlock Handling. Distributed Database: Structure of Distributed Databases, Trade-off in Distributing the Database, Design of Distributed Database, Transparancy and Autonomy, Distributed Query Processing, Recovery in Distributed Systems, Commit Protocols, Concurrency Control. Data Mining and Information Retrieval:  Data analysis and OLAP, Data Warehouse, Data Mining, Relevance Ranking Using Terms, Relevance Ranking Using Hyperlink, Synonyms, Homonyms, Ontology, Indexing of Document, Measuring Retrieval Efficiencies, Information Retrieval and Structured Data.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Database System Concepts – Abraham Silberschratz, Henry K. Korth, S. Sudarshan  (5th edition)
    2. Fundamentals of Database Systems – Benjamin/Cummings, 1994
    3. Database Principles, Programming, Performance  – Morgan Kaufmann 1994
    4. A First Course in Database Systems – Prentice Hall, 1997
    5. Database Management Systems, McGraw Hill, 1996

    CSE-322 Database Systems Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Introduction: What is database, MySQL , Oracle , SQL, Datatypes, SQL / PLSQL, Oracle Software Installation, User Type, Creating User , Granting. Basic Parts of Speech in SQL: Creating Newspaper Table, Select Command (Where , order by), Creating View, Getting Text Information & Changing it, Concatenation, Cut & paste string(RPAD , LPAD , TRIM , LTRIM , RTRIM, LOWER , UPPER , INIT, LENGTH , SUBSTR , INSTR , SOUNDEX). Playing The Numbers: Addition , Subtraction , Multiplication , Division, NVL , ABS , Floor , MOD , Power , SQRT , EXR , LN , LOG , ROUND, AVG  , MAX , MIN , COUNT , SUM, Distinct, SUBQUERY FOR MAX,MIN. Grouping things together: Group By , Having, Order By, Views Renaming Columns with Aliases.When one query depends upon another: Union, Intersect , Minus, Not in , Not Exists. Changing Data : INSERT,UPDATE,MERGE,DELETE, ROLLBACK , AUTOCOMMIT , COMMIT, SAVEPOINTS, MULTI TABLE INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, MERGE. Creating And Altering tables & views: Altering table, Dropping table, Creating view, Creating a table from a table. By What Authority: Creating  User, Granting User, Password Management.
    An Introduction to PL/SQL: Implement few problems using PL/SQL (eg Prime Number, Factorial, Calculating Area of Circle, etc).An Introduction to Trigger and Procedure: Implement few problems using Trigger  and Procedures. An Introduction to Indexing: Implement indexing using a large database and observe the difference of Indexed and Non-Indexed database.

    CSE-331 Computer Architecture

    3 Credits

    Introduction to Computer Architecture: Overview and history; Cost factor; Performance metrics and evaluating computer designs. Instruction set design: Von Neumann machine cycle, Memory addressing, Classifying instruction set architectures, RISC versus CISC, Micro programmed vs. hardwired control unit. Memory System Design:  Cache memory; Basic cache structure and design; Fully associative, direct, and set associative mapping; Analyzing cache effectiveness; Replacement policies; Writing to a cache; Multiple caches; Upgrading a cache; Main Memory; Virtual memory  structure, and design; Paging; Replacement strategies. Pipelining: General considerations; Comparison of pipelined and nonpipelined computers; Instruction and arithmetic pipelines, Structural, Data and Branch hazards. Multiprocessors and Multi-core Computers:  SISD, SIMD, and MIMD architectures; Centralized and distributed shared memory- architectures; Multi-core Processor architecture. Input/output Devices: Performance measure, Types of I/O device, Buses and interface to CPU, RAID. Pipelining: Basic pipelining, Pipeline Hazards. Parallel Processing.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Computer Architecture and Organization- John P.Hayes,  3rd Edition, McGraw Hill
    2. Computer Organization and Design: The hardware / software interface- David A.Patterson and John L.Hennessy

    CSE-323 Web Engineering

    2 Credits

    Introduction to Web Engineering, Requirements Engineering and Modeling Web Applications, Web Application Architectures, Technologies and Tools for Web Applications, Testing and Maintenance of Web Applications, Usability and Performance of Web Applications, Security of Web Applications, The Semantic Web.

    Books References:

    1. Web Engineering: The Discipline of Systematic Development of Web Applications Editors- GertiKappel, Birgit Proll, Siegfried Reich, Werner Retschitzegger
    2. Web Engineering: A Practitioner’s  Approach- Roger Pressman, David Lowe
    3. MIT Open Course Materials for the course Software Engineering for Web Applications
    4. MIT Open Course Materials for the course Database, Internet, and Systems Integration Technologies

    CSE-324 Web Engineering Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Understanding the Web Application: Web Engineering introduces a structured methodology utilized in software engineering to Web development projects. The course addresses the concepts, methods, technologies, and techniques of developing Web Sites that collect, organize and expose information resources. Topics covered include requirements engineering for Web applications, design methods and technologies, interface design, usability of web applications, accessibility, testing, metrics, operation and maintenance of Web applications, security and project management. Specific technologies covered in this course include client-side (XHTML, JavaScript and CSS) and server-side (Perl and PHP). Using the described concepts students should be able to understand the Web engineering concepts behind the frameworks of Joomla, Drupal, WordPress. Server-side technology: LAMP, Web application frameworks, (example: Silverlight, Adobe Flex), Web 2.0 and Web APIs. Front-end technology: HTML, XHTML, XML. CSS Styling, layout, selector, Document object model and JavaScript. Client-Programming: Web APIs with JavaScript (example: Google AJAX API). MVC: Understanding model, view and controller model. Understanding Web APIs: REST, XML, JSON, RSS Parsing. JavaScript Exercise: The goal of this assignment is to allow you to explore and use vas many of JavaScript’s objects, methods and properties as possible in a small assignment. Some functions must be written from scratch. Other functions, appropriately attributed, may be downloaded from the web and used as a part of the system or as the basis for your own functions.  PHP Exercise: Build a set of PHP scripts that perform some dynamic server-side functionality. Understanding plug-ins: Develop a Firefox extension.

    MTH-301 Statistics and Probability

    2 Credits

    Frequency distribution; mean, median, mode and other measures of central tendency, Standard deviation and other measures of dispersion, Moments, skewness and kurtosis, Elementary probability theory and discontinuous probability distribution, e.g. binomial, poison and negative binomial, Continuous probability distributions, e.g. normal and exponential, Characteristics of distributions, Hypothesis testing and regression analysis.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to M athematical Statistics –  Hogg
    2. Probability and Statistics for Scientists and Engineers – Walpole

    CSE-309 Cyber Crime and Intellectual Property Law

    3 Credits

    Introduction: the problem of computer crime, what is Cybercrime? Cybercrime: the invisible threat, Information and other assets in need of assurance, Computer focused and computer assisted crimes, the hacker, hacking tactics, the victim, Data: surveys, network flow and IPS/IDS, Data: honey pots and incidents, Cyber terrorism, Cyber laws and regulations, Investigating cyber crime , Preventing cyber crime and Future opportunities for managing cybercrime. Intellectual Property: Introduction, Philosophical Perspectives and Overview of Intellectual Property: Trade Secret; Patent; Copyright; Trademark/Trade Dress; Problem; Copyright and patent; need of intellectual Property laws, Copyright for software, software-copyright cases, Database, the focus shifts from copyright to patent, the nature of patent law, some software-patent cases. Filmy and video, Pornography meets the internet, different between downloads and publications, censoring videos.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Understanding and Managing Cybercrime-McQuade III, Samuel C. 2006. ISBN 0-205-43973-X
    2. The Transformation of Crime in the Information Age –Wall, David. 2006. ISBN 0-745-62736-6
    3. Cyber Crime and Digital Evidence: Materials and Cases –Thomas K. Clancy, First Edition 2011, LexisNexis, ISBN: 9781422494080
    4. Cybercrime, investigating high-technology computer crime –Moore, Robert, (2011), (2ndEd.). Elsevier.
    5. Cybercrime: The Investigation, Prosecution and Defense of a Computer-related Crime –Ralph D. Clifford, August 1, 2011
    6. Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age –Merges, Menell & Lemley,2011 (6th Edition)
    7. Intellectual property: Law & the information society- James Boyle, Jennifer Jenkins, First Edition, 2014.
    8. International Intellectual Property law- Jonathan Franklin, 2013

     CSE-310 Technical Report Writing and Presentation

    1.5 Credits

    Issues of technical writing and effective oral presentation in Computer Science and Engineering; Writing styles of definitions, propositions, theorems and proofs; Preparation of reports, research papers, theses and books: abstract, preface, contents, bibliography and index; Writing of book reviews and referee reports; Writing tools: LATEX; Diagram drawing software; presentation tools.

     Books Recommended:

    1. Technical Report Writing- Daniel G. Riordan, Houghton Mifflin Company, 8th edition, 2001

     CSE-326 Engineering Drawing 

    1 Credit

    Introduction; Instruments and their uses; First and third angle projection; Orthographic drawing; Sectional views and conventional practices; Auxiliary views; Isometric views; Missing lines and views.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Engineering Drawing & DesignDavid A. Madsen, David P. Madsen

    CSE-300 Software Development

    2 Credits

    Students will work in groups or individually to produce high quality software in different languages. Students will write structured programs and use proper documentation. Advanced programming techniques in Mobile Application.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Android Application Development Cookbook- Wei-Meng Lee
    2. The Complete Android Guide- Kevin Purdy

     CSE-303 Operating Systems

    3 Credits

    Introduction: Operating Systems Concept, Computer System Structures, Operating System Structures, Operating System operations, Protection and Security, Special-Purpose Systems. Fundamentals of OS : OS services and components, multitasking,  multiprogramming, time sharing, buffering, spooling Process Management: Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Process State, Process Management, Interprocess Communication, interaction between processes and OS, Communication in Client-Server Systems, Threading, Multithreading, Process Synchronization. Concurrency control: Concurrency and race conditions, mutual exclusion requirements, semaphores, monitors, classical IPC problem and solutions, Dead locks – characterization, detection, recovery, avoidance and prevention. Memory Management: Memory partitioning, Swapping, Paging, Segmentation, Virtual memory – Concepts, Overlays, Demand Paging, Performance of demand paging, Page replacement algorithm, Allocation algorithms. Storage Management: Principles of I/O hardware, Principles of I/O software, Secondary storage structure, Disk structure, Disk scheduling, Disk Management, Swap-space Management, Disk reliability, Stable storage implementation. File Concept:  File support, Access methods, Allocation methods, Directory systems, File Protection, Free Space management Protection & Security : Goals of protection, Domain of protection, Access matrix, Implementation of access matrix, Revocation of access rights, The security problem, Authentication, One-time passwords, Program threats, System threats, Threat monitoring, Encryption, Computer-security classification.  Distributed Systems: Types of Distributed Operating System, Communication Protocols, Distributed File Systems, Naming and Transparency, Remote File Access, Stateful Versus Stateless Service, File Replication. Case Studies: Study of a representative Operating Systems,

     Books Recommended:              

    1. Operating System Concepts – Silberschatz & Galvin Wiley 2000 (7th Edition)
    2. Operating Systems – Achyut S. Godbole Tata Mc Graw Hill (2nd Edition)
    3. Understanding Operating System – Flynn & Metioes Thomsan (4th Edition)
    4. Operating Systems Design & Implementation – Andrew Tanenbam, Albert S. Woodhull Pearson
    5. Modern Operating System – Andrew S. Tanenbaum

     CSE-304 Operating Systems Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Thread programming: Creating thread and thread synchronization. Process Programming: The Process ID, Running a New Process, Terminating a Process, Waiting for Terminated Child Processes, Users and Groups, Sessions and Process Groups. Concurrent Programming: Using fork, exec for multi-task programs. File Operations: File sharing across processes, System lock table, Permission and file locking, Mapping Files into Memory, Synchronized, Synchronous, and Asynchronous Operations, I/O Schedulers and I/O Performance.

    Communicating across processes: Using different signals, Pipes, Message queue, Semaphore, Semaphore arithmetic and Shared memory.

     Books Recommended:

    1. The ‘C’ Odyssey UNIX-The Open, Boundless CMeeta Gandhi, Tilak Shetty, Rajiv Shah.
    2. Beginning Linux ProgrammingNeil Matthew and Richard Stones
    3. Linux System ProgrammingRobert Love

     CSE-315 Data Communication

    3 Credits

    Introduction to modulation techniques: Pulse modulation; pulse amplitude modulation, pulse width modulation and pulse position modulation. Pulse code modulation; quantization, Delta modulation. TDM, FDM, OOK, FSK, PSK, QPSK; Representation of noise; threshold effects in PCM and FM. Probability of error for pulse systems, concepts of channel coding and capacity. Asynchronous and synchronous communications. Hardware interfaces, multiplexers, concentrators and buffers. Communication medium, Fiber optics.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to Data Communications-Eugene Blanchard
    2. Data Communication Principles – Ahmad, Aftab
    3. Data Communication & NetworkingS.Bagad, I.A.Dhotre
    4. Data Communications and Networking- Behrouz A. Forouzan

     CSE-313 Microprocessors and Microcontroller

    3 Credits

    Introduction to 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit microprocessors: architecture, addressing modes, instruction set, interrupts, multi-tasking and virtual memory; Memory interface; Bus interface; Arithmetic co-processor; Microcontrollers; Integrating microprocessor with interfacing chips.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Microprocessors & Interfacing- Douglas V. Hall

    CSE-314 Microprocessors and Microcontroller Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE-313.

    CSE-337 System Analysis and Software Engineering

    3 Credits

    Concepts of Software Engineering; Software Engineering paradigms;Different phases of software System Development; Different types of  information, qualities of information. Project Management Concepts; Software process and project Metrics; Software Project Planning; Risk Analysis and management; Project Scheduling and Tracking. Analysis Concepts and principles: requirement analysis, Analysis modeling, data modeling. Design concepts and principles, Architectural design, User Interface design, Object Oriented software development and design: Iterative Development and the Unified Process. Sequential waterfall life cycles, Inception. Use case model for requirement writing, Elaboration using System Sequence Diagram, Domain Model. Visualizing concept classes. UML diagrams, Interaction and Collaboration Diagram for designing Software. Designing Objects with responsibilities. GRASP patterns with General Principles in assigning responsibilities: Information expert, Creator, Low Coupling and High Cohesion, Creating design class diagrams and mapping design to codes. Advanced GRASP patterns: Polymorphism, Pure Fabrication, Indirection, Project Variation. GoF Design Patterns: Adapter, Factory, Singleton, Strategy, Composite, Facade, and Observer. Software Testing: White Box and Black Box testing. Basis Path Testing. Testing for specialized environment. Software testing strategies: Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Validation Testing, System Testing, Art of debugging. Analysis of System Maintenance and upgrading: Software repair, downtime, error and faults, specification and correction, Maintenance cost models, documentation. Software Quality Assurance, Quality factors. Software quality measures.Cost impact of Software defects. Concepts of Software reliability, availability and safety. Function based metrics and bang metrics. Metrics for analysis and design model. Metrics for source code, testing and maintenance.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Software Engineering-Ian Sommerville, Addison Wesley, 6th edition, 2000.
    2. Software Engineering-Roger S Pressman, Roger Pressman, Practitioner’s Approach”, McGraw-Hill, 6th edition, 2004.
    3. Systems Analysis and Design of Real-Time Management Information Systems- Robert J. Thierauf, Prentice Hall, 1975.
    4. Analysis and Design of Information Systems- Rajaraman, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.Ltd, 2004.

    CSE-338 System Analysis and Software Engineering Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Software Engineering lab works is solely designed to attain hands on experience of architectural design, documentation and testing of software so that students can develop the software following the documents only.

    Step1 (Requirement Engineering): Choose a company/institute/client for which software will be developed (make sure that they will provide required information whenever necessary). Follow the steps for eliciting requirements and generate use-case diagram. Also analyze the sufficiency of the requirement engineering outcome for steps to follow.

    Step 2 (Analysis model to Architectural and Component level design): Generate Activity diagram, Data flow diagram (DFD), Class diagram, State diagram, Sequence diagram and follow other relevant steps for creating complete architectural and component level design of the target software.

    Step 3 (User Interface design, Design evaluation, Testing strategies and Testing Tactics): Perform the user interface design with the help of swimlane diagram. Carry out the design evaluation steps. Generate all test cases for complete checking of the software using black box, white box testing concept.

    Step 4 Software testing and debugging

    Step 5 (Managing Software Projects): Analyze the estimation and project schedule.

    CSE-425 Digital Signal Processing

    3 Credits

    Introduction to digital signal processing (DSP): Discrete-time signals and systems, analog to digital conversion, impulse response, finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) of discrete-time systems, difference equation, convolution, transient and steady state response. Discrete transformations: Discrete Fourier series, discrete-time Fourier series, discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and properties, fast Fourier transform (FFT), inverse fast Fourier transform, z-transformation – properties, transfer function, poles and zeros and inverse z-transform. Correlation: circular convolution, auto-correlation and cross correlation. Digital Filters: FIR filters- linear phase filters, specifications, design using window, optimal and frequency sampling methods; IIR filters- specifications, design using impulse invariant, bi-linear z-transformation, least-square methods and finite precision effects. Digital signal processor TMS family, Application of digital signal processing

    Books Recommended:

    1. Digital Signal Processing-John G. Proakis
    2. Signals and Systems-Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen
    3. Digital Signal Processing-R. W. Schafer
    4. Digital Signal Processing-Ifeachor
    5. Introduction to DSP-Johnny R. Johnson

    CSE-426 Digital Signal Processing Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 425.

    CSE-403 Compiler Design

    3 Credits

    Introduction to compilers: Introductory concepts, types of compilers, applications, phases of a compiler. Lexical analysis: Role of the lexical analyzer, input buffering, token specification, recognition of tokens, symbol tables. Parsing: Parser and its role, context free grammars, top-down parsing. Syntax-directed translation: Syntax-directed definitions, construction of syntax trees, top-down translation. Type checking: Type systems, type expressions, static and dynamic checking of types, error recovery. Run-time organization: Run-time storage organization, storage strategies. Intermediate code generation: Intermediate languages, declarations, assignment statements. Code optimization: Basic concepts of code optimization, principal sources of optimization. Code generation. Features of some common compilers: Characteristic features of C, Pascal and Fortran compilers.

    Books Recommended:              

    1. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools – Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman. Second Edition.

    CSE-404 Compiler Design Lab

    1.5 Credits

    How to use scanner and parser generator tools (e.g., Flex, JFlex, CUP, Yacc, etc). For a given simple source language designing and implementing lexical analyzer, symbol tables, parser, intermediate code generator and code generator.

    CSE-421 Computer Network

    3 Credits

    Network architectures-layered architectures and ISO reference model: data link protocols, error control, HDLC, X.25, flow and congestion control, virtual terminal protocol, data security. Local area networks, satellite networks, packet radio networks. Introduction to ARPANET, SNA and DECNET. Topological design and queuing models for network and distributed computing systems.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Computer Networks-A. S. Tanenbaum
    2. Introduction to Networking- Barry Nance
    3. Data Communications, Computer Networks & Open Systems-  F. Halsall
    4. TCP/IP-SydniFeit
    5. Data Communications and Networking-Behrouz A. Forouzan

    CSE-422Computer Network Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 421.

    CSE-415 Artificial Intelligence

    3 Credits

    What is Artificial Intelligence: The AI problems, The underlying assumption, What is an AI technique. Problems, Problem spaces and Search: Defining the problem as a state space search, Production system, Problem characteristics. Heuristics Search Techniques: Generate and Test, Hill climbing, Best First Search, Problem Reduction, Constraint Satisfaction, Means-Ends Analysis. Knowledge Representation Issues: Representation and Mappings, Approaches to knowledge Representation, Issues in Knowledge representation. Using Predicate logic: Representing simple facts in logic, Representing Instance and Isa relationships, Computable functions and Predicates, Resolution. Representing Knowledge using Rules: Procedural versus Declarative Knowledge, Logic Programming, Forward versus Backward Reasoning, Matching. Game playing: Overview, The Mimimax Search Procedure, Adding Alpha-Beta cutoffs, Additional refinements, iterative Deepening, Planning: Overview, An example Domain: The Blocks World, Components of a planning system, Goal stack planning, Understanding: What is Understanding, What makes Understanding hard, Understanding as constraint satisfaction. natural Language Processing: Introduction, Syntactic Processing, Semantic Analysis, Discourse and Pragmatic Processing. Expert systems: representing and using domain knowledge, Expert system shells explanation, Knowledge Acquisition.

    AI Programming Language: Python, Prolog, LISP

    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert System-Dan W. Peterson
    2. Artificial Intelligence-E. Rich and K. Knight
    3. An Introduction to Neural Computing-C. F. Chabris and T. Jackson
    4. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach-S. Russel and P. Norvig
    5. Artificial Intelligence using C  –  H. Schieldt

    CSE-416 Artificial Intelligence Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Students will have to understand the functionalities of intelligent agents and how the agents will solve general problems. Students have to use a high-level language (Python, Prolog, LISP) to solve the following problems:

    Backtracking: State space, Constraint satisfaction, Branch and bound. Example: 8-queen, 8- puzzle, Crypt-arithmetic. BFS and production: Water jugs problem, The missionaries and cannibal problem. Heuristic and recursion: Tic-tac-toe, Simple bock world, Goal stack planning, The tower of Hanoi. Question answering: The monkey and bananas problem.

    CSE-431Computer Graphics

    3 Credits

    Introduction to Graphical data processing. Fundamentals of interactive graphics programming. Architecture of display devices and connectivity to a computer. Implementation of graphics concepts of two-dimensional and three-dimensional viewing, clipping and transformations. Hidden line algorithms. Raster graphics concepts: Architecture, algorithms and other image synthesis methods. Design of interactive graphic conversations.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics –William M., Newman, McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 1978
    2. Computer Graphics: Principle and Practice in C-James D. Foley, Andries van Dam, Steven K. Feiner, John F. Hughes, Addison-Wesley, 2nd edition, 1995

    CSE-432 Computer Graphics Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 431.

    CSE-435 Computer Interfacing

    3 Credits

    Interface components and their characteristics, microprocessor I/O. Disk, Drums, and Printers. Optical displays and sensors. High power interface devices, transducers, stepper motors and peripheral devices.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Microprocessors & Interfacing-Douglas V. Hall
    2. Microprocessor & Microcomputer based System Design  –  Rafiquzzaman
    3. Microcomputer Interfacing-Artwick
    4. Microcomputer Interfacing-Ramesh Goanker
    5. Designing User Interfaces-James E. Powell

    CSE-436 Computer Interfacing Lab                                           

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 435.

    CSE-437 Pattern Recognition

    3 Credits

    Introduction to pattern recognition: features, classifications, learning. Statistical methods, structural methods and hybrid method. Applications to speech recognition, remote sensing and biomedical area, Learning algorithms. Syntactic approach: Introduction to pattern grammars and languages. parsing techniques. Pattern recognition in computer aided design.

    1. Pattern Recognition- K. Koutroumbas
    2. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning- Christopher M. Bishop
    3. Pattern Recognition for Neural Networks- Brian Ripley

    CSE-438 Pattern Recognition Lab

    1.5 Credits 

    Laboratory works based on CSE 437.

    CSE-411 VLSI Design

    3 Credits

    Design and analysis techniques for VLSI circuits. Design of reliable VLSI circuits, noise considerations, design and operation of large fan out and fan in circuits, clocking methodologies, techniques for data path and data control design. Simulation techniques. Parallel processing, special purpose architectures in VLSI. VLSI layouts partitioning and placement routing and wiring in VLSI. Reliability aspects of VLSI design.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Basic VLSI Design-Douglas A Pucknell, Kamran Eshraghian
    2. VLSI Technology – S. M. Sze
    3. Introduction to VLSI Systems  –  C. A. Mead and L. A. Conway

    CSE-412 VLSI Design Lab

    1.5 Credits    

    Laboratory works based on CSE-411.

    CSE-419 Graph Theory
    3 Credits

    Introduction, Fundamental concepts, Trees, Spanning trees in graphs, Distance in graphs, Eulerian graphs, Digraphs, Matching and factors, Cuts and connectivity, k-connected graphs, Network flow problems, Graph coloring: vertex coloring and edge coloring, Line graphs, Hamiltonian cycles, Planar graphs, Perfect graphs.

    Books Recommended:

      1. Graph Theory and Its Applications – Jonathan L. Gross, Jay Yellen
      2. A Textbook of Graph Theory – R. Balakrishnan, K. Ranganathan

    CSE-420 Graph Theory Lab
    1.5 Credits
    Laboratory works based on CSE 419.

    CSE-423 Computer System Performance Evaluations

    3 Credits

    Review of system analysis, approaches to system development, feasibility assessment, hardware and software acquisition. Procurement, workload characterization, the representation of measurement data, instrumentation: software monitors, hardware monitors, capacity planning, bottleneck detection, system and program tuning, simulation and analytical models and their application, case studies.

    1. Computer Systems Performance Evaluation and Prediction Paul J. Fortier and Howard E. Michel
    2. The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis- Jain

     CSE-424 Computer System Performance Evaluation Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory based on CSE 423.

    ECE-421 Digital Communication

    3 Credits

    Introduction to modulation techniques: Pulse modulation; pulse amplitude modulation, pulse width modulation and pulse position modulation. Pulse code modulation; quantization, Delta modulation. TDM, FDM, OOK, FSK, PSK, QPSK; Representation of noise; threshold effects in PCM and FM. Probability of error for pulse systems, concepts of channel coding and capacity. Asynchronous and synchronous communications. Hardware interfaces, multiplexers, concentrators and buffers. Communication medium, Fiber optics.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Digital Communication- John G. Proakis
    2. Digital Communication –Bernard Sklar
    3. Introduction to Digital Communication- Roger L. Peterson
    4. Digital Communication-Prof. N. Sarkar
    5. Communication Systems-Simon Haykin

    ECE-422 Digital Communication Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on ECE 421.

    CSE-407 Simulation and Modeling

    3 Credits

    Simulation methods, model building, random number generator, statistical analysis of results, validation and verification techniques, Digital simulation of continuous systems. Simulation and analytical methods, for analysis of computer systems and practical problems in business and practice. Introduction to the simulation packages.

    Books Recommended:

    1. System Modeling and Simulation- V.P. Singh
    2. System Design, Modeling, and Simulation using- Claudius Ptolemaeus

    CSE-408 Simulation and Modeling Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 407.

    CSE-453 Digital Image Processing
    3 Credits

    Image Processing: Image Fundamentals, Image Enhancement: Background, Enhancement by Point-Processing, Spatial Filtering, Enhancement in Frequency Domain, Color Image Processing. Image Restoration: Degradation Model, Diagonalization of Circulant and Block-Circulant Matrices, Algebraic Approach to Restoration, Inverse Filtering, Geometric Transformation. Image Segmentation: Detection of Discontinuities, Edge Linking and Boundary Detection, Thresholding, Region-Oriented Segmentation, The use of Motion in Segmentation. Image-Compression.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Digital Image Processing-Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, Pearson Education Asia.
    2. Non-Linear  Digital Filter : Principles and Applications –I. Pitas and A. N. Venetsanopoulos, Kluwer Academic Publications.

     CSE-454 Digital Image Processing Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 453.

     CSE-455 Wireless Sensor Networks
    3 Credits

    Introduction: applications; Localization and tracking: tracking multiple objects; Medium Access Control: S-MAC, IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee; Geographic and energy-aware routing; Attribute-Based Routing: directed diffusion, rumor routing, geographic hash tables; Infrastructure establishment: topology control, clustering, time synchronization; Sensor tasking and control: task-driven sensing, information-based sensor tasking, joint routing and information aggregation; Sensor network databases: challenges, querying the physical environment, in-network aggregation, data indices and range queries, distributed hierarchical aggregation; Sensor network platforms and tools: sensor node hardware, sensor network programming challenges; Other state-of-the-art related topics.

    Books Recommended:

    • Wireless Sensor Networks – C. S. Raghavendra, Krishna M. Sivalingam and TaiebZnati
    • Wireless Sensor Networks: An Information Processing Approach (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking)Feng Zhao,Leonidas Guibas

    CSE-456 Wireless Sensor Networks Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 455.

    CSE-409 Computer Security and Cryptography

    3 Credits

    Network Security Practice, Authentication Digital certificates and Public key infrastructure, X.500, Application, Electronic Mail Security, IP Security, Web Security, System Security, Intruders, Malicious Software, Firewalls, Threats and Attacks, Various Attack Techniques and Prevention; Cryptography: Overview, Terminology, Substitution and Transposition ciphers, One time pads, Symmetric Ciphers, classical Encryption Technique, Block Ciphers and the Data Encryption Standard, Introduction to Finite Fields, Advanced Encryption Standard, Contemporary, Symmetric Ciphers Confidentiality Using Symmetric Encryption, Public Key Encryption, One way functions and Hash Functions, Introduction to Number Theory, Prime number generation, Public-Key Cryptography and RSA, Key Management, Key exchange algorithm; Other Public-key Cryptosystems, Message Authentication and Hash Functions, Hash Algorithms, MD5, SHA, Digital Signatures and Authentication Protocols, DSA, Kerberos.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Applied Cryptography, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.- Bruce Schneier
    2. Computer Security; ISBN: 0-471-97844-2; Edition: 1999; Publisher: John Wiley and Son Ltd.- Dieter Gollmann
    3. Fundamentals of Computer Security Technology; ISBN: 0-13-108929-3; Publisher: Prentice Hall.- Edward Amoroso
    4. Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1999.- W. Stallings
    5. Differential Crypt analysis of the data encryption standard, Springer Verlag, 1993.- E. Biham and A. Shamir
    6. Cryptography and data security, Addison Wesley, 1982.- D. Denning
    7. A course on Number theory and Cryptography, Springer Verlag, 1994.- N. Kobliz


    CSE-410 Computer Security and Cryptography Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 409.

    CSE-457 Bio-Informatics

    3 Credits

    Cell concept: Structural organization of plant and animal cells, nucleus, cell membrane and cell wall. Cell division: Introducing chromosome, Mitosis, Meiosis and production of haploid/diploid cell. Nucleic acids: Structure and properties of different forms of DNA and RNA; DNA replication. Proteins: Structure and classification, Central dogma of molecular biology. Genetic code: A brief account. Genetics: Mendel’s laws of inheritance, Organization of genetic material of prokaryotes and eukaryotes, C-Value paradox, repetitive DNA, structure of chromatin – euchromatin and heterochromatin, chromosome organization and banding patterns, structure of gene – intron, exon and their relationships, overlapping gene, regulatory sequence (lac operon), Molecular mechanism of general recombination, gene conversion, Evolution and types of mutation, molecular mechanisms of mutation, site-directed mutagenesis, transposons in mutation. Introduction to Bioinformatics: Definition and History of Bioinformatics, Human Genome Project, Internet and Bioinformatics, Applications of Bioinformatics  Sequence alignment: Dynamic programming. Global versus local. Scoring matrices. The Blast family of programs. Significance of alignments, Aligning more than two sequences. Genomes alignment. Structure-based alignment. Hidden Markov Models in Bioinformatics: Definition and applications in Bioinformatics. Examples of the Viterbi, the Forward and the Backward algorithms. Parameter estimation for HMMs. Trees: The Phylogeny problem. Distance methods, parsimony, bootstrap. Stationary Markov processes. Rate matrices. Maximum likelihood. Felsenstein’s post-order traversal. Finding regulatory elements: Finding regulatory elements in aligned and unaligned sequences. Gibbs sampling. Introduction to microarray data analysis: Steady state and time series microarray data. From microarray data to biological networks. Identifying regulatory elements using microarray data. Pi calculus: Description of biological networks; stochastic Pi calculus, Gillespie algorithm.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms –Jones and Pavel A. Pevzner
    2. Introduction to Bioinformatics – Stephen A. Krawetz, David D. Womble
    3. Introduction to Bioinformatics – Arthur M. Lesk

    CSE-458 Bio-Informatics Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE-457.

    CSE-461 Neural Networks
    3 Credits

    Fundamentals of Neural Networks; Back propagation and related training algorithms; Hebbian learning; Cohonen-Grossberg learning; The BAM and the Hopfield Memory; Simulated Annealing; Different types of Neural Networks: Counter propagation, Probabilistic, Radial Basis Function, Generalized Regression, etc; Adaptive Resonance Theory; Dynamic Systems and neural Control; The Boltzmann Machine; Self-organizing Maps; Spatiotemporal Pattern Classification, The Neocognition; Practical Aspects of Neural Networks.

    Books Recommended:

    1. An Introduction to Neural Networks – Prof. Leslie Smith
    2. Fundamentals of Artificial Neural Networks – Mohamad H. Hassoun

    CSE-462 Neural Networks Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 461.

    CSE-463 Machine Learning

    3 Credits

    Introduction: Definition of learning systems. Goals and applications of machine learning. Aspects of developing a learning system- training data, concept representation, function approximation.   Inductive Classification: The concept learning task. Concept learning as search through a hypothesis space. General-to-specific ordering of hypotheses. Finding maximally specific hypotheses. Version spaces and the candidate elimination algorithm. Learning conjunctive concepts. The importance of inductive bias. Decision Tree Learning: Representing concepts as decision trees. Recursive induction of decision trees. Picking the best splitting attribute: entropy and information gain. Searching for simple trees and computational complexity. Occam’s razor. Overfitting, noisy data, and pruning. Experimental Evaluation of Learning Algorithms: Measuring the accuracy of learned hypotheses. Comparing learning algorithms- cross-validation, learning curves, and statistical hypothesis testing. Computational Learning Theory: Models of learnability- learning in the limit; probably approximately correct (PAC) learning. Sample complexity- quantifying the number of examples needed to PAC learn. Computational complexity of training. Sample complexity for finite hypothesis spaces. PAC results for learning conjunctions, kDNF, and kCNF. Sample complexity for infinite hypothesis spaces, Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension. Rule Learning, Propositional and First-Order: Translating decision trees into rules. Heuristic rule induction using separate and conquer and information gain. First-order Horn-clause induction (Inductive Logic Programming) and Foil. Learning recursive rules. Inverse resolution, Golem, and Progol. Artificial Neural Networks: Neurons and biological motivation. Linear threshold units. Perceptrons: representational limitation and gradient descent training. Multilayer networks and backpropagation. Hidden layers and constructing intermediate, distributed representations. Overfitting, learning network structure, recurrent networks. Support Vector Machines: Maximum margin linear separators. Quadractic programming solution to finding maximum margin separators. Kernels for learning non-linear functions. Bayesian Learning: Probability theory and Bayes rule. Naive Bayes learning algorithm. Parameter smoothing. Generative vs. discriminative training. Logisitic regression. Bayes nets and Markov nets for representing dependencies. Instance-Based Learning: Constructing explicit generalizations versus comparing to past specific examples. k-Nearest-neighbor algorithm. Case-based learning. Text Classification: Bag of words representation. Vector space model and cosine similarity. Relevance feedback and Rocchio algorithm. Versions of nearest neighbor and Naive Bayes for text. Clustering and Unsupervised Learning: Learning from unclassified data. Clustering. Hierarchical Aglomerative Clustering. k-means partitional clustering. Expectation maximization (EM) for soft clustering. Semi-supervised learning with EM using labeled and unlabled data.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Artificial Intelligence: a modern approach (2nd edition), Russell, S. and P. Norvig, Prentice Hall, 2003
    2. Introduction to Machine Learning – Ethem ALPAYDIN
    3. Machine Learning – Tom Mitchell, McGraw Hill
    4. Introduction to machine learning (2nd edition), Alpaydin, Ethem, MIT Press, 2010
    5. An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and Other Kernel-based Learning Methods, NelloCristianini and John Shawe-Taylor, Cambridge University Press

    CSE-464 Machine Learning Lab

    1.5 Credits.

    Students should learn the methods for extracting rules or learning from data, and get the necessary mathematical background to understand how the methods work and how to get the best performance from them. To achieve these goals student should learn the following algorithms in the lab: K Nearest Neighbor Classifier, Decision Trees, Model Selection and Empirical Methodologies, Linear Classifiers: Perception and SVM, Naive Bayes Classifier,Basics of Clustering Analysis, K-mean Clustering Algorithm, Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm. Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to perform the followings: a. Evaluate whether a learning system is required to address a particular problem. b. Understand how to use data for learning, model selection, and testing to achieve the goals.c. Understand generally the relationship between model complexity and model performance, and be able to use this to design a strategy to improve an existing system.
    d. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of the learning systems studied in the course, and decide which learning system is

    appropriate for a particular application. e. Make a naive Bayes classifier and interpret the results as probabilities. f. Be able to apply clustering algorithms to simple data sets for clustering analysis.

    CSE-465 Contemporary Course on CSE

    3 Credits

    The course and course contents will be proposed from the department which will be more relevant with respect to present CSE technology.

    CSE-466 Contemporary Course Lab on CSE

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 465.

    CSE-467 Advanced Database Systems
    3 Credits

    Introduction : Object oriented Database, Data Model, Design, Languages; Object Relational Database: Complex data types, Querying with complex data types, Design; Distributed Database: Levels of distribution transparency, Translation of global queries to fragment queries, Optimization of access strategies, Management of distributed transactions, Concurrency control, reliability, Administration; Parallel Database: Different types of parallelism, Design of parallel database; Multimedia Database Systems: Basic concepts, Design, Optimization of access strategies, Management of Multimedia Database Systems, Reliability; Database Wire-housing/Data mining: Basic concepts and algorithms.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Oracle Advanced PL/SQL Programming with CD-ROM– Scott Urman.

    CSE-468 Advanced Database System Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE-467.

    CSE 469 Natural Language Processing

    3 Credits

    Introduction; Word Modeling: Automata and Linguistics, Statistical Approaches and Part of Speech Tagging; Linguistics and Grammars; Parsing Algorithms; Parsing Algorithms and the Lexicon; Semantic; Feature Parsing; Tree Banks and Probabilistic Parsing; Machine Translation; Evolutionary Models of Language Learning and Origins.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Speech and Language Processing –Jurafsky, D. and Martin, J. H
    2. Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Pr–Manning, C. D. and H. Schütze
    3. Computational Complexity and Natural Language– Barton, E., Berwick, R., and Ristad, E
    4. Natural Language Understanding -Allen, J.
    5. Computational Models of Discourse–Brady, J., and Berwick, R.

    CSE-470 Natural Language Processing Lab


    1.5 Credits

    Processing of words, Phrase structure parsing, Semantic Interpretation with Phrase Structure Grammars

    Books Recommended:

    1. Speech and Language Processing –Jurafsky, D. and Martin, J. H
    2. Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Pr–Manning, C. D. and H. Schütze
    3. Computational Complexity and Natural Language– Barton, E., Berwick, R., and Ristad, E
    4. Natural Language Understanding -Allen, J.
    5. Computational Models of Discourse–Brady, J., and Berwick, R.

     CSE-400 Project / Thesis

    3 Credits

    Study of problems in the field of Computer Science and Engineering. This course will be initiated in the 3rd year or early in 4th year.

    CSE-402 Comprehensive Viva Voce

    2 Credits

Syllabus Evening Program

  • First Year : Semester I
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    HUM 103 Language Composition & Comprehension 3
    CSE 103 Computer Programming in C 3
    CSE 104 Computer Programming in C Lab 1.5
    PHY 101E Physics for Engineers 3
    PHY 102 Physics for Engineers Lab 1.5
    MTH 101E Geometry, Differential & Integral Calculus 3
    ECE 101 Basic Electrical Engineering 3
    ECE 102 Basic Electrical Engineering Lab 1.5
    ECN 101 Principles of Economics 2
    ACN 201 Principles of Accounting 2
  • First Year : Semester II
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE 200 Project Work 2
    CSE 201 Discrete Mathematics 3
    CSE 203 Object Oriented Programming Language 3
    CSE 204 Object Oriented Programming Language Lab 1.5
    CSE 205 Data Structures 3
    CSE 206 Data Structures Lab 1.5
    ECE 201 Electronic Devices & Circuits 3
    ECE 202 Electronic Devices & Circuits Lab 1.5
    MTH 103E Linear Algebra, Vector Analysis & Complex Variables 3
    IMG 201 Principles of Management 2
  • Second Year : Semester I
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE 207 Algorithms 3
    CSE 208 Algorithms Lab 1.5
    CSE 209 Numerical Methods 3
    CSE 231 Digital Logic Design 3
    CSE 232 Digital Logic Design Lab 1.5
    CSE 321 Database Systems 3
    CSE 322 Database Systems Lab 1.5
    CSE 331 Computer Architecture 3
    MTH 203E Differential Equations, Laplace Transforms & Fourier Analysis 3
  • Second Year : Semester II
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE 300 Software Development 2
    CSE 301 E-Commerce and Web Engineering 3
    CSE 302 E-Commerce and Web Engineering Lab 1.5
    CSE303 Operating Systems 3
    CSE 304 Operating Systems Lab 1.5
    CSE 315 Data Communication 3
    CSE 351 Management Information System 3
    CSE 403 Compiler Design 3
    CSE 404 Compiler Design Lab 1.5
    MTH 301 Statistics & Probability 2
  • Third Year : Semester I
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE 333 Microprocessors and Assembly Language 3
    CSE 334 Microprocessors and Assembly Language Lab 1.5
    CSE 339 Theory of Computation 2
    CSE 401 Software Engineering 3
    CSE 421 Computer Network 3
    CSE 422 Computer Network Lab 1.5
    CSE 435 Computer Interfacing 3
    CSE 436 Computer Interfacing Lab 1.5
    CSE 4** Option 3
    CSE 4** Option Lab 1.5
  • Third Year : Semester II
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE 405 Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems 3
    CSE 406 Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems Lab 1.5
    CSE 425 Digital Signal Processing 3
    CSE 426 Digital Signal Processing Lab 1.5
    CSE 431 Computer Graphics 3
    CSE 432 Computer Graphics Lab 1.5
    CSE 400 Project /Thesis 3
    CSE 402 Comprehensive Viva Voce 2
    CSE 4** Option 3
    CSE 4** Option Lab 1.5
  • Optional
    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE 407 Simulation & Modeling 3
    CSE 408 Simulation & Modeling Lab 1.5
    CSE 411 VLSI Design 3
    CSE 412 VLSI Design Lab 1.5
    CSE 413 Information System Design 3
    CSE 414 Information System Design Lab 1.5
    CSE 419 Graph Theory 3
    CSE 420 Graph Theory Lab 1.5
    CSE 423 Computer System Performance Evaluation 3
    CSE 424 Computer System Performance Evaluation Lab 1.5
    CSE 437 Pattern Recognition 3
    CSE 438 Pattern Recognition Lab 1.5
    CSE 453 Digital Image Processing 3
    CSE 454 Digital Image Processing Lab 1.5
    CSE 455 Wireless and Sensor Networks 3
    CSE 456 Wireless and Sensor Networks Lab 1.5
    CSE 457 Bioinformatics 3
    CSE 458 Bioinformatics Lab 1.5
    CSE 461 Neural Networks 3
    CSE 462 Neural Networks Lab 1.5
    CSE 463 Machine Learning 3
    CSE 464 Machine Learning Lab 1.5
    CSE 465 Contemporary course on CSE 3
    CSE 466 Contemporary course on CSE Lab 1.5
  • Detailed Syllabus

    HUM-103  Language Composition and Comprehension

    3 Credits

    This course purports to make the student well up in composition and comprehension of English language used in formal write ups like articles, essays and treatises. Here text will be given for comprehension, exercises of writing essays, paragraphs and reports will be done and construction of proper sentences expressing formal ideas will be taught. Sufficient exercises of translation and re-translations will be included.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Exercise in Reading Comprehension   –  Tibbits
    2. Essential English Grammar  –   Ramon Murphy
    3. English Vocabulary in use   –  Stuart
    4. English Vocabulary in use   –   McCarthy
    5. Intermediate English Grammar   –  Ramon Murphy
    6. Paragraph in English   –  Tibbits


    CSE-103 Computer Programming in C

    3 Credits

    Programming language: Basic concept; overview of programming languages, C-language: Preliminaries; Elements of C; program constructs; variables and data types in C; Input and output; character and formatted I/O; Arithmetic expressions and assignment statements; loops and nested loops; Decision making’ Arrays; Functions; Arguments and Local Variables; Calling functions and arrays; Recursion and recursive functions; structures within structure; Files; File functions for sequential and Random I/O. Pointers, Pointers and Structures; Pointers and functions; Pointer and arrays; Operations on pointers; Pointer and memory addresses; Operations on bits; Bit operation; Bit field; Advanced features; Standard and Library functions.


    Books Recommended:

    1. The C Programming Language  –  Kernighn& Ritchie
    2. Teach Yourself C  –  H. Schieldt
    3. Programming with ANSI C  –  E. Balagurusamy
    4. The Complete Reference, Turbo C/C++  – H. Schieldt
    5. Programming with C, Schaum’s outline Series  – Gotfreid


    CSE-104 Computer Programming in C Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 103.


    PHY-101E  Physics for Engineering

    3 Credits

    Properties of matter : Elasticity, Stress & Strain, Young’s Modulus, Surface Tension. Heat & Thermodynamics: Heat, Temperature, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, Thermal Equilibrium, Seebeck effect, Reversible & Irreversible Processes, First and Second law of Thermodynamics, Heat Engine, Carnot Cycle. Electromegnetism: Electric charge, Charge density, Coulomb’s and Ohm’s law, Electric field and electric potential, Electric dipole, Electric flux, Gauss’s law and its application, Capacitance, Magnetic field, Biot-Savert law, Ampere’s law and its application, Electromagnetic Induction, Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law, Self Inductance and Mutual Inductance. Optics: Nature and Propagation of light, Reflection and Refraction of light, Total Internal Reflection, Interference, Diffraction, Dispersion, Polarization. Modern Physics: Theory of Relativity, Length Contraction and Time Dilation, Mass-Energy Relation, Compton Effect, Photoelectric Effect, Quantum Theory, Atomic Structure, X-ray Diffraction, Atomic Spectra, Electron Orbital Wavelength, Bohr radius, Radioactivity, de Broglie theory, Nuclear Fission and Fusion.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Modern Physics –   Bernstein
    2. Concepts of Modern Physics – Beiser
    3. Heat & Thermodynamics –   Brizlal
    4. University Physics with Modern Physics –  Young


    PHY 102 Physics Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on PHY 101E.


    MTH-101E Geometry, Differential and Integral Calculus

    3 Credits

    Geometry: Two dimensional geometry: Straight lines, pair of straight lines, Circle, Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola, Equation of General equation of Second Degree. Third Dimensional Geometry: Three dimensional Co-ordinates, Direction Cosines and Direction Ratios, Plane and Straight line. Differential Calculus:  Real  number system. Functions of single variables, its Graphs, Limit, Continuity and Differentiability. Successive Differentiation, Leibnitz’s theorem, Rolle’s theorem, Mean value  theorem, Taylor’s theorem, Maclaurin’s  theorem, Langrage’s and Cauchy’s forms  of Remainder. Expansion of Function  in Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s Series. Maximum and Minimum Values of Function. Evaluation of Indeterminate forms of limit, L’ Hospital’s Rule. Tangent and Normal. Functions of more than one variable, Limit, Continuity, Differentiability, Partial Derivatives, Euler’s Theorem. Jacobians. Integral Calculus: Indefinite Integrals and its definition. Methods of Integration (Integration by substitution, Integration by parts, Integration by successive reduction). Fundamental theorem of Integral calculus. Definite Integral and its properties. Definite Integral as the limit of a sum. Improper Integrals, Beta and Gamma Function, Its application in evaluating Integrals. Evaluation of Arc length, Areas, Surfaces of Revolution, Volumes of solids of Revolution, Multiple  Integrals.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Analytical Geometry of Conic Section – J.M. Kar.
    2. A Text Book on Co-ordinate Geometry – Rahman & Bhattacharjee; S. Chakrabarty, Gonith Prokashon.
    3. Calculus with Analytic Geometry – Thomas and Finne
    4. Calculus – Howard Anton; 10th Edition; John Willy and Sons
    5. Differential Calculus- C. Das & B. N. Mukharjee; 54th Edition; U. N. Dhur & Sons PTL
    6. Differential Calculus – C.Das & B. N. Mukharjee; 54th Edition; U. N. Dhur & Sons PTL
    7. Integral Calculus – C. Das & B. N. Mukharjee; 54th Edition; U. N. Dhur & Sons PTL


    ECE 101 Basic Electrical Engineering

    3 Credits

    Fundamental electrical concepts, Kirchoff’s Laws, Equivalent resistance. Electrical circuits: Series circuits, parallel circuits, series-parallel networks. Network analysis: Source conversion, Star/Delta conversion, Branch-current method, Mesh analysis, Nodal analysis. Network theorems: Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem. Capacitors. Magnetic circuits, Inductors Sinosoidal alternating waveforms: Definitions, phase relations, Instantaneous value, Average value, Effective (rms)Value. Phasor algebra Series, parallel and series-parallel ac networks. Power: Apparent power, Reactive power, Power triangle, Power factor correction. Pulse waveforms and the R-C response. Three-phase system Transformers.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Introductory Circuit Analysis- L. Boylestad
    2. Introduction to Electrical Engineering- P. Ward
    3. Electrical Technology (Volume 1)-L. Theraja, A.K.Theraja
    4. Alternating Current Circuits-M. Kerchner, G. F. Corcoran
    5. Electric Circuits – James W. Nilson

    ECE 102 Basic Electrical Engineering Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on ECE 101.


    ECN 101 Principles of Economics

    2 Credits

    Introduction: The Nature, scope and methods of Economics, Economics and Engineering. Some Fundamental concepts commonly used in Economics. Micro Economics: The theory of demand and supply and their elasticity’s. Market price determination competition in theory and practice. Indifference curve technique. Marginal analysis. Factors of production and production function. Scale of production – Internal and external economies and diseconomies. The short run and the long run. Fixed cost and variable cost. Macro Economics: National income analysis. Inflation and its effects. Savings, Investments. The basis of trade and the terms of trade. Monetary policy, Fiscal policy, Trade policy with reference to Bangladesh. Planning in Bangladesh.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Economics    –  Samuelson & Nordhaus
    2. Economics   –   Don Bush Fisher

    ACN 201 Principles of Accounting

    2 Credits

    This course aims at developing basic concepts and principles of accounting. It will cover topics like working at journal entries, preparation of ledger, checking the accuracy through trial balance, and preparation of financial statements. Concepts and practices of cost accounting will be discussed by covering topics like job order and process costing, contract costing, differential costing and responsibility accounting. Contemporary practices of accounting principles will be discussed under the current legal framework.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Accounting Principles – Kieso
    2. Financial & Managerial Accounting – Needles

     CSE 200 Project Work

    2 Credits

    Project focusing on Object oriented programming approach and using standard algorithm is preferable. Every project should maintain a goal so that it can be used as a useful tool in the IT fields. Also innovative project ideas that require different types scripting/programming languages or programming tools can be accepted with respect to the consent of the corresponding project supervisor.

     CSE-201 Discrete Mathematics

    3 Credits

    Mathematical Models and Reasoning: Propositions, Predicates and Quantifiers, Logical operators, Logical inference, Methods of proof. Sets: Set theory, Relations between sets, Operations on sets. Induction, The natural numbers, Set operations on å*. Binary Relations : Binary relations and Digraphs, Graph theory, Trees, Properties of relations, Composition of relations, Closure operations on relations, Order relations, Equivalence relations and partitions. Functions: Basic properties, Special classes of functions. Counting and Algorithm Analysis: Techniques, Asymptotic behavior of functions, Recurrence systems, Analysis of algorithms. Infinite sets: Finite and Infinite sets, Countable and uncountable sets, Comparison of cardinal numbers. Algebras: Structure, Varieties of algebras, Homomorphism, Congruence relations.

     Books Recommended:

    1. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications- Kennth H. Rosen
    2. Discrete Mathematical Structures- Bernard Kolman, Robert C. Busby, Sharon Cutler Ross
    1. Concrete Mathematics- Ronald Ervin Knuth

     CSE 203 Object Oriented Programming Language

    3 Credits

     Introduction to Java: History of Java, Java class Libraries, Introduction to java programming, and a simple program. Developing java Application: Introduction, Algorithms, Pseudo code, control Structure, The If/Else selection structure, the while Repetition structure, Assignment operators, Increment and decrement operators, Primitive data types, common Escape sequences, Logical operator. Control Structure: Introduction, for Structure, switch structure, Do while structure, Break and continue Structure. Methods: Introduction, Program module in Java, Math class methods, method definitions, java API packages, Automatic variables, Recursions, Method overloading, Method of the Applet class. Arrays: Introduction, Arrays, declaring and allocating arrays, passing arrays to methods, sorting arrays, searching arrays, multiple subscripted Arrays. Inheritance: Introduction, Super class, Subclass, Protected members, using constructor and Finalizes in subclasses, composition vs. Inheritance, Introduction to polymorphism, Dynamic method building, Final methods and classes, Abstract super classes and concrete classes, Exception Handling.

     Books Recommended:

    1. Java, How to Program- H. M. Deitel & P. J. Deitel
    2. Core Java (Vol. 1 and 2)- Sun Press
    3. Beginning Java 2, Wrox – Ivor Horton
    4. Java 2 Complete Reference- H. Schieldt

    CSE 204 Object Oriented Programming Language Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 203.


    CSE-205 Data Structures

    3 Credits

     Concepts and Examples: Introduction to Data structures. Elementary data structures: Arrays, records, pointer. Arrays: Type, memory representation and operations with arrays. Linked lists: Representation, Types and operations with linked lists. Stacks and Queues: Implementations, operations with stacks and queues. Graphs: Implementations, operations with graph. Trees: Representations, Types, operations with trees. Memory Management: Uniform size records, diverse size records. Sorting: Internal sorting, external sorting. Searching : List searching, tree searching. Hashing: Hashing functions, collision resolution.

     Books Recommended:
    1. Fundamental of Data Structures – Horowitz & S. Sahni
    2. Data Structures –  Reingold
    3. Data Structures, Schaum’s outline Series –  Lipshultz
    4. Data Structures & Programming Design –  Robert L. Kruse

    CSE-206 Data Structures Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 205.


    ECE-201 Electronic Devices & Circuits

    3 Credits

    Introduction to semiconductors, Junction diode characteristics & diode applications, Bipolar Junction transistor characteristics, Transistor biasing, Small signal low frequency h-parameter model & hybrid -pi model, AC analysis of transistor, Frequency response of transistor, Operational amplifiers, Linear applications of operational amplifiers, DC performance of operational amplifiers, AC performance of operational amplifiers, Introduction to JFET, MOSFET, PMOS, NMOS & CMOS, Introduction to SCR, TRIAC, DIAC & UJT, Active filters Introduction to IC fabrication techniques & VLSI design.


    Books Reccommended:

    1. Electronic Devices & Circuits McGraw-Hill -Jacob Millman & Christos C. Halkias
    2. Electronics Devices And Circuits- Salivahanan, N. S. Kumar And A. Vallavaraj, Tata McGraw – Hill
    3. Electronics Fundamentals: Circuits, Devices, and Applications- Ronald J Tocci


    ECE 202 Electronic Devices & Circuits Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on ECE 201.


    MTH-103E Linear Algebra, Vector Analysis and Complex Variables

    3 Credits

    Linear Algebra: Matrix, Types of Matrices, Matrix operations, Laws of matrix algebra, Invertible matrices, System of Linear equations (homogeneous and non-homogeneous) and their solution. Elementary row and column operations and Row reduced echelon matrices, Different types of matrices, Rank of matrices. Eigen values and Eigen vectors. Vector Analysis: Vector Algebra – Vectors in three dimensional space, Algebra of Vectors,  Rectangular components, Addition and Scalar multiplication, Scalar and Vector product of two Vectors, Scalar and Vector triple product. Vector Calculus – Vector differentiation and Integration. Gradient, Divergence and Curl. Green’s theorem, Stoke’s theorem. Complex Variable: Limit, Continuity and differentiability of complex functions. Analytic function, Harmonic function, Cauchy-Rieman equation. Complex Integration. Cauchy’s integral theorem and Cauchy’s Integral formula. Lioville’s theorem. Taylor’s and Laurent’s theorems. Singularities. Residue, Cauchy’s Residue theorem. Contour Integration.


    Book s Recommended:

    1. Scham’s Outline Series of the Theory and Problems on Linear Algebra – Seymour Lipschutz, 3rd ed., McGraw Hill Book
    2. Linear Algebra with Applications – R. Antone
    3. Scham’s Outline Series of the Theory and Problems on Vector Analysis – Murray R. Spiegel, SI(Metric ed.), McGraw Hill
    4. Functions of a Complex Variable – Dewan Abdul Quddus, Titash Publications.


    IMG 201 Principles of Management

    This course aims at providing students with concepts and tools of general management. The course covers concepts of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling, and its importance in attaining organizational objectives. Some current issues and trends in general management will also be discussed.

     Books Reccommended:

    1. Principles of Management – Mason Carpenter
    2. Principles of Management – Robert Kreitner
    3. Principles of Management : A Modern Approach – P.K.Saxena
    4. Principles of Management – P.C. Tripathi, P N Reddy, McGraw-Hill


    CSE-207 Algorithms

    3 Credits

    Analysis of Algorithm: Asymptotic analysis: Recurrences, Substitution method, Recurrence tree method, Master method. Divide-and-Conquer: Binary search, Powering a number, Fibonacci numbers, Matrix Multiplication, Strassen’s Algorithm for Matrix Multiplication. Sorting: Insertion sort, Merge sort, Quick sort, Randomized quick sort, Decision tree, Counting sort, Radix sort. Order Statistics: Randomized divide and conquer, worst case linear time order statistics. Graph: Representation, Traversing a graph, Topological sorting, Connected Components. Dynamic Programming: Elements of DP (Optimal substructure, Overlapping subproblem), Longest Common Subsequence finding problem, Matrix Chain Multiplication. Greedy Method: Greedy choice property, elements of greedy strategy, Activity selector problem, Minimum spanning tree (Prims algorithm, Kruskal algorithm), Huffman coding. Shortest Path Algorithms: Dynamic and Greedy properties, Dijkstra’s algorithm with its correctness and analysis, Bellman-ford algorithm, All pair shortest path: Warshall’s algorithm, Johnson’s algorithm. Network flow: Maximum flow, Max-flow-min-cut, Bipartite matching. Backtracking/Branch-and-Bound: Permutation, Combination, 8-queen problem, 15-puzzle problem. Geometric algorithm: Segment-segment intersection, Convex-hull, Closest pair problem. And NP Completeness, NP hard and NP complete problems.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to Algorithms- Thomas H. Cormen , Charles E. Leiserson.
    2. Algorithms –Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
    3. Fundamental Algorithms- Donald E. Knuth,”Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Addison-

          Wesley Professional; 3rd edition, 1997.


    CSE-208 Algorithms Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Using different well known algorithms to solve the problem of Matrix-Chain Multiplication, Longest Common Subsequence, Huffman codes generation, Permutation, Combination, 8-queen problem, 15-puzzle, BFS, DFS, flood fill using DFS, Topological sorting, Strongly connected component, finding minimum spanning tree, finding shortest path (Dijkstra’s algorithm and Bellman-Ford’s algorithm), Flow networks and maximum bipartite matching, Finding the convex hull, Closest pair.


    CSE-209 Numerical Methods

    3 Credits

    Errors and Accuracy. Iterative process: Solution of f(x)= 0, existence and convergence of a root, convergence of the iterative method, geometrical representation, Aitken’s D2– process of acceleration. System of Linear Equations. Solution of Non-Linear equations. Finite Differences and Interpolation. Finite Difference Interpolation. Numerical Differentiation. Numerical Integration. Differential Equations.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis –  S. S. Sastry
    2. Numerical Methods for Engineers –Steven C.  Chapra


    CSE-231 Digital Logic Design

    3 Credits

    Binary Logic. Logic Gates: IC digital logic families, positive and negative logic. Boolean Algebra. Simplification of Boolean Functions: Karnaugh map method, SOP and POS simplification, NAND, NOR, wired-AND, wired-OR implementation, nondegenerate forms, Don’t care conditions, Tabulation method – prime implicant chart. Combinational Logic: Arithmetic circuits – half and full adders and subtractors, multilevel NAND and NOR circuits, Ex-OR and Equivalence functions. Combinational Logic in MSI and LSI: Binary parallel adder, decimal and BCD adders, Comparators, Decoders and Encoders, Demultiplexors and Multiplexors. Sequential Logic. Registers and Counters. Synchronous Sequential Circuits. Asynchronous Sequential Circuits. Digital IC terminology, TTL logic family, TTL series characteristics, open-collector TTL, tristate TTL, ECL family, MOS digital ICs, MOSFET, CMOS characteristics, CMOS tristate logic, TTL-CMOS-TTL interfacing, memory terminology, general memory operation, semiconductor memory technologies, different types of ROMs, semiconductor RAMs, static and dynamic RAMs, magnetic bubble memory, CCD memory, FPGA Concept.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Digital Logic & Computer Design-M. Morris Mano
    2. Digital Fundamentals- Floyd
    3. Modern Digital Electronics-R. P. Jain
    4. Digital Systems- R. J. Tocci
    5. Digital Electronics- Green

     CSE-232 Digital Logic Design Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 231.


    CSE-321 Database Systems

    3 Credits

    Introduction: Purpose of Database Systems, Data Abstraction, Data Models, Instances and Schemes, Data Independence, Data Definition Language, Data Manipulation Language, Database Manager, Database administrator, Database Users, Overall System Structure, Advantages and Disadvantage of a Database Systems. Data Mining and analysis, Database Architecture, History of Database Systems Relationship Entity-Model: Entities and Entity Sets, Relationships and Relationship Sets, Attributes, Composite and Multivalued Attributes, Mapping Constraints, Keys, Entity-Relationship Diagram, Reducing of E-R Diagram to Tables, Generalization, Attribute Inheritance, Aggregation, Alternative E-R Notatios, Design of an E-R Database Scheme.

    Relational Model: Structure of Relational Database, Fundamental Relational Algebra Operations, The Tuple Relational Calculus, The Domain Relational Calculus, Modifying the Database. Relational Commercial Language: SQL, Basic structure of SQL Queries, Query-by-Example, Quel., Nested Sub queries, Complex queries, Integrity Constraints, Authorization, Dynamic SQL, Recursive Queries. Relational Database Design: Pitfalls in Relational Database Design, Functional Dependency Theory, Normalization using Functional Dependencies, Normalization using Multivalued Dependencies, Normalization using join Dependencies, Database Design Process. File And System Structure: Overall System Structure, Physical Storage Media, File Organization, RAID, Organization of Records into Blocks, Sequential Files, Mapping Relational Data to Files, Data Dictionary Storage, Buffer Management. Indexing And Hashing: Basic Concepts, Ordered Indices, B+ -Tree Index Files, B-Tree Index Files, Static and Dynamic Hash Function, Comparison of Indexing and Hashing, Index Definition in SQL, Multiple Key Access.

    Query Processing and Optimization: Query Interpretation, Equivalence of Expressions, Estimation of Query-Processing Cost, Estimation of Costs of Access Using Indices, Join Strategies, Join Strategies for parallel Processing, Structure of the query Optimizer, Transformation of Relational Expression. Concurrency Control: Schedules, Testing for Serializability, Lock-Based Protocols, Timestamp-Based Protocols, Validation Techniques, Multiple Granularity, Multiversion Schemes, Insert and Delete Operations, Deadlock Handling. Distributed Database: Structure of Distributed Databases, Trade-off in Distributing the Database, Design of Distributed Database, Transparancy and Autonomy, Distributed Query Processing, Recovery in Distributed Systems, Commit Protocols, Concurrency Control. Data Mining and Information Retrieval:  Data analysis and OLAP, Data Warehouse, Data Mining, Relevance Ranking Using Terms, Relevance Ranking Using Hyperlink, Synonyms, Homonyms, Ontology, Indexing of Document, Measuring Retrieval Efficiencies, Information Retrieval and Structured Data.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Database System Concepts – Abraham Silberschratz, Henry K. Korth, S. Sudarshan  (5th edition)
    2. Fundamentals of Database Systems – Benjamin/Cummings, 1994
    3. Database Principles, Programming, Performance  – Morgan Kaufmann 1994
    4. A First Course in Database Systems – Prentice Hall, 1997
    5. Database Management Systems, McGraw Hill, 1996


    CSE-322 Database Systems Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Introduction: What is database, MySQL , Oracle , SQL, Datatypes, SQL / PLSQL, Oracle Software Installation, User Type, Creating User , Granting. Basic Parts of Speech in SQL: Creating Newspaper Table, Select Command (Where , order by), Creating View, Getting Text Information & Changing it, Concatenation, Cut & paste string(RPAD , LPAD , TRIM , LTRIM , RTRIM, LOWER , UPPER , INIT, LENGTH , SUBSTR , INSTR , SOUNDEX). Playing The Numbers: Addition , Subtraction , Multiplication , Division, NVL , ABS , Floor , MOD , Power , SQRT , EXR , LN , LOG , ROUND, AVG  , MAX , MIN , COUNT , SUM, Distinct, SUBQUERY FOR MAX,MIN. Grouping things together: Group By , Having, Order By, Views Renaming Columns with Aliases. When one query depends upon another: Union, Intersect , Minus, Not in , Not Exists. Changing Data : INSERT,UPDATE,MERGE,DELETE, ROLLBACK , AUTOCOMMIT , COMMIT, SAVEPOINTS, MULTI TABLE INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, MERGE. Creating And Altering tables & views: Altering table, Dropping table, Creating view, Creating a table from a table. By What Authority: Creating  User, Granting User, Password Management.
    An Introduction to PL/SQL: Implement few problems using PL/SQL (eg Prime Number, Factorial, Calculating Area of Circle, etc).An Introduction to Trigger and Procedure: Implement few problems using Trigger  and Procedures. An Introduction to Indexing: Implement indexing using a large database and observe the difference of Indexed and Non-Indexed database.


    CSE-331 Computer Architecture

    3 Credits

    Introduction to Computer Architecture: Overview and history; Cost factor; Performance metrics and evaluating computer designs. Instruction set design: Von Neumann machine cycle, Memory addressing, Classifying instruction set architectures, RISC versus CISC, Micro programmed vs. hardwired control unit. Memory System Design:  Cache memory; Basic cache structure and design; Fully associative, direct, and set associative mapping; Analyzing cache effectiveness; Replacement policies; Writing to a cache; Multiple caches; Upgrading a cache; Main Memory; Virtual memory  structure, and design; Paging; Replacement strategies. Pipelining: General considerations; Comparison of pipelined and nonpipelined computers; Instruction and arithmetic pipelines, Structural, Data and Branch hazards. Multiprocessors and Multi-core Computers:  SISD, SIMD, and MIMD architectures; Centralized and distributed shared memory- architectures; Multi-core Processor architecture. Input/output Devices: Performance measure, Types of I/O device, Buses and interface to CPU, RAID. Pipelining: Basic pipelining, Pipeline Hazards. Parallel Processing.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Computer Architecture and Organization- John P.Hayes,  3rd Edition, McGraw Hill
    2. Computer Organization and Design: The hardware / software interface- David A.Patterson and John L.Hennessy

    MTH-203E Differential Equations, Laplace Transforms and Fourier Analysis

    3 Credits

    Differential Equation: Formation, Degree and Order of differential equation, Complete and Particular solution. Solution of ordinary differential equation of first order and first degree (special forms). Linear differential equation with constant coefficients. Homogeneous linear differential equation. Solution of equation by the method of Variation of parameters. Solution of linear differential equations in series by Frobenius method. Solution of Simultaneous equation of the form    = =  . Laplace Transforms: Definition, Laplace transforms of some elementary functions, sufficient conditions for existence of Laplace transforms, Inverse Laplace transforms, Laplace transforms of derivatives, Unit step function, Periodic function, Some special theorems on Laplace transforms, Partial fraction, Solution of differential equations by Laplace transforms, Evaluation of Improper Integrals. Fourier Analysis: Fourier series (Real and complex form). Finite transforms, Fourier Integrals, Fourier transforms and application in solving boundary value problems.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Differential Equations – H. T. H. Piaggio; 1st Indian Edition, 1985, S. K. Jain for CBS Publishers
    2. A Text Book on Integral Calculus with Differential Equations – Mohammad,  Bhattacharjee & Latif, 4th Edition, 2010; S. Chakravarty, Gonith Prokashon
    3. Schaum’s Outline Series of the Theory and Problems on Laplace Transforms – Murray R. Spiegel; Revised Edition, 2003; McGraw Hill Book Company
    4. Differential Equation – Md. Abu Eusuf; Latest Edition; Abdullah Al Mashud Publisher

    CSE 300 Software Developments

    1.5 Credits

    Students will work in groups or individually to produce high quality software in different languages. Students will write structured programs and use proper documentation. Advanced programming techniques in Mobile Application.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Android Application Development Cookbook- Wei-Meng Lee
    2. The Complete Android Guide- Kevin Purdy

    CSE 301:   E-Commerce and Web Engineering

    3 Credits

     E-Commerce Basics: E-Commerce Definition, Internet History and E-Commerce Development, Business-to-Business E-Commerce, Business-to-Consumer E-Commerce, E-Commerce Stages and Processes, E-Commerce Challenges, E-Commerce Opportunities.E-Commerce Options: Internet Access Requirements, Web Hosting Requirements, Entry-Level Options, Storefront and Template Services, E-Commerce Software Packages, E-Commerce Developers, E-Business Solutions.Marketing Issues: Online and Offline Market Research, Data Collection, Domain Names, Advertising Options, E-Mail Marketing, Search Engines, Web Site Monitoring, Incentives. Planning and Development: Web Site Goals, International Issues, Planning Stages, Resource Allocation, Content Development, Site Map Development, Web Site Design Principles, Web Site Design Tools, Web Page Programming Tools, Data-Processing Tools. E-Commerce Components: Navigation Aids, Web Site Search Tools, Databases, Forms, Shopping Carts, Checkout Procedures, Shipping Options. Payment Processing: Electronic Payment Issues, E-Cash, Credit Card Issues, Merchant Accounts, Online Payment Services, Transaction Processing, Taxation Issues, Mobile Commerce (M-Commerce). Security Issues: Security Issues and Threats, Security Procedures, Encryption, Digital Certificates, SSL and SET Technologies, Authentication and Identification, Security Providers, Privacy Policies, Legal Issues. Customer Service: Customer Service Issues, E-Mail Support , Telephone Support , Live Help Services, Customer Discussion Forums, Value-Added Options. ASP.NET programming model, Web development in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Anatomy of an ASP.NET page, ASP.NET core server controls, ADO.NET data providers, ADO.NET data containers, The data-binding model.

    Books Recommended

    1. E-Commerce, Jeffrey F., Rayport, Bernard J. Jaworsk , McGraw-Hill
    2. Understanding Electronic Commerce, David Kosiur , Microsoft Press.
    3. Introduction to E-Commerce, Jeffrey F. Rayport, et al. , McGraw-Hill
    4. E-Commerce Strategies, Charles Trepper

    CSE 302:   E-Commerce and Web Engineering Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 301.


    303 Operating Systems

    3 Credits

    Introduction: Operating Systems Concept, Computer System Structures, Operating System Structures, Operating System operations, Protection and Security, Special-Purpose Systems. Fundamentals of OS : OS services and components, multitasking,  multiprogramming, time sharing, buffering, spooling Process Management: Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Process State, Process Management, Interprocess Communication, interaction between processes and OS, Communication in Client-Server Systems, Threading, Multithreading, Process Synchronization. Concurrency control: Concurrency and race conditions, mutual exclusion requirements, semaphores, monitors, classical IPC problem and solutions, Dead locks – characterization, detection, recovery, avoidance and prevention. Memory Management: Memory partitioning, Swapping, Paging, Segmentation, Virtual memory – Concepts, Overlays, Demand Paging, Performance of demand paging, Page replacement algorithm, Allocation algorithms. Storage Management: Principles of I/O hardware, Principles of I/O software, Secondary storage structure, Disk structure, Disk scheduling, Disk Management, Swap-space Management, Disk reliability, Stable storage implementation. File Concept:  File support, Access methods, Allocation methods, Directory systems, File Protection, Free Space management Protection & Security : Goals of protection, Domain of protection, Access matrix, Implementation of access matrix, Revocation of access rights, The security problem, Authentication, One-time passwords, Program threats, System threats, Threat monitoring, Encryption, Computer-security classification.  Distributed Systems: Types of Distributed Operating System, Communication Protocols, Distributed File Systems, Naming and Transparency, Remote File Access, Stateful Versus Stateless Service, File Replication. Case Studies: Study of a representative Operating Systems.


    Books Recommended:              

    1. Operating System Concepts – Silberschatz & Galvin Wiley 2000 (7th Edition)
    2. Operating Systems – Achyut S. Godbole Tata Mc Graw Hill (2nd Edition)
    3. Understanding Operating System – Flynn & Metioes Thomsan (4th Edition)
    4. Operating Systems Design & Implementation – Andrew Tanenbam, Albert S. Woodhull Pearson
    5. Modern Operating System – Andrew S. Tanenbaum


    CSE-304 Operating Systems Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Thread programming: Creating thread and thread synchronization. Process Programming: The Process ID, Running a New Process, Terminating a Process, Waiting for Terminated Child Processes, Users and Groups, Sessions and Process Groups. Concurrent Programming: Using fork, exec for multi-task programs. File Operations: File sharing across processes, System lock table, Permission and file locking, Mapping Files into Memory, Synchronized, Synchronous, and Asynchronous Operations, I/O Schedulers and I/O Performance.

    Communicating across processes: Using different signals, Pipes, Message queue, Semaphore, Semaphore arithmetic and Shared memory.

    Books Recommended:

    1. The ‘C’ Odyssey UNIX-The Open, Boundless CMeeta Gandhi, Tilak Shetty, Rajiv Shah.
    2. Beginning Linux ProgrammingNeil Matthew and Richard Stones
    3. Linux System ProgrammingRobert Love

    CSE-315 Data Communication

    3 Credits

    Introduction to modulation techniques: Pulse modulation; pulse amplitude modulation, pulse width modulation and pulse position modulation. Pulse code modulation; quantization, Delta modulation. TDM, FDM, OOK, FSK, PSK, QPSK; Representation of noise; threshold effects in PCM and FM. Probability of error for pulse systems, concepts of channel coding and capacity. Asynchronous and synchronous communications. Hardware interfaces, multiplexers, concentrators and buffers. Communication medium, Fiber optics.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to Data Communications-Eugene Blanchard
    2. Data Communication Principles – Ahmad, Aftab
    3. Data Communication & NetworkingS.Bagad, I.A.Dhotre
    4. Data Communications and Networking- Behrouz A. Forouzan

    CSE-351 Management Information Systems

    3 Credits

    Introduction to MIS: Management Information System Concept. Definitions, Role of MIS, Approaches of MIS development. MIS and Computer: Computer Hardware for Information System, Computer Software for Information System, Data Communication System, Database Management Technology, Client-Server Technology. Decision-Support System: Introduction, Evolution of DSS, Future development of DSS. Application of MIS: Applications in manufacturing Sector, Applications in service sector, Case Studies.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Management Information Systems- James O’Brian , Tata MCGraw-Hill
    2. Management Information Systems-Post and Andersin, Tata Mcgraw-Hill

    CSE-403 Compiler Design

    3 Credits

    Introduction to compilers: Introductory concepts, types of compilers, applications, phases of a compiler. Lexical analysis: Role of the lexical analyzer, input buffering, token specification, recognition of tokens, symbol tables. Parsing: Parser and its role, context free grammars, top-down parsing. Syntax-directed translation: Syntax-directed definitions, construction of syntax trees, top-down translation. Type checking: Type systems, type expressions, static and dynamic checking of types, error recovery. Run-time organization: Run-time storage organization, storage strategies. Intermediate code generation: Intermediate languages, declarations, assignment statements. Code optimization: Basic concepts of code optimization, principal sources of optimization. Code generation. Features of some common compilers: Characteristic features of C, Pascal and Fortran compilers.


    Books Recommended:              

    1. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools – Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman. Second Edition.


    CSE-404 Compiler Design Lab

    1.5 Credits

    How to use scanner and parser generator tools (e.g., Flex, JFlex, CUP, Yacc, etc). For a given simple source language designing and implementing lexical analyzer, symbol tables, parser, intermediate code generator and code generator.


    MTH-301 Statistics and Probability

    2 Credits

    Frequency distribution; mean, median, mode and other measures of central tendency, Standard deviation and other measures of dispersion, Moments, skewness and kurtosis, Elementary probability theory and discontinuous probability distribution, e.g. binomial, poison and negative binomial, Continuous probability distributions, e.g. normal and exponential, Characteristics of distributions, Hypothesis testing and regression analysis


    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to M athematical Statistics –  Hogg
    2. Probability and Statistics for Scientists and Engineers – Walpole


    CSE-333 Microprocessors and Assembly Language

    3 Credits

    Introduction to different types of microprocessors, Microprocessor architecture, instruction set, interfacing, I/O operation, interrupt structure, DMA, Microprocessor interface ICs. Advanced microprocessor concept of microprocessor based system design. Machine and Assembly instruction types and their formats. Character representation instructions. Instruction execution. Machine language programming. Instruction sets and their implementations. The Assembly process. Addressing methods. Subroutines, macros and files. I/O programming interrupts and concurrent processes.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Microprocessors & Interfacing- Douglas V. Hall
    2. Microprocessors – Harunur Rashid
    3. Microprocessor & Microcomputer Based System Design – Rafiquzzaman
    4. Microprocessor Systems: 8086/8088 Family – Y.Lin & G.A. Gibson


    CSE-334 Microprocessors and Assembly Language Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 333.


    CSE-339 Theory of Computation

    2 Credits

     Finite Automata: Deterministic and nondeterministic finite automata and their equivalence. Equivalence with regular expressions. Closure properties. The pumping lemma and applications. Context-free Grammars: Definitions. Parse trees. The pumping lemma for CFLs and applications. Normal forms. General parsing. Sketch of equivalence with pushdown automata. Turing Machines: Designing simple TMs. Variations in the basic model(multi-tape, multi-head, nondeterminism). Church-Turing thesis and evidence to support it through the study of other models. Undecidability: The undecidability of the halting problem. Reductions to other problems. Reduction in general.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation, 2nd Edition- C. Martin, McGraw Hill Publications, 1997.


    CSE 401  Software Engineering

    3 credits

    Concepts of software engineering: requirements definition, modularity, structured design, data specifications, functional specifications, verification, documentation, software maintenance. Software support tools. Software project organization, quality assurance, management and communication skills.

    Books Reccommended:

    1. Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach, 6th Edition, Roger S. Pressman
    2. Software Engineering Concepts – Richard Fairley
    3. Software Engineering Environments – Robert N. Charette


    CSE-421 Computer Network

    3 Credits

    Network architectures-layered architectures and ISO reference model: data link protocols, error control, HDLC, X.25, flow and congestion control, virtual terminal protocol, data security. Local area networks, satellite networks, packet radio networks. Introduction to ARPANET, SNA and DECNET. Topological design and queuing models for network and distributed computing systems.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Computer Networks-A. S. Tanenbaum
    2. Introduction to Networking- Barry Nance
    3. Data Communications, Computer Networks & Open Systems-  F. Halsall
    4. TCP/IP-SydniFeit
    5. Data Communications and Networking-Behrouz A. Forouzan


    CSE-422 Computer Network Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 421.


    CSE-435 Computer Interfacing

    3 Credits

    Interface components and their characteristics, microprocessor I/O. Disk, Drums, and Printers. Optical displays and sensors. High power interface devices, transducers, stepper motors and peripheral devices.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Microprocessors & Interfacing-Douglas V. Hall
    2. Microprocessor & Microcomputer based System Design  –  Rafiquzzaman
    3. Microcomputer Interfacing-Artwick
    4. Microcomputer Interfacing-Ramesh Goanker
    5. Designing User Interfaces-James E. Powell


     CSE-436 Computer Interfacing Lab                        

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 435.


     CSE-405 Artificial Intelligence  & Expert System

    3 Credits

    What is Artificial Intelligence: The AI problems, The underlying assumption, What is an AI technique. Problems, Problem spaces and Search: Defining the problem as a state space search, Production system, Problem characteristics. Heuristics Search Techniques: Generate and Test, Hill climbing, Best First Search, Problem Reduction, Constraint Satisfaction, Means-Ends Analysis. Knowledge Representation Issues: Representation and Mappings, Approaches to knowledge Representation, Issues in Knowledge representation. Using Predicate logic: Representing simple facts in logic, Representing Instance and Isa relationships, Computable functions and Predicates, Resolution. Representing Knowledge using Rules: Procedural versus Declarative Knowledge, Logic Programming, Forward versus Backward Reasoning, Matching. Game playing: Overview, The Mimimax Search Procedure, Adding Alpha-Beta cutoffs, Additional refinements, iterative Deepening, Planning: Overview, An example Domain: The Blocks World, Components of a planning system, Goal stack planning, Understanding: What is Understanding, What makes Understanding hard, Understanding as constraint satisfaction. natural Language Processing: Introduction, Syntactic Processing, Semantic Analysis, Discourse and Pragmatic Processing. Expert systems: representing and using domain knowledge, Expert system shells explanation, Knowledge Acquisition. AI Programming Language: Prolog, LISP, Python.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach-S. Russel and P. Norvig
    2. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert System-Dan W. Peterson
    3. Artificial Intelligence-E. Rich and K. Knight
    4. An Introduction to Neural Computing-C. F. Chabris and T. Jackson
    5. Artificial Intelligence using C  –  H. Schieldt



    CSE-406 Artificial Intelligence & Expert System Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Students will have to understand the functionalities of intelligent agents and how the agents will solve general problems. Students have to use a high-level language (Python, Prolog, LISP) to solve the following problems:

    Backtracking: State space, Constraint satisfaction, Branch and bound. Example: 8-queen, 8- puzzle, Crypt-arithmetic. BFS and production: Water jugs problem, The missionaries and cannibal problem. Heuristic and recursion: Tic-tac-toe, Simple bock world, Goal stack planning, The tower of Hanoi. Question answering: The monkey and bananas problem.


    CSE-425 Digital Signal Processing

    3 Credits

     Introduction to digital signal processing (DSP): Discrete-time signals and systems, analog to digital conversion, impulse response, finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) of discrete-time systems, difference equation, convolution, transient and steady state response. Discrete transformations: Discrete Fourier series, discrete-time Fourier series, discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and properties, fast Fourier transform (FFT), inverse fast Fourier transform, z-transformation – properties, transfer function, poles and zeros and inverse z-transform. Correlation: circular convolution, auto-correlation and cross correlation. Digital Filters: FIR filters- linear phase filters, specifications, design using window, optimal and frequency sampling methods; IIR filters- specifications, design using impulse invariant, bi-linear z-transformation, least-square methods and finite precision effects. Digital signal processor TMS family, Application of digital signal processing.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Digital Signal Processing-John G. Proakis
    2. Signals and Systems-Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen
    3. Digital Signal Processing-R. W. Schafer
    4. Digital Signal Processing-Ifeachor
    5. Introduction to DSP-Johnny R. Johnson


    CSE-426 Digital Signal Processing Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 425.


    CSE-431  Computer Graphics

    3 Credits

    Introduction to Graphical data processing. Fundamentals of interactive graphics programming. Architecture of display devices and connectivity to a computer. Implementation of graphics concepts of two-dimensional and three-dimensional viewing, clipping and transformations. Hidden line algorithms. Raster graphics concepts: Architecture, algorithms and other image synthesis methods. Design of interactive graphic conversations.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics –William M., Newman, McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 1978
    2. Computer Graphics: Principle and Practice in C-James D. Foley, Andries van Dam, Steven K. Feiner, John F. Hughes, Addison-Wesley, 2nd edition, 1995

     CSE-432 Computer Graphics Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 431.


    CSE-400 Project / Thesis

    3 Credits

    Study of problems in the field of Computer Science and Engineering. This course will be initiated in the 3rd year or early in 4th year.

    CSE-402 Comprehensive Viva Voce

    2 Credits


     CSE-407 Simulation and Modeling

    3 Credits

    Simulation methods, model building, random number generator, statistical analysis of results, validation and verification techniques, Digital simulation of continuous systems. Simulation and analytical methods, for analysis of computer systems and practical problems in business and practice. Introduction to the simulation packages.

    Books Recommended:

    1. System Modeling and Simulation- V.P. Singh
    2. System Design, Modeling, and Simulation using- Claudius Ptolemaeus


    CSE-408 Simulation and Modeling Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 407.

     CSE-411 VLSI Design

    3 Credits

    Design and analysis techniques for VLSI circuits. Design of reliable VLSI circuits, noise considerations, design and operation of large fan out and fan in circuits, clocking methodologies, techniques for data path and data control design. Simulation techniques. Parallel processing, special purpose architectures in VLSI. VLSI layouts partitioning and placement routing and wiring in VLSI. Reliability aspects of VLSI design.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Basic VLSI Design-Douglas A Pucknell, Kamran Eshraghian
    2. VLSI Technology – S. M. Sze
    3. Introduction to VLSI Systems  –  C. A. Mead and L. A. Conway

     CSE-412 VLSI Design Lab                           

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 411.

     CSE-413 Information System Design

    3 Credits

    Information, general concepts of formal information systems, analysis of information requirements for modern organizations, modern data processing technology and its application, information systems structures, designing information outputs, classifying and coding data, physical storage media considerations, logical data, organization, systems analysis, general systems design, detail systems design. Project management and documentation. Group development of an information system project. Includes all phases of software life cycles from requirement analysis to the completion of a fully implemented system.

     Books Recommended:

    1. Information Systems Analysis and Design – Phil Agre, Christine Borgman
    2. Analysis and Design of Information Systems-Langer, Arthur M.


     CSE-414 Information System Design Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 413.


    CSE-419 Graph Theory

    3 Credits

    Introduction, Fundamental concepts, Trees, Spanning trees in graphs, Distance in graphs, Eulerian graphs, Digraphs, Matching and factors, Cuts and connectivity, k-connected graphs, Network flow problems, Graph coloring: vertex coloring and edge coloring, Line graphs, Hamiltonian cycles, Planar graphs, Perfect graphs.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Graph Theory and Its ApplicationsJonathan L. Gross, Jay Yellen
    2. A Textbook of Graph Theory – R. Balakrishnan, K. Ranganathan


     CSE-420 Graph Theory Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 420.


     CSE-423 Computer System Performance Evaluations

    3 Credits

    Review of system analysis, approaches to system development, feasibility assessment, hardware and software acquisition. Procurement, workload characterization, the representation of measurement data, instrumentation: software monitors, hardware monitors, capacity planning, bottleneck detection, system and program tuning, simulation and analytical models and their application, case studies.

    1.  Computer Systems Performance Evaluation and Prediction Paul J. Fortier and Howard E. Michel
    2. The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis- Jain


    CSE-424 Computer System Performance Evaluation Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory based on CSE 423.


    CSE-437 Pattern Recognition

    3 Credits

    Introduction to pattern recognition: features, classifications, learning. Statistical methods, structural methods and hybrid method. Applications to speech recognition, remote sensing and biomedical area, Learning algorithms. Syntactic approach: Introduction to pattern grammars and languages. parsing techniques. Pattern recognition in computer aided design.

    1. Pattern Recognition- K. Koutroumbas
    2. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning- Christopher M. Bishop
    3. Pattern Recognition for Neural Networks- Brian Ripley


    CSE-438 Pattern Recognition Lab

    1.0 Credits 


    Laboratory works based on CSE 437.


    CSE-453 Digital Image Processing

    3 Credits

    Image Processing: Image Fundamentals, Image Enhancement: Background, Enhancement by Point-Processing, Spatial Filtering, Enhancement in Frequency Domain, Color Image Processing. Image Restoration: Degradation Model, Diagonalization of Circulant and Block-Circulant Matrices, Algebraic Approach to Restoration, Inverse Filtering, Geometric Transformation. Image Segmentation: Detection of Discontinuities, Edge Linking and Boundary Detection, Thresholding, Region-Oriented Segmentation, The use of Motion in Segmentation. Image Compression.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Digital Image Processing-Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, Pearson Education Asia.
    2. Non-Linear  Digital Filter : Principles and Applications –I. Pitas and A. N. Venetsanopoulos, Kluwer Academic Publications.


     CSE-454 Digital Image Processing Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 453.


    CSE-455 Wireless and Sensor Networks

    3 Credits

    Introduction: applications; Localization and tracking: tracking multiple objects; Medium Access Control: S-MAC, IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee; Geographic and energy-aware routing; Attribute-Based Routing: directed diffusion, rumor routing, geographic hash tables; Infrastructure establishment: topology control, clustering, time synchronization; Sensor tasking and control: task-driven sensing, information-based sensor tasking, joint routing and information aggregation; Sensor network databases: challenges, querying the physical environment, in-network aggregation, data indices and range queries, distributed hierarchical aggregation; Sensor network platforms and tools: sensor node hardware, sensor network programming challenges; Other state-of-the-art related topics.


    Books Recommended:


    1.   Wireless Sensor Networks – C. S. Raghavendra, Krishna M. Sivalingam and TaiebZnati
    2. Wireless Sensor Networks: An Information Processing Approach (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking)Feng Zhao,Leonidas Guibas


    CSE-456 Wireless and Sensor Networks Lab

    1.5 Credits

     Laboratory works based on CSE 455.


     CSE-457 Bio-Informatics

    3 Credits

    Cell concept: Structural organization of plant and animal cells, nucleus, cell membrane and cell wall. Cell division: Introducing chromosome, Mitosis, Meiosis and production of haploid/diploid cell. Nucleic acids: Structure and properties of different forms of DNA and RNA; DNA replication. Proteins: Structure and classification, Central dogma of molecular biology. Genetic code: A brief account. Genetics: Mendel’s laws of inheritance, Organization of genetic material of prokaryotes and eukaryotes, C-Value paradox, repetitive DNA, structure of chromatin – euchromatin and heterochromatin, chromosome organization and banding patterns, structure of gene – intron, exon and their relationships, overlapping gene, regulatory sequence (lac operon), Molecular mechanism of general recombination, gene conversion, Evolution and types of mutation, molecular mechanisms of mutation, site-directed mutagenesis, transposons in mutation. Introduction to Bioinformatics: Definition and History of Bioinformatics, Human Genome Project, Internet and Bioinformatics, Applications of Bioinformatics  Sequence alignment: Dynamic programming. Global versus local. Scoring matrices. The Blast family of programs. Significance of alignments, Aligning more than two sequences. Genomes alignment. Structure-based alignment. Hidden Markov Models in Bioinformatics: Definition and applications in Bioinformatics. Examples of the Viterbi, the Forward and the Backward algorithms. Parameter estimation for HMMs. Trees: The Phylogeny problem. Distance methods, parsimony, bootstrap. Stationary Markov processes. Rate matrices. Maximum likelihood. Felsenstein’s post-order traversal. Finding regulatory elements: Finding regulatory elements in aligned and unaligned sequences. Gibbs sampling. Introduction to microarray data analysis: Steady state and time series microarray data. From microarray data to biological networks. Identifying regulatory elements using microarray data. Pi calculus: Description of biological networks; stochastic Pi calculus, Gillespie algorithm.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms –Jones and Pavel A. Pevzner
    2. Introduction to Bioinformatics – Stephen A. Krawetz, David D. Womble
    3. Introduction to Bioinformatics – Arthur M. Lesk


    CSE-458 Bio-Informatics Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE-457.


     CSE-461 Neural Networks

    3 Credits

    Fundamentals of Neural Networks; Back propagation and related training algorithms; Hebbian learning; Cohonen-Grossberg learning; The BAM and the Hopfield Memory; Simulated Annealing; Different types of Neural Networks: Counter propagation, Probabilistic, Radial Basis Function, Generalized Regression, etc; Adaptive Resonance Theory; Dynamic Systems and neural Control; The Boltzmann Machine; Self-organizing Maps; Spatiotemporal Pattern Classification, The Neocognition; Practical Aspects of Neural Networks.


    Books Recommended:


    1. An Introduction to Neural NetworksProf. Leslie Smith
    2. Fundamentals of Artificial Neural NetworksMohamad H. Hassoun


     CSE-462 Neural Networks Lab

    1.5 Credits

     Laboratory works based on CSE 461.


     CSE-463 Machine Learning

    3 Credits

    Introduction: Definition of learning systems. Goals and applications of machine learning. Aspects of developing a learning system- training data, concept representation, function approximation.   Inductive Classification: The concept learning task. Concept learning as search through a hypothesis space. General-to-specific ordering of hypotheses. Finding maximally specific hypotheses. Version spaces and the candidate elimination algorithm. Learning conjunctive concepts. The importance of inductive bias. Decision Tree Learning: Representing concepts as decision trees. Recursive induction of decision trees. Picking the best splitting attribute: entropy and information gain. Searching for simple trees and computational complexity. Occam’s razor. Overfitting, noisy data, and pruning. Experimental Evaluation of Learning Algorithms: Measuring the accuracy of learned hypotheses. Comparing learning algorithms- cross-validation, learning curves, and statistical hypothesis testing. Computational Learning Theory: Models of learnability- learning in the limit; probably approximately correct (PAC) learning. Sample complexity- quantifying the number of examples needed to PAC learn. Computational complexity of training. Sample complexity for finite hypothesis spaces. PAC results for learning conjunctions, kDNF, and kCNF. Sample complexity for infinite hypothesis spaces, Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension. Rule Learning, Propositional and First-Order: Translating decision trees into rules. Heuristic rule induction using separate and conquer and information gain. First-order Horn-clause induction (Inductive Logic Programming) and Foil. Learning recursive rules. Inverse resolution, Golem, and Progol. Artificial Neural Networks: Neurons and biological motivation. Linear threshold units. Perceptrons: representational limitation and gradient descent training. Multilayer networks and backpropagation. Hidden layers and constructing intermediate, distributed representations. Overfitting, learning network structure, recurrent networks. Support Vector Machines: Maximum margin linear separators. Quadractic programming solution to finding maximum margin separators. Kernels for learning non-linear functions. Bayesian Learning: Probability theory and Bayes rule. Naive Bayes learning algorithm. Parameter smoothing. Generative vs. discriminative training. Logisitic regression. Bayes nets and Markov nets for representing dependencies. Instance-Based Learning: Constructing explicit generalizations versus comparing to past specific examples. k-Nearest-neighbor algorithm. Case-based learning. Text Classification: Bag of words representation. Vector space model and cosine similarity. Relevance feedback and Rocchio algorithm. Versions of nearest neighbor and Naive Bayes for text. Clustering and Unsupervised Learning: Learning from unclassified data. Clustering. Hierarchical Aglomerative Clustering. k-means partitional clustering. Expectation maximization (EM) for soft clustering. Semi-supervised learning with EM using labeled and unlabled data.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Artificial Intelligence: a modern approach (2nd edition), Russell, S. and P. Norvig, Prentice Hall, 2003
    2. Introduction to Machine Learning – Ethem ALPAYDIN
    3. Machine Learning – Tom Mitchell, McGraw Hill
    4. Introduction to machine learning (2nd edition), Alpaydin, Ethem, MIT Press, 2010
    5. An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and Other Kernel-based Learning Methods, NelloCristianini and John Shawe-Taylor, Cambridge University Press


    CSE-464 Machine Learning Lab

    1.5 Credits.

     Students should learn the methods for extracting rules or learning from data, and get the necessary mathematical background to understand how the methods work and how to get the best performance from them. To achieve these goals student should learn the following algorithms in the lab: K Nearest Neighbor Classifier, Decision Trees, Model Selection and Empirical Methodologies, Linear Classifiers: Perception and SVM, Naive Bayes Classifier, Basics of Clustering Analysis, K-mean Clustering Algorithm, Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm. Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to perform the followings: a. Evaluate whether a learning system is required to address a particular problem. b. Understand how to use data for learning, model selection, and testing to achieve the goals. c. Understand generally the relationship between model complexity and model performance, and be able to use this to design a strategy to improve an existing system. d. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of the learning systems studied in the course, and decide which learning system is appropriate for a particular application. e. Make a naive Bayes classifier and interpret the results as probabilities. f. Be able to apply clustering algorithms to simple data sets for clustering analysis.


    CSE-465 Contemporary course on CSE

    03 Credits

     CSE-466 Contemporary course on CSE Lab

    1.5 Credits

     Laboratory works based on CSE 465


  • Detailed Syllabus (Fall 2015)

    Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Day)

    Syllabus for Fall 2015


    First Year First Semester

    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE-101 Computer Fundamentals 3.0
    CSE-102 Computer Fundamentals Lab 1.0
    PHY-101 Mechanics, Properties of Matter, Waves. Optics, Heat and thermodynamics 3.0
    MTH-101D Differential and Integral Calculus 3.0
    CSE-105 Structured Programming Language 3.0
    CSE-106 Structured Programming Language Lab 1.5
    HUM-101D Oral and Written Communication in English Language 3.0
    HUM-111D Bangladesh Studies: History and Society of Bangladesh 3.0
    Total 20.50


    First Year Second Semester

    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE-107 Object Oriented Programming I 3.0
    CSE-108 Object Oriented Programming I Lab 1.5
    MTH-103D Geometry and Linear Algebra 3.0
    PHY-103 Electromagnetism and Modern Physics 3.0
    PHY-102 Physics Lab 1.5
    ECE-101 Basic Electrical Engineering 3.0
    ECE-102 Basic Electrical Engineering Lab 1.5
    ECN-101 Principles of Economics 3.0
    HUM-103 Language Composition and Comprehension 3.0
    Total 22.50


    Second Year First Semester

    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE-201 Discrete Mathematics 3.0
    CSE-211 Object Oriented Programming  II 3.0
    CSE-212 Object Oriented Programming II Lab 1.5
    CSE-205 Data Structures 3.0
    CSE-206 Data Structures Lab 1.5
    MTH-201D Vector Analysis and Complex Variable 3.0
    ECE-201 Electronic Devices and Circuits 3.0
    ECE-202 Electronic Devices and circuits Lab 1.5
    ACN-203 Cost and Management Accounting 3.0
     Total 22.50


    Second Year Second Semester

    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE-207 Algorithms 3.0
    CSE-208 Algorithms Lab 1.5
    CSE-209 Numerical Methods 3.0
    CSE-210 Numerical Methods  Lab 1.5
    CSE-231 Digital Logic Design 3.0
    CSE-232 Digital Logic Design Lab 1.5
    MTH-203D Differential Equations , Laplace Transforms and Fourier Analysis 3.0
    CSE-200 Project Work 2.0
    Total 18.50


    Third Year First Semester

    CSE-323Web Engineering2.0

    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE-321 Database Systems 3.0
    CSE-322 Database Systems Lab 1.5
    CSE-331 Computer Architecture 3.0
    CSE-324 Web Engineering Lab 1.5
    MTH-301 Statistics and Probability 2.0
    CSE-309 Cyber crime and Intellectual Property Law 3.0
    CSE-310 Technical Report Writing and Presentation 1.5
    CSE-326 Engineering Drawing 1.0
    Total 18.50


    Third Year Second Semester

    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE-300 Software Development 2.0
    CSE-303 Operating Systems 3.0
    CSE-304 Operating Systems Lab 1.5
    CSE-315 Data Communication 3.0
    CSE-313 Microprocessors and Microcontroller 3.0
    CSE-314 Microprocessors and Microcontroller Lab 1.5
    CSE-337 System Analysis and Software Engineering 3.0
    CSE-338 System Analysis and Software Engineering Lab 1.5
    Total 18.50


    Fourth Year First Semester

    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE-425 Digital Signal Processing 3.0
    CSE-426 Digital Signal Processing Lab 1.5
    CSE-403 Compiler Design 3.0
    CSE-404 Compiler Design Lab 1.5
    CSE-421 Computer Network 3.0
    CSE-422 Computer Network Lab 1.5
    CSE-4** Option 3.0
    CSE-4** Option Lab 1.5
    Total 18.00


    Fourth Year Second Semester

    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE-415 Artificial Intelligence 3.0
    CSE-416 Artificial Intelligence Lab 1.5
    CSE-431 Computer Graphics 3.0
    CSE-432 Computer Graphics Lab 1.5
    CSE-435 Computer Interfacing 3.0
    CSE-436 Computer Interfacing Lab 1.5
     CSE-4** Option 3.0
    CSE-4** Option Lab 1.5
    CSE-400 Project/Thesis 3.0
    CSE-402 Comprehensive Viva Voce 2.0
    Total 23.00



    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE-437 Pattern Recognition 3.0
    CSE-411 VLSI Design 3.0
    CSE-438 Pattern Recognition Lab 1.5
    CSE-419 Graph Theory 3.0
    CSE-420 Graph Theory Lab 1.5
    CSE-423 Computer System Performance Evaluation 3.0
    ECE-421 Digital Communication 3.0
    CSE-424 Computer System Performance Evaluation Lab 1.5
    CSE-408 Simulation and Modeling Lab 1.5
    ECE-422 Digital Communication Lab 1.5
    CSE-453 Digital Image Processing 3.0
    CSE-454 Digital Image Processing Lab 1.5
    CSE-455 Wireless and sensor Networks 3.0
    CSE-409 Computer Security and Cryptography 3
    CSE-410 Computer Security and Cryptography Lab 1.5
    CSE-456 Wireless sensor Networks Lab 1.5
    CSE-457 Bioinformatics 3.0
    CSE-458 Bioinformatics Lab 1.5
    CSE-461 Neural Networks 3.0
    CSE-462 Neural Networks Lab 1.5
    CSE-463 Machine Learning 3.0
    CSE-464 Machine Learning Lab 1.5
    CSE-465 Contemporary course on CSE 3.0
    CSE-466 Contemporary course Lab on CSE 1.5
    CSE 467 Advanced Database System 3.0
    CSE 468 Advanced Database System Lab 1.5
    CSE 469 Natural Language Processing 3.0
    CSE 470 Natural Language Processing Lab 1.5
    CSE-400 Project / Thesis    3.0
    CSE-402 Comprehensive Viva Voce    2.0
                             Total Credit Hours Required for Degree    162.00

    Detailed Syllabus


    CSE-101 Computer Fundamentals               

    3 Credits 

    Introduction: Definition, history & some applications of computer. Classification of Computer: H/W and S/W computer components. Number systems : Binary, octal, hexadecimal number systems and operations, computer codes. Boolean algebra.Data processing techniques.Arithmetic e’ logic operation.Logic gates. Operating systems: MS-WINDOWS, UNIX. Application software’s: Word processors, word perfect, Ms-word Excel, Foxpro. Programming languages: M/c language, assembly language, high level languages, source & object language, 4th generation language, compilers, translators & interpreter. Elements of computer H/W. Data transmission & networking.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to Computers – Subramanian
    2. Inside the PC – P. Norton
    3. Introduction to Computer –  Norton
    4. Computer Fundamentals –  Prodeep K. Sinha


    CSE 102 Computer Fundamentals Lab

    1.0 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 101.

    PHY-101 Mechanics, Properties of Matter, Waves, Optics, Heat & Thermodynamics

    3 Credits


    Mechanics : Measurements, Motion in one Dimension, Motion in a Plane, Particle Dynamics, Work & Energy, Circular Motion, Simple Harmonic Motion, Rotation of Rigid Bodies, Central Force, Structure of Matter, Mechanical  Properties of Materials. Properties of Matter: Elasticity, Stresses & Strains, Young’s Modulus, Bulk Modulus, Rigidity Modulus, Elastic Limit, Poisson’s Ratio, Relation between Elastic Constants, Bending of Beams. Fluid Motion, Equation of Continuity, Bernoulli’s Theorem, Viscosity, Stokes’ Law. Surface Energy & Surface Tension, Capillarity, Determination of             Surface Tension by Different Methods Waves : Wave Motion & Propagation, Simple Harmonic Motion, Vibration Modes, Forced Vibrations, Vibration in Strings & Columns, Sound Wave & Its Velocity, Doppler Effect, Elastic Waves, Ultrasonics, Practical Applications. Optics : Theories of Light, Huygen’s Principle, Electromagnetic Waves, Velocity of Light, Reflection, Refraction, Lenses, Interference, Diffraction, Polarization. Heat & Thermodynamics : Temperature and Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, Calorimetry, Thermal Equilibrium & Thermal Expansion, First Law of Thermodynamics, Specific Heat, Heat Capacities, Equation of State, Change of Phase, Heat Transfer, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Carnot Cycle, Efficiency, Entropy, Kinetic Theory of Gases.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Fundamental of Physics (Part I)-Haliday, Resnick& Walker
    2. Modern Physics –   Bernstein
    3. Concepts of Modern Physics – Beiser
    4. Electromagnetism and Modern Physics
    5. Fundamental of Optics –  Brizlal
    6. Optics – Ghatak
    7. Heat & Thermodynamics –   Brizlal
    8. University Physics with Modern Physics –  Young
    9. EssentialUniversity Physics Volume I – Wolfson
    10. EssentialUniversity Physics Volume II – Wolfson


    MTH-101 Differential and Integral Calculus

    3 Credits

    Differential Calculus:  Real  number System. Relations and functions, Functions of single variable, their Domain, Range, Graphs, Limit, Continuity and Differentiability. Successive Differentiation, Leibnitz’s theorem, Rolle’s theorem, Mean value  theorem, Taylor’s theorem, Maclaurin’s  theorem, Langrage’s and Cauchy’s forms  of Remainder. Expansion of Function  in Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s Series. Maximum and Minimum Values of Function. Evaluation of Indeterminate forms of limit, L’ Hospital’s Rule. Tangent and Normal. Curvature, Radius of Curvature, Centre of Curvature. Functions of more than one variable, Limit, Continuity, Differentiability, Partial Derivatives, Euler’s Theorem. Jacobians.  Integral Calculus: Indefinite Integrals and its definition. Methods of Integration (Integration by substitution, Integration by parts, Integration by successive reduction). Fundamental theorem of Integral calculus. Definite Integral and its properties. Definite Integral as the limit of a sum. Improper Integrals, Beta and Gamma Function, Its application in evaluating Integrals. Evaluation of Arc length, Areas, Surfaces of Revolution, Volumes of solids of Revolution, Multiple  Integrals.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Calculus – Howard Anton; 10th Edition; John Willy and Sons
    2. Differential Calculus – C. Das & B. N. Mukharjee; 54th Edition; U. N. Dhur & Sons PTL
    3. Integral Calculus – C. Das & B. N. Mukharjee; 54th Edition; U. N. Dhur & Sons PTL
    4. A Text Book on Differential Calculus – Mohammad, Bhattacharjee & Latif, 4th Edition, 2014; S. Chakravarty, Gonith Prokashan
    5. A Text Book on Integral Calculus – Mohammad, Bhattacharjee & Latif; 4th Edition, 2014; S. Chakravarty, Gonith Prokashan.


    CSE-105 Structured Programming Languages

    3 Credits

    Programming language: Basic concept; overview of programming languages, C-language: Preliminaries; Elements of C; program constructs; variables and data types in C; Input and output; character and formatted I/O; Arithmetic expressions and assignment statements; loops and nested loops; Decision making’ Arrays; Functions; Arguments and Local Variables; Calling functions and arrays; Recursion and recursive functions; structures within structure; Files; File functions for sequential and Random I/O. Pointers, Pointers and Structures; Pointers and functions; Pointer and arrays; Operations on pointers; Pointer and memory addresses; Operations on bits; Bit operation; Bit field; Advanced features; Standard and Library functions.

    Books Recommended:

    1. The C Programming Language  –  Kernighn& Ritchie
    2. Teach Yourself C  –  H. Schieldt
    3. The Complete Reference, Turbo C/C++  – H. Schieldt
    4. Programming with ANSI C  –  E. Balagurusamy
    5. Programming with C, Schaum’s outline Series  – Gotfreid

    CSE 106 Structured Programming Languages Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 103.


    HUM-101 Oral and written Communication in English Language

    3 Credits


    Oral & written communication skills include communicative expressions for day to day activities, both for personal and professional requirement. Grammar items will mainly emphasize the use of articles, numbers, tense, modal verbs, pronouns, punctuation, etc. Sentence formation, question formation, transformation of sentence, simple passive voice construction, and conditionals will also be covered.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Paragraph in English – Tibbits
    2. Exercise in Reading Comprehension – Tibbits
    3. Essential English Grammar – Ramon Murphy
    4. English Vocabulary in use – Stuart
    5. English Vocabulary in use  – McCarthy
    6. Intermediate English Grammar   –  Ramon Murphy


    HUM-111 Bangladesh Studies : History and Society of Bangladesh

    3 Credits


    Bangladesh-Geography of Bangladesh-History of Bangladesh: ancient, medieval, British periods, politics of 1930’s and 1940’s, Language movement, 6-point & 11-point programs, liberation war and emergence of Bangladesh and constitutional transformation of the state. Social structure of Bangladesh-Social problems such as repression of women, eve-teasing, urbanization, terrorism, communalism, corruption etc.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Bangladesh Encyclopedia (English Version)
    2. History of Bengal (English Version)   –   K. Ali
    3. History of Bengal (English Version)   –   Majumder
    4. Economy of Bangladesh (Economic Journal)

    CSE 107 Object Oriented Programming I

    3 Credits


    Introduction to Java: History of Java, Java class Libraries, Introduction to java programming, and a simple program. Developing java Application: Introduction, Algorithms, Pseudo code, control Structure, The If/Else selection structure, the while Repetition structure, Assignment operators, Increment and decrement operators, Primitive data types, common Escape sequences, Logical operator. Control Structure: Introduction, for Structure, switch structure, Do while structure, Break and continue Structure. Methods: Introduction, Program module in Java, Math class methods, method definitions, java API packages, Automatic variables, Recursions, Method overloading, Method of the Applet class. Arrays: Introduction, Arrays, declaring and allocating arrays, passing arrays to methods, sorting arrays, searching arrays, multiple subscripted Arrays. Inheritance: Introduction, Super class, Subclass, Protected members, using constructor and Finalizes in subclasses, composition vs. Inheritance, Introduction to polymorphism, Dynamic method building, Final methods and classes, Abstract super classes and concrete classes, Exception Handling.

    CSE 108 Object Oriented Programming I Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 105.


    MTH-103 Geometry and Linear Algebra

    3 Credits

    Geometry: Two dimensional Geometry: Transformation of Co-ordinates. Pair of straight lines, Equation of General Equation of Second Degree, Circle, Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola. Three Dimensional Geometry: Three Dimensional Co-ordinates, Direction Cosines and Direction Ratios. Plane and Straight line. Linear Algebra: Determinant and properties of Determinants, Matrix, Types of matrices, Matrix operations, Laws of matrix Algebra, Invertible matrices, System of Linear equations (homogeneous and non-homogeneous) and their solution. Elementary row and Column operations and Row-reduced echelon matrices, Rank of matrices. Vectors in Rn and Cn   , Inner product, Norm and Distance in Rn and C. Vector Spaces, Subspace, Linear combination of vectors, Linear dependence and independence of vectors. Basis and Dimension of vector spaces. Inner product spaces, Orthogonality and Orthonormal sets, Eigen values and Eigen vectors, diagonalization, Cayley-Hamilton  theorem and its application.


    Books recommended:

    1. Analytical Geometry of Conic Section – M. Kar
    2. An Elementary Treatise on Co-ordinate Geometry of three dimensions – T. Bell; Macmillan India Ltd
    3. A Text Book on Co-ordinate Geometry – Rahman & Bhattacharjee; 12th Edition, 2014; S. Chakravarty, Gonith Prokashan
    4. Schaum’s Outline Series of the Theory and Problems on Linear Algebra – Seymour Lipschutz; 3rd Edition; McGraw Hill Book Company
    5. Linear Algebra with Applications – Antone
    6. Linear Algebra – Dewan Abdul Quddus; Latest Edition; Titash Publications
    7. Linear Algebra – Saikia


    PHY 103 Electromagnetism and Modern Physics

    3 Credits


    Electrostatics, Electric Charge, Coulomb’s Law, Electric Field & Electric Potential, Electric Flux Density, Gauss’s Law, Capacitors and Dielectrics, Steady Current, Ohm’s Law, Magnetostatics, Magnetic Field, Biot-Savart Law, Ampere’s Law, Electromagnetic Induction, Faraday’s Law, Lenz’s Law, Self Inductance & Mutual Inductance, Magnetic Properties of Matter, Permeability, Susceptibility, Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism&Ferroma-gnetism, Maxwell’s Equations of Electromagnetic Waves, Waves in Conducting & Non-Conducting Media, Total Internal Reflection, Transmission along Wave Guides. Special Theory of Relativity, Length Contraction & Time Dilation, Mass-Energy Relation, Photo Electric Effect, Quantum Theory, X-rays and X-ray Diffraction, Compton Effect, Dual Nature of Matter & Radiation, Atomic Structure, Nuclear Dimensions, Electron Orbits, Atomic Spectra, Bohr Atom, Radioactive Decay, Half-Life, a, b and g Rays, Isotopes, Nuclear Binding Energy, Fundamentals of Solid State Physics, Lasers, Holography.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Fundamental of Physics(PartII)- Haliday, Resnick& Walker
    2. Modern Physics –   Bernstein
    3. Concepts of Modern Physics – Beiser
    4. Electromagnetism and Modern Physics
    5. Fundamental of Optics –  Brizlal
    6. Optics – Ghatak
    7. Heat & Thermodynamics –   Brizlal
    8. University Physics with Modern Physics –  Young
    9. Essential University Physics Volume II – Wolfson


    PHY 102 Physics Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on PHY 101 & PHY 103.


    ECE 101 Basic Electrical Engineering

    3 Credits

    Fundamental electrical concepts, Kirchoff’s Laws, Equivalent resistance. Electrical circuits: Series circuits, parallel circuits, series-parallel networks. Network analysis: Source conversion, Star/Delta conversion, Branch-current method, Mesh analysis, Nodal analysis. Network theorems: Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem. Capacitors. Magnetic circuits, Inductors Sinosoidal alternating waveforms: Definitions, phase relations, Instantaneous value, Average value, Effective (rms)Value. Phasor algebra Series, parallel and series-parallel ac networks. Power: Apparent power, Reactive power, Power triangle, Power factor correction. Pulse waveforms and the R-C response. Three-phase system Transformers.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Introductory Circuit Analysis- L. Boylestad
    2. Introduction to Electrical Engineering- P. Ward
    3. Electrical Technology (Volume 1)-L. Theraja, A.K.Theraja
    4. Alternating Current Circuits-M. Kerchner, G. F. Corcoran
    5. Electric Circuits – James W. Nilson


    ECE 102 Basic Electrical Engineering Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on ECE 101.

    ECN 101 Principles of Economics


    Introduction: The Nature, scope and methods of Economics, Economics and Engineering. Some Fundamental concepts commonly used in Economics. Micro Economics: The theory of demand and supply and their elasticity’s. Market price determination competition in theory and practice. Indifference curve technique. Marginal analysis. Factors of production and production function. Scale of production – Internal and external economies and diseconomies. The short run and the long run. Fixed cost and variable cost. Macro Economics: National income analysis. Inflation and its effects. Savings, Investments. The basis of trade and the terms of trade. Monetary policy, Fiscal policy, Trade policy with reference to Bangladesh. Planning in Bangladesh.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Economics    –  Samuelson & Nordhaus
    2. Economics   –   Don Bush Fisher


    HUM-103 Language Composition and Comprehension

    3 Credits


    This course purports to make the student well up in composition and comprehension of English language used in formal write ups like articles, essays and treatises. Here text will be given for comprehension, exercises of writing essays, paragraphs and reports will be done and construction of proper sentences expressing formal ideas will be taught. Sufficient exercises of translation and re-translations will be included.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Exercise in Reading Comprehension   –  Tibbits
    2. Essential English Grammar  –   Ramon Murphy
    3. English Vocabulary in use   –  Stuart
    4. English Vocabulary in use   –   McCarthy
    5. Intermediate English Grammar   –  Ramon Murphy
    6. Paragraph in English   –  Tibbits


    CSE-201 Discrete Mathematics

    3 Credits

    Mathematical Models and Reasoning: Propositions, Predicates and Quantifiers, Logical operators, Logical inference, Methods of proof. Sets: Set theory, Relations between sets, Operations on sets. Induction, The natural numbers, Set operations on å*. Binary Relations : Binary relations and Digraphs, Graph theory, Trees, Properties of relations, Composition of relations, Closure operations on relations, Order relations, Equivalence relations and partitions. Functions: Basic properties, Special classes of functions. Counting and Algorithm Analysis: Techniques, Asymptotic behavior of functions, Recurrence systems, Analysis of algorithms. Infinite sets: Finite and Infinite sets, Countable and uncountable sets, Comparison of cardinal numbers. Algebras: Structure, Varieties of algebras, Homomorphism, Congruence relations.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications- Kennth H. Rosen
    2. Discrete Mathematical Structures- Bernard Kolman, Robert C. Busby, Sharon Cutler Ross
    1. Concrete Mathematics- Ronald Ervin Knuth


    CSE-203 Object Oriented Programming II

    3 Credits

    String, String Buffer and String Builder classes, Files and Stream, Java Database Connectivity: Statement and Prepared Statement Interfaces, CRUD operations using Statement and Prepared Statement, JDBC Transaction Management, Object Relational Mapping, Java Persistency API: Introduction, Entity class annotations, Entity Manager interface, Entity Transaction interface, CRUD operations using JPA, Primary Key Generation Strategies, Entity Inheritance, Entity Mapping, Java Persistency Query Language: Select, Update, Delete and Named Queries, Servlets: Servlet Interface, Generic Servlet and HTTP Servlet, Servlet lifecycle, Java Server Pages: JSP Life cycle methods, Tags in JSP, JSP Implicit Objects, JSP Standard Tag Library, Java Server Faces: Introduction, JSF Architecture and Application Development, JSF Page Navigation and Managed Bean, JSF Core Tag Library, JSF Event Handling Model, JSF Validation Model, JSF Data Conversion Model, JPA JSF Integration, Java API, Utility classes, 2D Graphics, GUI, Swing, Events.

    1. Introduction to Programming in Java, Robert Sedgewick & Kevin Wayne
    2. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, Timothy Budd

    CSE-204 Object Oriented Programming II Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 203.



    CSE-205 Data Structures

    3 Credits


    Concepts e‘ examples: Introduction to Data structures. Elementary data structures: Arrays, records, pointer. Arrays: Type, memory representation and operations with arrays. Linked lists: Representation, Types and operations with linked lists. Stacks and Queues: Implementations, operations with stacks and queues. Graphs: Implementations, operations with graph. Trees: Representations, Types, operations with trees. Memory Management: Uniform size records, diverse size records. Sorting: Internal sorting, external sorting. Searching : List searching, tree searching. Hashing: Hashing functions, collision resolution.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Fundamental of Data Structures – Horowitz & S. Sahni
    2. Data Structures –  Reingold
    3. Data Structures, Schaum’s outline Series –  Lipshultz
    4. Data Structures & Programming Design –  Robert L. Kruse


    CSE-206 Data Structures Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 205.


    MTH 201 Vector Analysis and Complex Variable

    3 Credits

    Vector Analysis: Vector Algebra – Vectors in three dimensional space, Algebra of Vectors, Rectangular Components, Addition, Subtraction and Scalar multiplication, Scalar and Vector product of two vectors. Scalar and Vector triple product. Application in Geometry. Vector Calculus – Limit, Continuity and Differentiability of Scalar and Vector point functions.  Scalar and Vector field. Gradient, Divergence and Curl of point functions. Vector Integration, Line, Surface and Volume Integrals. Green’s theorem, Gauss’s theorem, Stoke’s theorem. Complex Variable: Field of Complex numbers, D’Moivre’s theorem and its applications. Limit and Continuity of complex functions, Derivatives, Analytic function, Harmonic function, Cauchy-Rieman equation. Line Integral of Complex functions. Cauchy’s  Integral theorem and Cauchy’s  Integral formula. Lioville’s theorem, Taylors and Laurent’s theorem, Singularity Residue, Cauchy’s Residue theorem. Contour Integration. Bilinear transformation. Mapping of Elementary functions. Conformal mapping.

    Book Recommended:

    1. Schaum’s Outline Series of the Theory and  Problems on Vector Analysis – Murray R. Spiegel; SI (Metric Edition); McGraw Hill Book Company
    2. Schaum’s Outline Series of the Theory and Problems on Complex Variable – Murray R. Spiegel; 2nd Edition; McGraw Hill Book Company
    3. Functions of a Complex Variable – Dewan Abdul Quddus; Latest Edition; Titash Publications


    ECE-201 Electronic Devices & Circuits

    3 Credits

    Introduction to semiconductors, Junction diode characteristics & diode applications, Bipolar Junction transistor characteristics, Transistor biasing, Small signal low frequency h-parameter model & hybrid -pi model, AC analysis of transistor, Frequency response of transistor, Operational amplifiers, Linear applications of operational amplifiers, DC performance of operational amplifiers, AC performance of operational amplifiers, Introduction to JFET, MOSFET, PMOS, NMOS & CMOS, Introduction to SCR, TRIAC, DIAC & UJT, Active filters Introduction to IC fabrication techniques & VLSI design


    ECE 202 Electronic Devices & Circuits Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on ECE 201.


    ACN-203 Cost and Management Accounting

    3 Credits

    Introduction: Cost accounting: Definition, Limitations of Financial Accounting, Importance, Objectives, Functions and Advantages of Cost Accounting, Financial Accounting VS. Cost Accounting VS. Managerial Accounting, Techniques and Methods of Cost Accounting, International Cost Accounting Systems. Managerial accounting: Definition , Evolution , Objectives , Scope , Importance , Functions , Techniques , Differences among Managerial Accounting , Cost Accounting and Financial Accounting , Management Accounting for Planning and Control .Cost Classification : Cost Concepts , Cost Terms , Cost Expenses and Losses , Cost Center ,Cost Unit , Classification of Costs , Cost Accounting Cycle, Cost Statement , The Flow of Costs in a Manufacturing Enterprise ,Reporting and Results of Operation.  Materials : Indirect & Direct Material , Procurement of Materials , Purchase Control ,    Purchase Department , Purchase Quantity , Fixed Order , Economic Order Quantity , Stock-out Cost , Re-order Level , Purchase Order , Receipts and Inspection ,Classification and Codification of materials ,Stock Verification , ABC Method of Store Control , Pricing of materials Issued , LIFO, FIFO and Average Pricing , Inventory Control; Labor: Labor Cost Control, Time Recording Systems, Manual and Mechanical Methods, Time Booking, Necessary Documents Maintained for Labor Control, Methods of Remuneration;  Treatment for Idle and Over Time. Overhead: Definition , Classifications of Overheads , Methods of Overhead Distribution , Distribution of  Factory Overhead to Service Departments, Redistribution of Service Department Cost , Uses of Predetermined Overhead Rates , Treatment of Over and under absorbed Overhead ,Treatment of Administration Overhead , Selling and Distribution Overheads , Calculation of Machine Hour rate . Job Order Costing: Feature Advantages, Limitation, Accounting for Materials, Labor and Factory Overhead in Job Costing, Accounting for Jobs Completed and Products Sold, Spoilage, Defective Work and Scrap in job Costing System, The Job Cost Sheet, Job Order Costing in Service Companies, Nature and Uses of Batch Costing, Determination of Economic Batch Quantity. Contract Costing: Introduction, Procedures, Types of Contract, Retention Money, Profit or Loss on Incomplete Contract, Cost plus Contract Systems; Operation Costing: Nature, Procedures, Costing for Transport and Hospital; Cost Behavior : Analysis of Cost Behavior , Measurement of Cost Behavior , Methods of Methods of Measuring Cost Functions , Analysis of Mixed Costs , High and Low Point Method , Scatter graph  Method , Least Squares Method , Use of Judgment in Cost Analysis ; Cost – Volume Profit Relationship : Profit Planning , Break Even Point , Break Even Chart , Changes in Underlying Factors , Profit Volume Graph , Income Tax effect on Break Even Point , Break Even Point in Decision Making , Risk and Profit Analysis , Limitations .


    Books Recommended:

    1. Cost Accounting, A Managerial Emphasis: T. Hormgren ET all 
    2. Managerial Accounting: Ray .H. Garrison
    3. Management Accounting: N. Anthony
    4. Management Accounting: S.Kaplan
    5. Cost Accounting: Usry & Hammer
    6. Cost Accounting: G. Rayburn
    7. Cost Accounting: P Lyenger
    1. Accounting Principles – Kieso
    2. Financial & Managerial Accounting-  Needles
    1. Theory and Practice of Costing- Basu & Das


    CSE-207 Algorithms

    3 Credits

    Analysis of Algorithm: Asymptotic analysis: Recurrences, Substitution method, Recurrence tree method, Master method. Divide-and-Conquer: Binary search, Powering a number, Fibonacci numbers, Matrix Multiplication, Strassen’s Algorithm for Matrix Multiplication. Sorting: Insertion sort, Merge sort, Quick sort, Randomized quick sort, Decision tree, Counting sort, Radix sort. Order Statistics: Randomized divide and conquer, worst case linear time order statistics. Graph: Representation, Traversing a graph, Topological sorting, Connected Components. Dynamic Programming: Elements of DP (Optimal substructure, Overlapping subproblem), Longest Common Subsequence finding problem, Matrix Chain Multiplication. Greedy Method: Greedy choice property, elements of greedy strategy, Activity selector problem, Minimum spanning tree (Prims algorithm, Kruskal algorithm), Huffman coding. Shortest Path Algorithms: Dynamic and Greedy properties, Dijkstra’s algorithm with its correctness and analysis, Bellman-ford algorithm, All pair shortest path: Warshall’s algorithm, Johnson’s algorithm. Network flow: Maximum flow, Max-flow-min-cut, Bipartite matching. Backtracking/Branch-and-Bound: Permutation, Combination, 8-queen problem, 15-puzzle problem. Geometric algorithm: Segment-segment intersection, Convex-hull, Closest pair problem. And NP Completeness, NP hard and NP complete problems.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to Algorithms- Thomas H. Cormen , Charles E. Leiserson.
    2. Algorithms –Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
    3. Fundamental Algorithms- Donald E. Knuth,”Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Addison-Wesley Professional; 3rd edition, 1997.


    CSE-208 Algorithms Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Using different well known algorithms to solve the problem of Matrix-Chain Multiplication, Longest Common Subsequence, Huffman codes generation, Permutation, Combination, 8-queen problem, 15-puzzle, BFS, DFS, flood fill using DFS, Topological sorting, Strongly connected component, finding minimum spanning tree, finding shortest path (Dijkstra’s algorithm and Bellman-Ford’s algorithm), Flow networks and maximum bipartite matching, Finding the convex hull, Closest pair.

    CSE-209 Numerical Methods

    3 Credits

    Errors and Accuracy. Iterative process: Solution of f(x)= 0, existence and convergence of a root, convergence of the iterative method, geometrical representation, Aitken’s D2– process of acceleration. System of Linear Equations. Solution of Non-Linear equations. Finite Differences and Interpolation. Finite Difference Interpolation. Numerical Differentiation. Numerical Integration. Differential Equations.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis –  S. S. Sastry
    2. Numerical Methods for Engineers –Steven C.  Chapra
    3. Numerical Mathematical Analysis – James B. Scarborugh


    CSE-210 Numerical Methods Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 209.


    CSE-231 Digital Logic Design

    3 Credits

    Binary Logic. Logic Gates: IC digital logic families, positive and negative logic. Boolean Algebra. Simplification of Boolean Functions: Karnaugh map method, SOP and POS simplification, NAND, NOR, wired-AND, wired-OR implementation, nondegenerate forms, Don’t care conditions, Tabulation method – prime implicant chart. Combinational Logic: Arithmetic circuits – half and full adders and subtractors, multilevel NAND and NOR circuits, Ex-OR and Equivalence functions. Combinational Logic in MSI and LSI: Binary parallel adder, decimal and BCD adders, Comparators, Decoders and Encoders, Demultiplexors and Multiplexors. Sequential Logic. Registers and Counters. Synchronous Sequential Circuits. Asynchronous Sequential Circuits. Digital IC terminology, TTL logic family, TTL series characteristics, open-collector TTL, tristate TTL, ECL family, MOS digital ICs, MOSFET, CMOS characteristics, CMOS tristate logic, TTL-CMOS-TTL interfacing, memory terminology, general memory operation, semiconductor memory technologies, different types of ROMs, semiconductor RAMs, static and dynamic RAMs, magnetic bubble memory, CCD memory, FPGA Concept.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Digital Logic & Computer Design-M. Morris Mano
    2. Digital Fundamentals- Floyd
    3. Modern Digital Electronics-R. P. Jain
    4. Digital Systems- R. J. Tocci
    5. Digital Electronics- Green


    CSE-232 Digital Logic Design Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 231.


    MTH-203 Differential Equations, Laplace Transforms and Fourier Analysis

    3 Credits


    Differential Equation: Formation of Differential equation, Degree and Order of differential equation, Complete and Particular solution. Ordinary differential equation – Solution of ordinary differential equation of first order and first degree (special forms). Linear differential equation with constant coefficients. Homogeneous linear differential equation. Solution of differential equation by the method of Variation of parameters. Solution of linear differential equations in series by Frobenius method. Bessel’s function and Legendre’s Polynomials and their properties. Simultaneous equation of the form    = =  . Partial differential equation – Lagrange’s linear equation, Equation of linear and non-linear first order standard forms, Charpit’s method.

    Laplace Transforms: Definition, Laplace transforms of some elementary functions, sufficient conditions for existence of Laplace transforms, Inverse Laplace transforms, Laplace transforms of derivatives, Unit step function, Periodic function, Some special theorems on Laplace transforms, Partial fraction, Solution of differential equations by Laplace transforms, Evaluation of Improper Integrals. Fourier Analysis: Fourier series (Real and complex form). Finite transforms, Fourier Integrals, Fourier transforms and application in solving boundary value problems.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Differential Equations – H. T. H. Piaggio; 1st Indian Edition, 1985, S. K. Jain for CBS Publishers
    2. A Text Book on Integral Calculus with Differential Equations – Mohammad,  Bhattacharjee & Latif, 4th Edition, 2010; S. Chakravarty, Gonith Prokashon
    3. Schaum’s Outline Series of the Theory and Problems on Laplace Transforms – Murray R. Spiegel; Revised Edition, 2003; McGraw Hill Book Company
    4. Differential Equation – Md. Abu Eusuf; Latest Edition; Abdullah Al Mashud Publisher

    CSE 200 Project Work

    2 Credits

    Project focusing on Object oriented programming approach and using standard algorithm is preferable. Every project should maintain a goal so that it can be used as a useful tool in the IT fields. Also innovative project ideas that require different types scripting/programming languages or programming tools can be accepted with respect to the consent of the corresponding project supervisor.


    CSE-321 Database Systems

    3 Credits

    Introduction: Purpose of Database Systems, Data Abstraction, Data Models, Instances and Schemes, Data Independence, Data Definition Language, Data Manipulation Language, Database Manager, Database administrator, Database Users, Overall System Structure, Advantages and Disadvantage of a Database Systems. Data Mining and analysis, Database Architecture, History of Database Systems Relationship Entity-Model: Entities and Entity Sets, Relationships and Relationship Sets, Attributes, Composite and Multivalued Attributes, Mapping Constraints, Keys, Entity-Relationship Diagram, Reducing of E-R Diagram to Tables, Generalization, Attribute Inheritance, Aggregation, Alternative E-R Notatios, Design of an E-R Database Scheme.

    Relational Model: Structure of Relational Database, Fundamental Relational Algebra Operations, The Tuple Relational Calculus, The Domain Relational Calculus, Modifying the Database. Relational Commercial Language: SQL, Basic structure of SQL Queries, Query-by-Example, Quel., Nested Sub queries, Complex queries, Integrity Constraints, Authorization, Dynamic SQL, Recursive Queries. Relational Database Design: Pitfalls in Relational Database Design, Functional Dependency Theory, Normalization using Functional Dependencies, Normalization using Multivalued Dependencies, Normalization using join Dependencies, Database Design Process. File And System Structure: Overall System Structure, Physical Storage Media, File Organization, RAID, Organization of Records into Blocks, Sequential Files, Mapping Relational Data to Files, Data Dictionary Storage, Buffer Management. Indexing And Hashing: Basic Concepts, Ordered Indices, B+ -Tree Index Files, B-Tree Index Files, Static and Dynamic Hash Function, Comparison of Indexing and Hashing, Index Definition in SQL, Multiple Key Access.

    Query Processing and Optimization: Query Interpretation, Equivalence of Expressions, Estimation of Query-Processing Cost, Estimation of Costs of Access Using Indices, Join Strategies, Join Strategies for parallel Processing, Structure of the query Optimizer, Transformation of Relational Expression. Concurrency Control: Schedules, Testing for Serializability, Lock-Based Protocols, Timestamp-Based Protocols, Validation Techniques, Multiple Granularity, Multiversion Schemes, Insert and Delete Operations, Deadlock Handling. Distributed Database: Structure of Distributed Databases, Trade-off in Distributing the Database, Design of Distributed Database, Transparancy and Autonomy, Distributed Query Processing, Recovery in Distributed Systems, Commit Protocols, Concurrency Control. Data Mining and Information Retrieval:  Data analysis and OLAP, Data Warehouse, Data Mining, Relevance Ranking Using Terms, Relevance Ranking Using Hyperlink, Synonyms, Homonyms, Ontology, Indexing of Document, Measuring Retrieval Efficiencies, Information Retrieval and Structured Data.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Database System Concepts – Abraham Silberschratz, Henry K. Korth, S. Sudarshan  (5th edition)
    2. Fundamentals of Database Systems – Benjamin/Cummings, 1994
    3. Database Principles, Programming, Performance  – Morgan Kaufmann 1994
    4. A First Course in Database Systems – Prentice Hall, 1997
    5. Database Management Systems, McGraw Hill, 1996


    CSE-322 Database Systems Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Introduction: What is database, MySQL , Oracle , SQL, Datatypes, SQL / PLSQL, Oracle Software Installation, User Type, Creating User , Granting. Basic Parts of Speech in SQL: Creating Newspaper Table, Select Command (Where , order by), Creating View, Getting Text Information & Changing it, Concatenation, Cut & paste string(RPAD , LPAD , TRIM , LTRIM , RTRIM, LOWER , UPPER , INIT, LENGTH , SUBSTR , INSTR , SOUNDEX). Playing The Numbers: Addition , Subtraction , Multiplication , Division, NVL , ABS , Floor , MOD , Power , SQRT , EXR , LN , LOG , ROUND, AVG  , MAX , MIN , COUNT , SUM, Distinct, SUBQUERY FOR MAX,MIN. Grouping things together: Group By , Having, Order By, Views Renaming Columns with Aliases.When one query depends upon another: Union, Intersect , Minus, Not in , Not Exists. Changing Data : INSERT,UPDATE,MERGE,DELETE, ROLLBACK , AUTOCOMMIT , COMMIT, SAVEPOINTS, MULTI TABLE INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, MERGE. Creating And Altering tables & views: Altering table, Dropping table, Creating view, Creating a table from a table. By What Authority: Creating  User, Granting User, Password Management.
    An Introduction to PL/SQL: Implement few problems using PL/SQL (eg Prime Number, Factorial, Calculating Area of Circle, etc).An Introduction to Trigger and Procedure: Implement few problems using Trigger  and Procedures. An Introduction to Indexing: Implement indexing using a large database and observe the difference of Indexed and Non-Indexed database.


    CSE-331 Computer Architecture

    3 Credits

    Introduction to Computer Architecture: Overview and history; Cost factor; Performance metrics and evaluating computer designs. Instruction set design: Von Neumann machine cycle, Memory addressing, Classifying instruction set architectures, RISC versus CISC, Micro programmed vs. hardwired control unit. Memory System Design:  Cache memory; Basic cache structure and design; Fully associative, direct, and set associative mapping; Analyzing cache effectiveness; Replacement policies; Writing to a cache; Multiple caches; Upgrading a cache; Main Memory; Virtual memory  structure, and design; Paging; Replacement strategies. Pipelining: General considerations; Comparison of pipelined and nonpipelined computers; Instruction and arithmetic pipelines, Structural, Data and Branch hazards. Multiprocessors and Multi-core Computers:  SISD, SIMD, and MIMD architectures; Centralized and distributed shared memory- architectures; Multi-core Processor architecture. Input/output Devices: Performance measure, Types of I/O device, Buses and interface to CPU, RAID. Pipelining: Basic pipelining, Pipeline Hazards. Parallel Processing.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Computer Architecture and Organization- John P.Hayes,  3rd Edition, McGraw Hill
    2. Computer Organization and Design: The hardware / software interface- David A.Patterson and John L.Hennessy


    CSE-351 Management Information Systems

    3 Credits

    Introduction to MIS: Management Information System Concept. Definitions, Role of MIS, Approaches of MIS development. MIS and Computer: Computer Hardware for Information System, Computer Software for Information System, Data Communication System, Database Management Technology, Client-Server Technology. Decision-Support System: Introduction, Evolution of DSS, Future development of DSS. Application of MIS: Applications in manufacturing Sector, Applications in service sector, Case Studies.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Management Information Systems- James O’Brian , Tata MCGraw-Hill
    2. Management Information Systems-Post and Andersin, Tata Mcgraw-Hill

    CSE-301 Web Engineering

    3 Credits

    Introduction to Web Engineering, Requirements Engineering and Modeling Web Applications, Web Application Architectures, Technologies and Tools for Web Applications, Testing and Maintenance of Web Applications, Usability and Performance of Web Applications, Security of Web Applications, The Semantic Web.

    Books References:

    1. Web Engineering: The Discipline of Systematic Development of Web Applications Editors- GertiKappel, Birgit Proll, Siegfried Reich, Werner Retschitzegger
    2. Web Engineering: A Practitioner’s  Approach- Roger Pressman, David Lowe
    3. MIT Open Course Materials for the course Software Engineering for Web Applications
    4. MIT Open Course Materials for the course Database, Internet, and Systems Integration Technologies


    CSE-302 Web Engineering Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Understanding the Web Application: Web Engineering introduces a structured methodology utilized in software engineering to Web development projects. The course addresses the concepts, methods, technologies, and techniques of developing Web Sites that collect, organize and expose information resources. Topics covered include requirements engineering for Web applications, design methods and technologies, interface design, usability of web applications, accessibility, testing, metrics, operation and maintenance of Web applications, security and project management. Specific technologies covered in this course include client-side (XHTML, JavaScript and CSS) and server-side (Perl and PHP). Using the described concepts students should be able to understand the Web engineering concepts behind the frameworks of Joomla, Drupal, WordPress. Server-side technology: LAMP, Web application frameworks, (example: Silverlight, Adobe Flex), Web 2.0 and Web APIs. Front-end technology: HTML, XHTML, XML. CSS Styling, layout, selector, Document object model and JavaScript. Client-Programming: Web APIs with JavaScript (example: Google AJAX API). MVC: Understanding model, view and controller model. Understanding Web APIs: REST, XML, JSON, RSS Parsing. JavaScript Exercise: The goal of this assignment is to allow you to explore and use vas many of JavaScript’s objects, methods and properties as possible in a small assignment. Some functions must be written from scratch. Other functions, appropriately attributed, may be downloaded from the web and used as a part of the system or as the basis for your own functions.  PHP Exercise: Build a set of PHP scripts that perform some dynamic server-side functionality. Understanding plug-ins: Develop a Firefox extension.


    MTH-301 Statistics and Probability

    2 Credits

    Frequency distribution; mean, median, mode and other measures of central tendency, Standard deviation and other measures of dispersion, Moments, skewness and kurtosis, Elementary probability theory and discontinuous probability distribution, e.g. binomial, poison and negative binomial, Continuous probability distributions, e.g. normal and exponential, Characteristics of distributions, Hypothesis testing and regression analysis

    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to M athematical Statistics –  Hogg
    2. Probability and Statistics for Scientists and Engineers – Walpole


    CSE-309 Cyber Crime and Intellectual Property Law

    3 Credits


    Introduction: the problem of computer crime, what is Cybercrime? Cybercrime: the invisible threat, Information and other assets in need of assurance, Computer focused and computer assisted crimes, the hacker, hacking tactics, the victim, Data: surveys, network flow and IPS/IDS, Data: honey pots and incidents, Cyber terrorism, Cyber laws and regulations, Investigating cyber crime , Preventing cyber crime and Future opportunities for managing cybercrime. Intellectual Property: Introduction, Philosophical Perspectives and Overview of Intellectual Property: Trade Secret; Patent; Copyright; Trademark/Trade Dress; Problem; Copyright and patent; need of intellectual Property laws, Copyright for software, software-copyright cases, Database, the focus shifts from copyright to patent, the nature of patent law, some software-patent cases. Filmy and video, Pornography meets the internet, different between downloads and publications, censoring videos.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Understanding and Managing Cybercrime-McQuade III, Samuel C. 2006. ISBN 0-205-43973-X
    2. The Transformation of Crime in the Information Age –Wall, David. 2006. ISBN 0-745-62736-6
    3. Cyber Crime and Digital Evidence: Materials and Cases –Thomas K. Clancy, First Edition 2011, LexisNexis, ISBN: 9781422494080
    4. Cybercrime, investigating high-technology computer crime –Moore, Robert, (2011), (2ndEd.). Elsevier.
    5. Cybercrime: The Investigation, Prosecution and Defense of a Computer-related Crime –Ralph D. Clifford, August 1, 2011
    6. Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age –Merges, Menell & Lemley,2011 (6th Edition)
    7. Intellectual property: Law & the information society- James Boyle, Jennifer Jenkins, First Edition, 2014.
    8. International Intellectual Property law- Jonathan Franklin, 2013


    CSE-310 Technical Report Writing and Presentation

    1.5 Credits


    Issues of technical writing and effective oral presentation in Computer Science and Engineering; Writing styles of definitions, propositions, theorems and proofs; Preparation of reports, research papers, theses and books: abstract, preface, contents, bibliography and index; Writing of book reviews and referee reports; Writing tools: LATEX; Diagram drawing software; presentation tools.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Technical Report Writing- Daniel G. Riordan, Houghton Mifflin Company, 8th edition, 2001


    CSE-326 Engineering Drawing 

    1 Credit

    Introduction; Instruments and their uses; First and third angle projection; Orthographic drawing; Sectional views and conventional practices; Auxiliary views; Isometric views; Missing lines and views.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Engineering Drawing & DesignDavid A. Madsen, David P. Madsen

    CSE 300 Software Developments

    1.5 Credits

    Students will work in groups or individually to produce high quality software in different languages. Students will write structured programs and use proper documentation. Advanced programming techniques in Mobile Application

    Books Recommended:

    1. Android Application Development Cookbook- Wei-Meng Lee
    2. The Complete Android Guide- Kevin Purdy


    303 Operating Systems

    3 Credits

    Introduction: Operating Systems Concept, Computer System Structures, Operating System Structures, Operating System operations, Protection and Security, Special-Purpose Systems. Fundamentals of OS : OS services and components, multitasking,  multiprogramming, time sharing, buffering, spooling Process Management: Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Process State, Process Management, Interprocess Communication, interaction between processes and OS, Communication in Client-Server Systems, Threading, Multithreading, Process Synchronization. Concurrency control: Concurrency and race conditions, mutual exclusion requirements, semaphores, monitors, classical IPC problem and solutions, Dead locks – characterization, detection, recovery, avoidance and prevention. Memory Management: Memory partitioning, Swapping, Paging, Segmentation, Virtual memory – Concepts, Overlays, Demand Paging, Performance of demand paging, Page replacement algorithm, Allocation algorithms. Storage Management: Principles of I/O hardware, Principles of I/O software, Secondary storage structure, Disk structure, Disk scheduling, Disk Management, Swap-space Management, Disk reliability, Stable storage implementation. File Concept:  File support, Access methods, Allocation methods, Directory systems, File Protection, Free Space management Protection & Security : Goals of protection, Domain of protection, Access matrix, Implementation of access matrix, Revocation of access rights, The security problem, Authentication, One-time passwords, Program threats, System threats, Threat monitoring, Encryption, Computer-security classification.  Distributed Systems: Types of Distributed Operating System, Communication Protocols, Distributed File Systems, Naming and Transparency, Remote File Access, Stateful Versus Stateless Service, File Replication. Case Studies: Study of a representative Operating Systems,


    Books Recommended:              

    1. Operating System Concepts – Silberschatz & Galvin Wiley 2000 (7th Edition)
    2. Operating Systems – Achyut S. Godbole Tata Mc Graw Hill (2nd Edition)
    3. Understanding Operating System – Flynn & Metioes Thomsan (4th Edition)
    4. Operating Systems Design & Implementation – Andrew Tanenbam, Albert S. Woodhull Pearson
    5. Modern Operating System – Andrew S. Tanenbaum


    CSE-304 Operating Systems Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Thread programming: Creating thread and thread synchronization. Process Programming: The Process ID, Running a New Process, Terminating a Process, Waiting for Terminated Child Processes, Users and Groups, Sessions and Process Groups. Concurrent Programming: Using fork, exec for multi-task programs. File Operations: File sharing across processes, System lock table, Permission and file locking, Mapping Files into Memory, Synchronized, Synchronous, and Asynchronous Operations, I/O Schedulers and I/O Performance.

    Communicating across processes: Using different signals, Pipes, Message queue, Semaphore, Semaphore arithmetic and Shared memory.


    Books Recommended:

    1. The ‘C’ Odyssey UNIX-The Open, Boundless CMeeta Gandhi, Tilak Shetty, Rajiv Shah.
    2. Beginning Linux ProgrammingNeil Matthew and Richard Stones
    3. Linux System ProgrammingRobert Love


    CSE-315 Data Communication

    3 Credits


    Introduction to modulation techniques: Pulse modulation; pulse amplitude modulation, pulse width modulation and pulse position modulation. Pulse code modulation; quantization, Delta modulation. TDM, FDM, OOK, FSK, PSK, QPSK; Representation of noise; threshold effects in PCM and FM. Probability of error for pulse systems, concepts of channel coding and capacity. Asynchronous and synchronous communications. Hardware interfaces, multiplexers, concentrators and buffers. Communication medium, Fiber optics.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to Data Communications-Eugene Blanchard
    2. Data Communication Principles – Ahmad, Aftab
    3. Data Communication & NetworkingS.Bagad, I.A.Dhotre
    4. Data Communications and Networking- Behrouz A. Forouzan


    CSE-307 Theory of Computation

    2 Credits


    Finite Automata: Deterministic and nondeterministic finite automata and their equivalence. Equivalence with regular expressions. Closure properties. The pumping lemma and applications. Context-free Grammars: Definitions. Parse trees. The pumping lemma for CFLs and applications. Normal forms. General parsing. Sketch of equivalence with pushdown automata. Turing Machines: Designing simple TMs. Variations in the basic model(multi-tape, multi-head, nondeterminism). Church-Turing thesis and evidence to support it through the study of other models. Undecidability: The undecidability of the halting problem. Reductions to other problems. Reduction in general.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation, 2nd Edition- C. Martin, McGraw Hill Publications, 1997.


    CSE-333Microprocessors and Microcontroller

    3 Credits

    Introduction to 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit microprocessors: architecture, addressing modes, instruction set, interrupts, multi-tasking and virtual memory; Memory interface; Bus interface; Arithmetic co-processor; Microcontrollers; Integrating microprocessor with interfacing chips.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Microprocessors & Interfacing- Douglas V. Hall


    CSE-334 Microprocessors and Microcontroller Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 333.

    CSE-337 System Analysis and Software Engineering

    3 Credits

    Concepts of Software Engineering; Software Engineering paradigms;Different phases of software System Development; Different types of  information, qualities of information. Project Management Concepts; Software process and project Metrics; Software Project Planning; Risk Analysis and management; Project Scheduling and Tracking. Analysis Concepts and principles: requirement analysis, Analysis modeling, data modeling. Design concepts and principles, Architectural design, User Interface design, Object Oriented software development and design: Iterative Development and the Unified Process. Sequential waterfall life cycles, Inception. Use case model for requirement writing, Elaboration using System Sequence Diagram, Domain Model. Visualizing concept classes. UML diagrams, Interaction and Collaboration Diagram for designing Software. Designing Objects with responsibilities. GRASP patterns with General Principles in assigning responsibilities: Information expert, Creator, Low Coupling and High Cohesion, Creating design class diagrams and mapping design to codes. Advanced GRASP patterns: Polymorphism, Pure Fabrication, Indirection, Project Variation. GoF Design Patterns: Adapter, Factory, Singleton, Strategy, Composite, Facade, and Observer. Software Testing: White Box and Black Box testing. Basis Path Testing. Testing for specialized environment. Software testing strategies: Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Validation Testing, System Testing, Art of debugging. Analysis of System Maintenance and upgrading: Software repair, downtime, error and faults, specification and correction, Maintenance cost models, documentation. Software Quality Assurance, Quality factors. Software quality measures.Cost impact of Software defects. Concepts of Software reliability, availability and safety. Function based metrics and bang metrics. Metrics for analysis and design model. Metrics for source code, testing and maintenance.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Software Engineering-Ian Sommerville, Addison Wesley, 6th edition, 2000.
    2. Software Engineering-Roger S Pressman, Roger Pressman, Practitioner’s Approach”, McGraw-Hill, 6th edition, 2004.
    3. Systems Analysis and Design of Real-Time Management Information Systems- Robert J. Thierauf, Prentice Hall, 1975.
    4. Analysis and Design of Information Systems- Rajaraman, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.Ltd, 2004.

    CSE-338 System Analysis and Software Engineering Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Software Engineering lab works is solely designed to attain hands on experience of architectural design, documentation and testing of software so that students can develop the software following the documents only.

    Step1 (Requirement Engineering): Choose a company/institute/client for which software will be developed (make sure that they will provide required information whenever necessary). Follow the steps for eliciting requirements and generate use-case diagram. Also analyze the sufficiency of the requirement engineering outcome for steps to follow.

    Step 2 (Analysis model to Architectural and Component level design): Generate Activity diagram, Data flow diagram (DFD), Class diagram, State diagram, Sequence diagram and follow other relevant steps for creating complete architectural and component level design of the target software.

    Step 3 (User Interface design, Design evaluation, Testing strategies and Testing Tactics): Perform the user interface design with the help of swimlane diagram. Carry out the design evaluation steps. Generate all test cases for complete checking of the software using black box, white box testing concept.

    Step 4 Software testing and debugging

    Step 5 (Managing Software Projects): Analyze the estimation and project schedule.

    CSE-425 Digital Signal Processing

    3 Credits


    Introduction to digital signal processing (DSP): Discrete-time signals and systems, analog to digital conversion, impulse response, finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) of discrete-time systems, difference equation, convolution, transient and steady state response. Discrete transformations: Discrete Fourier series, discrete-time Fourier series, discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and properties, fast Fourier transform (FFT), inverse fast Fourier transform, z-transformation – properties, transfer function, poles and zeros and inverse z-transform. Correlation: circular convolution, auto-correlation and cross correlation. Digital Filters: FIR filters- linear phase filters, specifications, design using window, optimal and frequency sampling methods; IIR filters- specifications, design using impulse invariant, bi-linear z-transformation, least-square methods and finite precision effects. Digital signal processor TMS family, Application of digital signal processing

    Books Recommended:

    1. Digital Signal Processing-John G. Proakis
    2. Signals and Systems-Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen
    3. Digital Signal Processing-R. W. Schafer
    4. Digital Signal Processing-Ifeachor
    5. Introduction to DSP-Johnny R. Johnson


    CSE-426 Digital Signal Processing Lab

    1.0 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 425.


    CSE-403 Compiler Design

    3 Credits

    Introduction to compilers: Introductory concepts, types of compilers, applications, phases of a compiler. Lexical analysis: Role of the lexical analyzer, input buffering, token specification, recognition of tokens, symbol tables. Parsing: Parser and its role, context free grammars, top-down parsing. Syntax-directed translation: Syntax-directed definitions, construction of syntax trees, top-down translation. Type checking: Type systems, type expressions, static and dynamic checking of types, error recovery. Run-time organization: Run-time storage organization, storage strategies. Intermediate code generation: Intermediate languages, declarations, assignment statements. Code optimization: Basic concepts of code optimization, principal sources of optimization. Code generation. Features of some common compilers: Characteristic features of C, Pascal and Fortran compilers.

    Books Recommended:              

    1. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools – Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman. Second Edition.


    CSE-404 Compiler Design Lab

    1.5 Credits

    How to use scanner and parser generator tools (e.g., Flex, JFlex, CUP, Yacc, etc). For a given simple source language designing and implementing lexical analyzer, symbol tables, parser, intermediate code generator and code generator.


    CSE-421 Computer Network

    3 Credits

    Network architectures-layered architectures and ISO reference model: data link protocols, error control, HDLC, X.25, flow and congestion control, virtual terminal protocol, data security. Local area networks, satellite networks, packet radio networks. Introduction to ARPANET, SNA and DECNET. Topological design and queuing models for network and distributed computing systems.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Computer Networks-A. S. Tanenbaum
    2. Introduction to Networking- Barry Nance
    3. Data Communications, Computer Networks & Open Systems-  F. Halsall
    4. TCP/IP-SydniFeit
    5. Data Communications and Networking-Behrouz A. Forouzan


    CSE-422Computer Network Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 421.


    CSE-405 Artificial Intelligence

    3 Credits

    What is Artificial Intelligence: The AI problems, The underlying assumption, What is an AI technique. Problems, Problem spaces and Search: Defining the problem as a state space search, Production system, Problem characteristics. Heuristics Search Techniques: Generate and Test, Hill climbing, Best First Search, Problem Reduction, Constraint Satisfaction, Means-Ends Analysis. Knowledge Representation Issues: Representation and Mappings, Approaches to knowledge Representation, Issues in Knowledge representation. Using Predicate logic: Representing simple facts in logic, Representing Instance and Isa relationships, Computable functions and Predicates, Resolution. Representing Knowledge using Rules: Procedural versus Declarative Knowledge, Logic Programming, Forward versus Backward Reasoning, Matching. Game playing: Overview, The Mimimax Search Procedure, Adding Alpha-Beta cutoffs, Additional refinements, iterative Deepening, Planning: Overview, An example Domain: The Blocks World, Components of a planning system, Goal stack planning, Understanding: What is Understanding, What makes Understanding hard, Understanding as constraint satisfaction. natural Language Processing: Introduction, Syntactic Processing, Semantic Analysis, Discourse and Pragmatic Processing. Expert systems: representing and using domain knowledge, Expert system shells explanation, Knowledge Acquisition.

    AI Programming Language: Python, Prolog, LISP

    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert System-Dan W. Peterson
    2. Artificial Intelligence-E. Rich and K. Knight
    3. An Introduction to Neural Computing-C. F. Chabris and T. Jackson
    4. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach-S. Russel and P. Norvig
    5. Artificial Intelligence using C  –  H. Schieldt


    CSE-406 Artificial Intelligence Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Students will have to understand the functionalities of intelligent agents and how the agents will solve general problems. Students have to use a high-level language (Python, Prolog, LISP) to solve the following problems:

    Backtracking: State space, Constraint satisfaction, Branch and bound. Example: 8-queen, 8- puzzle, Crypt-arithmetic. BFS and production: Water jugs problem, The missionaries and cannibal problem. Heuristic and recursion: Tic-tac-toe, Simple bock world, Goal stack planning, The tower of Hanoi. Question answering: The monkey and bananas problem.


    CSE-431Computer Graphics

    3 Credits

    Introduction to Graphical data processing. Fundamentals of interactive graphics programming. Architecture of display devices and connectivity to a computer. Implementation of graphics concepts of two-dimensional and three-dimensional viewing, clipping and transformations. Hidden line algorithms. Raster graphics concepts: Architecture, algorithms and other image synthesis methods. Design of interactive graphic conversations.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics –William M., Newman, McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 1978
    2. Computer Graphics: Principle and Practice in C-James D. Foley, Andries van Dam, Steven K. Feiner, John F. Hughes, Addison-Wesley, 2nd edition, 1995

    CSE-432 Computer Graphics Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 431.


    CSE-407 Simulation and Modeling

    3 Credits

    Simulation methods, model building, random number generator, statistical analysis of results, validation and verification techniques, Digital simulation of continuous systems. Simulation and analytical methods, for analysis of computer systems and practical problems in business and practice. Introduction to the simulation packages

    Books Recommended:

    1. System Modeling and Simulation- V.P. Singh
    2. System Design, Modeling, and Simulation using- Claudius Ptolemaeus


    CSE-408 Simulation and Modeling Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 407.


    CSE-400 Project / Thesis

    3 Credits

    Study of problems in the field of Computer Science and Engineering. This course will be initiated in the 3rd year or early in 4th year.

    CSE-402 Comprehensive Viva Voce

    2 Credits

    CSE-335 Digital System Design

    3 Credits

    Design using MSI and LSI components. Design of various components of a computer: ALU, memory and control unit: hardwired and micro-programmed. Microprocessor based designs. Computer bus standards. Design using special purpose controllers, floppy disk controller. Digital-control system. Computers in telecommunication and control.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Digital Systems: Principles and Applications- J. Tocci, N. S. Widmer and G. L. Moss, 9th ed., Prentice Hall, 2003
    2. Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming and Hardware- V. Hall, 2nd ed., Glencoe McGraw-Hill, 1992

    CSE-336 Digital System Design Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 335.

    CSE-435 Computer Interfacing

    3 Credits

    Interface components and their characteristics, microprocessor I/O. Disk, Drums, and Printers. Optical displays and sensors. High power interface devices, transducers, stepper motors and peripheral devices.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Microprocessors & Interfacing-Douglas V. Hall
    2. Microprocessor & Microcomputer based System Design  –  Rafiquzzaman
    3. Microcomputer Interfacing-Artwick
    4. Microcomputer Interfacing-Ramesh Goanker
    5. Designing User Interfaces-James E. Powell


    CSE-436 Computer Interfacing Lab                                           

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 435.


    ECE-301 Electrical Drives and Instrumentation

    3 Credits

    Introduction to three phase circuits, alternators and transformers, principles of operation of DC, synchronous, induction universal, and stepper motors. Thyristor and microprocessor based speed control of motors.Instrumentation amplifiers: differential logarithmic and chopper amplifiers. Frequency and voltage measurements using digital techniques. Recorders and display devices, spectrum analyzers and logic analyzers. Data acquisition and interfacing to microprocessor based systems. Transducers: terminology, types, principles and application of photovoltaic, piezoelectric, thermoelectric, variable reactance and opto-electronic transducers. Noise reduction in instrumentation.

    Books Recommended:

    1. 1Instrumentation for Engineers and Scientists- John Turner and Martyn Hill
    2. Electronic Instrumentation Fundamentals-Albert Paul Malvino
    3. Principles of Electronic Instrumentation – James Diefenderfer
    4. Teaching Electrical Drives and Power Electronics Control-Mats Alaküla

    ECE-302 Electrical Drives and Instrumentation Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on ECE 301.



    ECE-359 Communication Systems

    3 Credits

    Telephony and Data transmission: Introduction to telephone system exchanges, numbering, switching principles; Subscriber’s apparatus; Dialing and Signaling; Relays construction, characteristics, types, polarized and non-polarized; Types of signaling – different tones, metering; Basics of switching – Stronger, EMD, Crossbar, trunking; Digital switching- switching controls, SPC, space division switching time division switching, two dimensional switching, STS and TST; Basics of telegraphic; Introduction to data transmission; Codes – telegraphic codes; Telex and Facsimile. Information and Modulation; Introduction to communication – elements of communication systems, necessity of modulation, fundamental limitations; Information – measurement, capacity, communication entropy; Signal transmission through linear networks – Filter bandwidth requirements; Response of idealized networks; Impulse response of linear networks; Digital communications – sampling, demodulation of sampled signals quantization noise, SQR, nonlinear quantization, companding A-law, u-law, delta modulation; Binary modulation schemes- ASK, FSK and PSK; Introduction to advanced digital modulation schemes. Communication systems: Introduction to HF, VHF/ UHF microwave and fiber optic communication systems; FDM and TDM as per CCITT; Satellite communication – Orbits, power budgets, multiple access, ground station; Introduction to different applications of satellite technology.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Communication Systems-Simon Haykin
    2. Communication Systems-John G. Proakis
    3. Telecommunication Switching Systems and Networks- ThiagarajanViswanathan
    4. Radio Engineering-G. K. Mithal

    ECE-360 Communication System Lab

    1.5 Credits    

    Laboratory works based on ECE 359.


    CSE-411 VLSI Design

    3 Credits

    Design and analysis techniques for VLSI circuits. Design of reliable VLSI circuits, noise considerations, design and operation of large fan out and fan in circuits, clocking methodologies, techniques for data path and data control design. Simulation techniques. Parallel processing, special purpose architectures in VLSI. VLSI layouts partitioning and placement routing and wiring in VLSI. Reliability aspects of VLSI design.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Basic VLSI Design-Douglas A Pucknell, Kamran Eshraghian
    2. VLSI Technology – S. M. Sze
    3. Introduction to VLSI Systems  –  C. A. Mead and L. A. Conway


    CSE-413 Information System Design

    3 Credits

    Information, general concepts of formal information systems, analysis of information requirements for modern organizations, modern data processing technology and its application, information systems structures, designing information outputs, classifying and coding data, physical storage media considerations, logical data, organization, systems analysis, general systems design, detail systems design. Project management and documentation. Group development of an information system project. Includes all phases of software life cycles from requirement analysis to the completion of a fully implemented system.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Information Systems Analysis and Design – Phil Agre, Christine Borgman
    2. Analysis and Design of Information Systems-Langer, Arthur M.


    CSE-414 Information System Design Lab

    1.0 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 413.


    CSE-423 Computer System Performance Evaluations

    3 Credits

    Review of system analysis, approaches to system development, feasibility assessment, hardware and software acquisition. Procurement, workload characterization, the representation of measurement data, instrumentation: software monitors, hardware monitors, capacity planning, bottleneck detection, system and program tuning, simulation and analytical models and their application, case studies.

    1. Computer Systems Performance Evaluation and Prediction Paul J. Fortier and Howard E. Michel
    2. The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis- Jain


    CSE-424 Computer System Performance Evaluation Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory based on CSE 423.


    CSE-437 Pattern Recognition

    3 Credits

    Introduction to pattern recognition: features, classifications, learning. Statistical methods, structural methods and hybrid method. Applications to speech recognition, remote sensing and biomedical area, Learning algorithms. Syntactic approach: Introduction to pattern grammars and languages. parsing techniques. Pattern recognition in computer aided design.

    1. Pattern Recognition- K. Koutroumbas
    2. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning- Christopher M. Bishop
    3. Pattern Recognition for Neural Networks- Brian Ripley


    CSE-438 Pattern Recognition Lab

    1.0 Credits 

    Laboratory works based on CSE 437.


    CSE-457 Bio-Informatics

    3 Credits

    Cell concept: Structural organization of plant and animal cells, nucleus, cell membrane and cell wall. Cell division: Introducing chromosome, Mitosis, Meiosis and production of haploid/diploid cell. Nucleic acids: Structure and properties of different forms of DNA and RNA; DNA replication. Proteins: Structure and classification, Central dogma of molecular biology. Genetic code: A brief account. Genetics: Mendel’s laws of inheritance, Organization of genetic material of prokaryotes and eukaryotes, C-Value paradox, repetitive DNA, structure of chromatin – euchromatin and heterochromatin, chromosome organization and banding patterns, structure of gene – intron, exon and their relationships, overlapping gene, regulatory sequence (lac operon), Molecular mechanism of general recombination, gene conversion, Evolution and types of mutation, molecular mechanisms of mutation, site-directed mutagenesis, transposons in mutation. Introduction to Bioinformatics: Definition and History of Bioinformatics, Human Genome Project, Internet and Bioinformatics, Applications of Bioinformatics  Sequence alignment: Dynamic programming. Global versus local. Scoring matrices. The Blast family of programs. Significance of alignments, Aligning more than two sequences. Genomes alignment. Structure-based alignment. Hidden Markov Models in Bioinformatics: Definition and applications in Bioinformatics. Examples of the Viterbi, the Forward and the Backward algorithms. Parameter estimation for HMMs. Trees: The Phylogeny problem. Distance methods, parsimony, bootstrap. Stationary Markov processes. Rate matrices. Maximum likelihood. Felsenstein’s post-order traversal. Finding regulatory elements: Finding regulatory elements in aligned and unaligned sequences. Gibbs sampling. Introduction to microarray data analysis: Steady state and time series microarray data. From microarray data to biological networks. Identifying regulatory elements using microarray data. Pi calculus: Description of biological networks; stochastic Pi calculus, Gillespie algorithm.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms –Jones and Pavel A. Pevzner
    2. Introduction to Bioinformatics – Stephen A. Krawetz, David D. Womble
    3. Introduction to Bioinformatics – Arthur M. Lesk

    CSE-458 Bio-Informatics Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE-457.

    CSE-463 Machine Learning

    3 Credits

    Introduction: Definition of learning systems. Goals and applications of machine learning. Aspects of developing a learning system- training data, concept representation, function approximation.   Inductive Classification: The concept learning task. Concept learning as search through a hypothesis space. General-to-specific ordering of hypotheses. Finding maximally specific hypotheses. Version spaces and the candidate elimination algorithm. Learning conjunctive concepts. The importance of inductive bias. Decision Tree Learning: Representing concepts as decision trees. Recursive induction of decision trees. Picking the best splitting attribute: entropy and information gain. Searching for simple trees and computational complexity. Occam’s razor. Overfitting, noisy data, and pruning. Experimental Evaluation of Learning Algorithms: Measuring the accuracy of learned hypotheses. Comparing learning algorithms- cross-validation, learning curves, and statistical hypothesis testing. Computational Learning Theory: Models of learnability- learning in the limit; probably approximately correct (PAC) learning. Sample complexity- quantifying the number of examples needed to PAC learn. Computational complexity of training. Sample complexity for finite hypothesis spaces. PAC results for learning conjunctions, kDNF, and kCNF. Sample complexity for infinite hypothesis spaces, Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension. Rule Learning, Propositional and First-Order: Translating decision trees into rules. Heuristic rule induction using separate and conquer and information gain. First-order Horn-clause induction (Inductive Logic Programming) and Foil. Learning recursive rules. Inverse resolution, Golem, and Progol. Artificial Neural Networks: Neurons and biological motivation. Linear threshold units. Perceptrons: representational limitation and gradient descent training. Multilayer networks and backpropagation. Hidden layers and constructing intermediate, distributed representations. Overfitting, learning network structure, recurrent networks. Support Vector Machines: Maximum margin linear separators. Quadractic programming solution to finding maximum margin separators. Kernels for learning non-linear functions. Bayesian Learning: Probability theory and Bayes rule. Naive Bayes learning algorithm. Parameter smoothing. Generative vs. discriminative training. Logisitic regression. Bayes nets and Markov nets for representing dependencies. Instance-Based Learning: Constructing explicit generalizations versus comparing to past specific examples. k-Nearest-neighbor algorithm. Case-based learning. Text Classification: Bag of words representation. Vector space model and cosine similarity. Relevance feedback and Rocchio algorithm. Versions of nearest neighbor and Naive Bayes for text. Clustering and Unsupervised Learning: Learning from unclassified data. Clustering. Hierarchical Aglomerative Clustering. k-means partitional clustering. Expectation maximization (EM) for soft clustering. Semi-supervised learning with EM using labeled and unlabled data.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Artificial Intelligence: a modern approach (2nd edition), Russell, S. and P. Norvig, Prentice Hall, 2003
    2. Introduction to Machine Learning – Ethem ALPAYDIN
    3. Machine Learning – Tom Mitchell, McGraw Hill
    4. Introduction to machine learning (2nd edition), Alpaydin, Ethem, MIT Press, 2010
    5. An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and Other Kernel-based Learning Methods, NelloCristianini and John Shawe-Taylor, Cambridge University Press


    CSE-464 Machine Learning Lab

    1.5 Credits.


    Students should learn the methods for extracting rules or learning from data, and get the necessary mathematical background to understand how the methods work and how to get the best performance from them. To achieve these goals student should learn the following algorithms in the lab: K Nearest Neighbor Classifier, Decision Trees, Model Selection and Empirical Methodologies, Linear Classifiers: Perception and SVM, Naive Bayes Classifier,Basics of Clustering Analysis, K-mean Clustering Algorithm, Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm. Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to perform the followings: a. Evaluate whether a learning system is required to address a particular problem. b. Understand how to use data for learning, model selection, and testing to achieve the goals.c. Understand generally the relationship between model complexity and model performance, and be able to use this to design a strategy to improve an existing system.
    d. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of the learning systems studied in the course, and decide which learning system is

    appropriate for a particular application. e. Make a naive Bayes classifier and interpret the results as probabilities. f. Be able to apply clustering algorithms to simple data sets for clustering analysis.

    CSE-353 Digital Image Processing
    3 Credits
    Image Processing: Image Fundamentals, Image Enhancement: Background, Enhancement by Point-Processing, Spatial Filtering, Enhancement in Frequency Domain, Color Image Processing. Image Restoration: Degradation Model, Diagonalization of Circulant and Block-Circulant Matrices, Algebraic Approach to Restoration, Inverse Filtering, Geometric Transformation. Image Segmentation: Detection of Discontinuities, Edge Linking and Boundary Detection, Thresholding, Region-Oriented Segmentation, The use of Motion in Segmentation. Image Compression|.
    Books Recommended:

    1. Digital Image Processing-Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, Pearson Education Asia.
    2. Non-Linear  Digital Filter : Principles and Applications –I. Pitas and A. N. Venetsanopoulos, Kluwer Academic Publications.


    CSE-354 Digital Image Processing Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 453.

    CSE-419 Graph Theory
    3 Credits
    Introduction, Fundamental concepts, Trees, Spanning trees in graphs, Distance in graphs, Eulerian graphs, Digraphs, Matching and factors, Cuts and connectivity, k-connected graphs, Network flow problems, Graph coloring: vertex coloring and edge coloring, Line graphs, Hamiltonian cycles, Planar graphs, Perfect graphs.


    Books Recommended:

      1. Graph Theory and Its ApplicationsJonathan L. Gross, Jay Yellen
      2. A Textbook of Graph Theory – R. Balakrishnan, K. Ranganathan


    CSE-420 Graph Theory Lab
    1.5 Credits
    Laboratory works based on CSE 420.


    ECE-421 Digital Communication

    3 Credits

    Introduction to modulation techniques: Pulse modulation; pulse amplitude modulation, pulse width modulation and pulse position modulation. Pulse code modulation; quantization, Delta modulation. TDM, FDM, OOK, FSK, PSK, QPSK; Representation of noise; threshold effects in PCM and FM. Probability of error for pulse systems, concepts of channel coding and capacity. Asynchronous and synchronous communications. Hardware interfaces, multiplexers, concentrators and buffers. Communication medium, Fiber optics.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Digital Communication- John G. Proakis
    2. Digital Communication –Bernard Sklar
    3. Introduction to Digital Communication- Roger L. Peterson
    4. Digital Communication-Prof. N. Sarkar
    5. Communication Systems-Simon Haykin

    ECE-422 Digital Communication Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on ECE 421.


    CSE-455 Wireless Sensor Networks
    3 Credits
    Introduction: applications; Localization and tracking: tracking multiple objects; Medium Access Control: S-MAC, IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee; Geographic and energy-aware routing; Attribute-Based Routing: directed diffusion, rumor routing, geographic hash tables; Infrastructure establishment: topology control, clustering, time synchronization; Sensor tasking and control: task-driven sensing, information-based sensor tasking, joint routing and information aggregation; Sensor network databases: challenges, querying the physical environment, in-network aggregation, data indices and range queries, distributed hierarchical aggregation; Sensor network platforms and tools: sensor node hardware, sensor network programming challenges; Other state-of-the-art related topics.

    Books Recommended:

    • Wireless Sensor Networks – C. S. Raghavendra, Krishna M. Sivalingam and TaiebZnati
    • Wireless Sensor Networks: An Information Processing Approach (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking)Feng Zhao,Leonidas Guibas

    CSE-456 Wireless Sensor Networks Lab

    1.5 Credits


    Laboratory works based on CSE 455.


    CSE-461 Neural Networks
    3 Credits
    Fundamentals of Neural Networks; Back propagation and related training algorithms; Hebbian learning; Cohonen-Grossberg learning; The BAM and the Hopfield Memory; Simulated Annealing; Different types of Neural Networks: Counter propagation, Probabilistic, Radial Basis Function, Generalized Regression, etc; Adaptive Resonance Theory; Dynamic Systems and neural Control; The Boltzmann Machine; Self-organizing Maps; Spatiotemporal Pattern Classification, The Neocognition; Practical Aspects of Neural Networks.


    Books Recommended:

    1. An Introduction to Neural NetworksProf. Leslie Smith
    2. Fundamentals of Artificial Neural NetworksMohamad H. Hassoun

    CSE-462 Neural Networks Lab

    1.5 Credits


    Laboratory works based on CSE 461.

    CSE-467 Advanced Database Systems
    3.0 Credits
     Introduction : Object oriented Database, Data Model, Design, Languages; Object Relational Database: Complex data types, Querying with complex data types, Design; Distributed Database: Levels of distribution transparency, Translation of global queries to fragment queries, Optimization of access strategies, Management of distributed transactions, Concurrency control, reliability, Administration; Parallel Database: Different types of parallelism, Design of parallel database; Multimedia Database Systems: Basic concepts, Design, Optimization of access strategies, Management of Multimedia Database Systems, Reliability; Database Wire-housing/Data mining: Basic concepts and algorithms.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Oracle Advanced PL/SQL Programming with CD-ROMScott Urman.


    CSE-468 Advanced Database System Lab

    1.5 Credits


    Laboratory works based on theory classes.


    CSE 469 Natural Language Processing

    3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits


    Introduction; Word Modeling: Automata and Linguistics, Statistical Approaches and Part of Speech Tagging; Linguistics and Grammars; Parsing Algorithms; Parsing Algorithms and the Lexicon; Semantic; Feature Parsing; Tree Banks and Probabilistic Parsing; Machine Translation; Evolutionary Models of Language Learning and Origins.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Speech and Language Processing –Jurafsky, D. and Martin, J. H
    2. Foundations of Statistical Natural Language PrManning, C. D. and H. Schütze
    3. Computational Complexity and Natural LanguageBarton, E., Berwick, R., and Ristad, E
    4. Natural Language Understanding -Allen, J.
    5. Computational Models of DiscourseBrady, J., and Berwick, R.


    CSE-470 Natural Language Processing Lab
    1.5 Credits


    Processing of words, Phrase structure parsing, Semantic Interpretation with Phrase Structure Grammars


    Books Recommended:

    1. Speech and Language Processing –Jurafsky, D. and Martin, J. H
    2. Foundations of Statistical Natural Language PrManning, C. D. and H. Schütze
    3. Computational Complexity and Natural LanguageBarton, E., Berwick, R., and Ristad, E
    4. Natural Language Understanding -Allen, J.
    5. Computational Models of DiscourseBrady, J., and Berwick, R.




  • Detailed Syllabus
    Semester 1-1    (23.5 Credits)


    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    HUM 103 Language Composition & Comprehension 3
    CSE 103 Computer Programming in C 3
    CSE 104 Computer Programming in C Lab 1.5
    PHY 101E Physics for Engineers 3
    PHY 102 Physics for Engineers Lab 1.5
    MTH 101E Geometry, Differential & Integral Calculus 3
    ECE 101 Basic Electrical Engineering 3
    ECE 102 Basic Electrical Engineering Lab 1.5
    ECN 101 Principles of Economics 2
    ACN 201 Principles of Accounting 2


    Semester 1-2   (23.5 Credits)


    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE 200 Project Work 2
    CSE 201 Discrete Mathematics 3
    CSE 203 Object Oriented Programming Language 3
    CSE 204 Object Oriented Programming Language Lab 1.5
    CSE 205 Data Structures 3
    CSE 206 Data Structures Lab 1.5
    ECE 201 Electronic Devices & Circuits 3
    ECE 202 Electronic Devices & Circuits Lab 1.5
    MTH 103E Linear Algebra, Vector Analysis & Complex Variables 3
    IMG 201 Principles of Management 2


    Semester 2-1   (22.5 Credits)


    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE 207 Algorithms 3
    CSE 208 Algorithms Lab 1.5
    CSE 209 Numerical Methods 3
    CSE 231 Digital Logic Design 3
    CSE 232 Digital Logic Design Lab 1.5
    CSE 321 Database Systems 3
    CSE 322 Database Systems Lab 1.5
    CSE 331 Computer Architecture 3
    MTH 203E Differential Equations, Laplace Transforms & Fourier Analysis 3


    Semester 2-2   (23.5 Credits)


    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE 300 Software Development 2
    CSE 301 E-Commerce and Web Engineering 3
    CSE 302 E-Commerce and Web Engineering Lab 1.5
    CSE303 Operating Systems 3
    CSE 304 Operating Systems Lab 1.5
    CSE 315 Data Communication 3
    CSE 351 Management Information System 3
    CSE 403 Compiler Design 3
    CSE 404 Compiler Design Lab 1.5
    MTH 301 Statistics & Probability 2


    Semester 3-1   (23 Credits)


    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE 333 Microprocessors and Assembly Language 3
    CSE 334 Microprocessors and Assembly Language Lab 1.5
    CSE 339 Theory of Computation 2
    CSE 401 Software Engineering 3
    CSE 421 Computer Network 3
    CSE 422 Computer Network Lab 1.5
    CSE 435 Computer Interfacing 3
    CSE 436 Computer Interfacing Lab 1.5
    CSE 4** Option 3
    CSE 4** Option Lab 1.5


    Semester 3-2   (23 credits)


    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE 405 Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems 3
    CSE 406 Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems Lab 1.5
    CSE 425 Digital Signal Processing 3
    CSE 426 Digital Signal Processing Lab 1.5
    CSE 431 Computer Graphics 3
    CSE 432 Computer Graphics Lab 1.5
    CSE 400 Project /Thesis 3
    CSE 402 Comprehensive Viva Voce 2
    CSE 4** Option 3
    CSE 4** Option Lab 1.5

    Total Credit Hours Required for Degree



     Optional Courses:

    Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
    CSE 407 Simulation & Modeling 3
    CSE 408 Simulation & Modeling Lab 1.5
    CSE 411 VLSI Design 3
    CSE 412 VLSI Design Lab 1.5
    CSE 413 Information System Design 3
    CSE 414 Information System Design Lab 1.5
    CSE 419 Graph Theory 3
    CSE 420 Graph Theory Lab 1.5
    CSE 423 Computer System Performance Evaluation 3
    CSE 424 Computer System Performance Evaluation Lab 1.5
    CSE 437 Pattern Recognition 3
    CSE 438 Pattern Recognition Lab 1.5
    CSE 453 Digital Image Processing 3
    CSE 454 Digital Image Processing Lab 1.5
    CSE 455 Wireless and Sensor Networks 3
    CSE 456 Wireless and Sensor Networks Lab 1.5
    CSE 457 Bioinformatics 3
    CSE 458 Bioinformatics Lab 1.5
    CSE 461 Neural Networks 3
    CSE 462 Neural Networks Lab 1.5
    CSE 463 Machine Learning 3
    CSE 464 Machine Learning Lab 1.5
    CSE 465 Contemporary course on CSE 3
    CSE 466 Contemporary course on CSE Lab 1.5


     Detailed Syllabus

    HUM-103  Language Composition and Comprehension

    3 Credits

    This course purports to make the student well up in composition and comprehension of English language used in formal write ups like articles, essays and treatises. Here text will be given for comprehension, exercises of writing essays, paragraphs and reports will be done and construction of proper sentences expressing formal ideas will be taught. Sufficient exercises of translation and re-translations will be included.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Exercise in Reading Comprehension   –  Tibbits
    2. Essential English Grammar  –   Ramon Murphy
    3. English Vocabulary in use   –  Stuart
    4. English Vocabulary in use   –   McCarthy
    5. Intermediate English Grammar   –  Ramon Murphy
    6. Paragraph in English   –  Tibbits


    CSE-103 Computer Programming in C

    3 Credits

    Programming language: Basic concept; overview of programming languages, C-language: Preliminaries; Elements of C; program constructs; variables and data types in C; Input and output; character and formatted I/O; Arithmetic expressions and assignment statements; loops and nested loops; Decision making’ Arrays; Functions; Arguments and Local Variables; Calling functions and arrays; Recursion and recursive functions; structures within structure; Files; File functions for sequential and Random I/O. Pointers, Pointers and Structures; Pointers and functions; Pointer and arrays; Operations on pointers; Pointer and memory addresses; Operations on bits; Bit operation; Bit field; Advanced features; Standard and Library functions.


    Books Recommended:

    1. The C Programming Language  –  Kernighn& Ritchie
    2. Teach Yourself C  –  H. Schieldt
    3. Programming with ANSI C  –  E. Balagurusamy
    4. The Complete Reference, Turbo C/C++  – H. Schieldt
    5. Programming with C, Schaum’s outline Series  – Gotfreid


    CSE-104 Computer Programming in C Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 103.


    PHY-101E  Physics for Engineering

    3 Credits

    Properties of matter : Elasticity, Stress & Strain, Young’s Modulus, Surface Tension. Heat & Thermodynamics: Heat, Temperature, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, Thermal Equilibrium, Seebeck effect, Reversible & Irreversible Processes, First and Second law of Thermodynamics, Heat Engine, Carnot Cycle. Electromegnetism: Electric charge, Charge density, Coulomb’s and Ohm’s law, Electric field and electric potential, Electric dipole, Electric flux, Gauss’s law and its application, Capacitance, Magnetic field, Biot-Savert law, Ampere’s law and its application, Electromagnetic Induction, Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law, Self Inductance and Mutual Inductance. Optics: Nature and Propagation of light, Reflection and Refraction of light, Total Internal Reflection, Interference, Diffraction, Dispersion, Polarization. Modern Physics: Theory of Relativity, Length Contraction and Time Dilation, Mass-Energy Relation, Compton Effect, Photoelectric Effect, Quantum Theory, Atomic Structure, X-ray Diffraction, Atomic Spectra, Electron Orbital Wavelength, Bohr radius, Radioactivity, de Broglie theory, Nuclear Fission and Fusion.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Modern Physics –   Bernstein
    2. Concepts of Modern Physics – Beiser
    3. Heat & Thermodynamics –   Brizlal
    4. University Physics with Modern Physics –  Young


    PHY 102 Physics Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on PHY 101E.


    MTH-101E Geometry, Differential and Integral Calculus

    3 Credits

    Geometry: Two dimensional geometry: Straight lines, pair of straight lines, Circle, Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola, Equation of General equation of Second Degree. Third Dimensional Geometry: Three dimensional Co-ordinates, Direction Cosines and Direction Ratios, Plane and Straight line. Differential Calculus:  Real  number system. Functions of single variables, its Graphs, Limit, Continuity and Differentiability. Successive Differentiation, Leibnitz’s theorem, Rolle’s theorem, Mean value  theorem, Taylor’s theorem, Maclaurin’s  theorem, Langrage’s and Cauchy’s forms  of Remainder. Expansion of Function  in Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s Series. Maximum and Minimum Values of Function. Evaluation of Indeterminate forms of limit, L’ Hospital’s Rule. Tangent and Normal. Functions of more than one variable, Limit, Continuity, Differentiability, Partial Derivatives, Euler’s Theorem. Jacobians. Integral Calculus: Indefinite Integrals and its definition. Methods of Integration (Integration by substitution, Integration by parts, Integration by successive reduction). Fundamental theorem of Integral calculus. Definite Integral and its properties. Definite Integral as the limit of a sum. Improper Integrals, Beta and Gamma Function, Its application in evaluating Integrals. Evaluation of Arc length, Areas, Surfaces of Revolution, Volumes of solids of Revolution, Multiple  Integrals.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Analytical Geometry of Conic Section – J.M. Kar.
    2. A Text Book on Co-ordinate Geometry – Rahman & Bhattacharjee; S. Chakrabarty, Gonith Prokashon.
    3. Calculus with Analytic Geometry – Thomas and Finne
    4. Calculus – Howard Anton; 10th Edition; John Willy and Sons
    5. Differential Calculus- C. Das & B. N. Mukharjee; 54th Edition; U. N. Dhur & Sons PTL
    6. Differential Calculus – C.Das & B. N. Mukharjee; 54th Edition; U. N. Dhur & Sons PTL
    7. Integral Calculus – C. Das & B. N. Mukharjee; 54th Edition; U. N. Dhur & Sons PTL


    ECE 101 Basic Electrical Engineering

    3 Credits

    Fundamental electrical concepts, Kirchoff’s Laws, Equivalent resistance. Electrical circuits: Series circuits, parallel circuits, series-parallel networks. Network analysis: Source conversion, Star/Delta conversion, Branch-current method, Mesh analysis, Nodal analysis. Network theorems: Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem. Capacitors. Magnetic circuits, Inductors Sinosoidal alternating waveforms: Definitions, phase relations, Instantaneous value, Average value, Effective (rms)Value. Phasor algebra Series, parallel and series-parallel ac networks. Power: Apparent power, Reactive power, Power triangle, Power factor correction. Pulse waveforms and the R-C response. Three-phase system Transformers.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Introductory Circuit Analysis- L. Boylestad
    2. Introduction to Electrical Engineering- P. Ward
    3. Electrical Technology (Volume 1)-L. Theraja, A.K.Theraja
    4. Alternating Current Circuits-M. Kerchner, G. F. Corcoran
    5. Electric Circuits – James W. Nilson

    ECE 102 Basic Electrical Engineering Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on ECE 101.


    ECN 101 Principles of Economics

    2 Credits

    Introduction: The Nature, scope and methods of Economics, Economics and Engineering. Some Fundamental concepts commonly used in Economics. Micro Economics: The theory of demand and supply and their elasticity’s. Market price determination competition in theory and practice. Indifference curve technique. Marginal analysis. Factors of production and production function. Scale of production – Internal and external economies and diseconomies. The short run and the long run. Fixed cost and variable cost. Macro Economics: National income analysis. Inflation and its effects. Savings, Investments. The basis of trade and the terms of trade. Monetary policy, Fiscal policy, Trade policy with reference to Bangladesh. Planning in Bangladesh.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Economics    –  Samuelson & Nordhaus
    2. Economics   –   Don Bush Fisher

    ACN 201 Principles of Accounting

    2 Credits

    This course aims at developing basic concepts and principles of accounting. It will cover topics like working at journal entries, preparation of ledger, checking the accuracy through trial balance, and preparation of financial statements. Concepts and practices of cost accounting will be discussed by covering topics like job order and process costing, contract costing, differential costing and responsibility accounting. Contemporary practices of accounting principles will be discussed under the current legal framework.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Accounting Principles – Kieso
    2. Financial & Managerial Accounting – Needles

     CSE 200 Project Work

    2 Credits

    Project focusing on Object oriented programming approach and using standard algorithm is preferable. Every project should maintain a goal so that it can be used as a useful tool in the IT fields. Also innovative project ideas that require different types scripting/programming languages or programming tools can be accepted with respect to the consent of the corresponding project supervisor.

     CSE-201 Discrete Mathematics

    3 Credits

    Mathematical Models and Reasoning: Propositions, Predicates and Quantifiers, Logical operators, Logical inference, Methods of proof. Sets: Set theory, Relations between sets, Operations on sets. Induction, The natural numbers, Set operations on å*. Binary Relations : Binary relations and Digraphs, Graph theory, Trees, Properties of relations, Composition of relations, Closure operations on relations, Order relations, Equivalence relations and partitions. Functions: Basic properties, Special classes of functions. Counting and Algorithm Analysis: Techniques, Asymptotic behavior of functions, Recurrence systems, Analysis of algorithms. Infinite sets: Finite and Infinite sets, Countable and uncountable sets, Comparison of cardinal numbers. Algebras: Structure, Varieties of algebras, Homomorphism, Congruence relations.

     Books Recommended:

    1. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications- Kennth H. Rosen
    2. Discrete Mathematical Structures- Bernard Kolman, Robert C. Busby, Sharon Cutler Ross
    1. Concrete Mathematics- Ronald Ervin Knuth

     CSE 203 Object Oriented Programming Language

    3 Credits

     Introduction to Java: History of Java, Java class Libraries, Introduction to java programming, and a simple program. Developing java Application: Introduction, Algorithms, Pseudo code, control Structure, The If/Else selection structure, the while Repetition structure, Assignment operators, Increment and decrement operators, Primitive data types, common Escape sequences, Logical operator. Control Structure: Introduction, for Structure, switch structure, Do while structure, Break and continue Structure. Methods: Introduction, Program module in Java, Math class methods, method definitions, java API packages, Automatic variables, Recursions, Method overloading, Method of the Applet class. Arrays: Introduction, Arrays, declaring and allocating arrays, passing arrays to methods, sorting arrays, searching arrays, multiple subscripted Arrays. Inheritance: Introduction, Super class, Subclass, Protected members, using constructor and Finalizes in subclasses, composition vs. Inheritance, Introduction to polymorphism, Dynamic method building, Final methods and classes, Abstract super classes and concrete classes, Exception Handling.

     Books Recommended:

    1. Java, How to Program- H. M. Deitel & P. J. Deitel
    2. Core Java (Vol. 1 and 2)- Sun Press
    3. Beginning Java 2, Wrox – Ivor Horton
    4. Java 2 Complete Reference- H. Schieldt

    CSE 204 Object Oriented Programming Language Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 203.


    CSE-205 Data Structures

    3 Credits

     Concepts and Examples: Introduction to Data structures. Elementary data structures: Arrays, records, pointer. Arrays: Type, memory representation and operations with arrays. Linked lists: Representation, Types and operations with linked lists. Stacks and Queues: Implementations, operations with stacks and queues. Graphs: Implementations, operations with graph. Trees: Representations, Types, operations with trees. Memory Management: Uniform size records, diverse size records. Sorting: Internal sorting, external sorting. Searching : List searching, tree searching. Hashing: Hashing functions, collision resolution.

     Books Recommended:
    1. Fundamental of Data Structures – Horowitz & S. Sahni
    2. Data Structures –  Reingold
    3. Data Structures, Schaum’s outline Series –  Lipshultz
    4. Data Structures & Programming Design –  Robert L. Kruse

    CSE-206 Data Structures Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 205.


    ECE-201 Electronic Devices & Circuits

    3 Credits

    Introduction to semiconductors, Junction diode characteristics & diode applications, Bipolar Junction transistor characteristics, Transistor biasing, Small signal low frequency h-parameter model & hybrid -pi model, AC analysis of transistor, Frequency response of transistor, Operational amplifiers, Linear applications of operational amplifiers, DC performance of operational amplifiers, AC performance of operational amplifiers, Introduction to JFET, MOSFET, PMOS, NMOS & CMOS, Introduction to SCR, TRIAC, DIAC & UJT, Active filters Introduction to IC fabrication techniques & VLSI design.


    Books Reccommended:

    1. Electronic Devices & Circuits McGraw-Hill -Jacob Millman & Christos C. Halkias
    2. Electronics Devices And Circuits- Salivahanan, N. S. Kumar And A. Vallavaraj, Tata McGraw – Hill
    3. Electronics Fundamentals: Circuits, Devices, and Applications- Ronald J Tocci


    ECE 202 Electronic Devices & Circuits Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on ECE 201.


    MTH-103E Linear Algebra, Vector Analysis and Complex Variables

    3 Credits

    Linear Algebra: Matrix, Types of Matrices, Matrix operations, Laws of matrix algebra, Invertible matrices, System of Linear equations (homogeneous and non-homogeneous) and their solution. Elementary row and column operations and Row reduced echelon matrices, Different types of matrices, Rank of matrices. Eigen values and Eigen vectors. Vector Analysis: Vector Algebra – Vectors in three dimensional space, Algebra of Vectors,  Rectangular components, Addition and Scalar multiplication, Scalar and Vector product of two Vectors, Scalar and Vector triple product. Vector Calculus – Vector differentiation and Integration. Gradient, Divergence and Curl. Green’s theorem, Stoke’s theorem. Complex Variable: Limit, Continuity and differentiability of complex functions. Analytic function, Harmonic function, Cauchy-Rieman equation. Complex Integration. Cauchy’s integral theorem and Cauchy’s Integral formula. Lioville’s theorem. Taylor’s and Laurent’s theorems. Singularities. Residue, Cauchy’s Residue theorem. Contour Integration.


    Book s Recommended:

    1. Scham’s Outline Series of the Theory and Problems on Linear Algebra – Seymour Lipschutz, 3rd ed., McGraw Hill Book
    2. Linear Algebra with Applications – R. Antone
    3. Scham’s Outline Series of the Theory and Problems on Vector Analysis – Murray R. Spiegel, SI(Metric ed.), McGraw Hill
    4. Functions of a Complex Variable – Dewan Abdul Quddus, Titash Publications.


    IMG 201 Principles of Management

    This course aims at providing students with concepts and tools of general management. The course covers concepts of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling, and its importance in attaining organizational objectives. Some current issues and trends in general management will also be discussed.

     Books Reccommended:

    1. Principles of Management – Mason Carpenter
    2. Principles of Management – Robert Kreitner
    3. Principles of Management : A Modern Approach – P.K.Saxena
    4. Principles of Management – P.C. Tripathi, P N Reddy, McGraw-Hill


    CSE-207 Algorithms

    3 Credits

    Analysis of Algorithm: Asymptotic analysis: Recurrences, Substitution method, Recurrence tree method, Master method. Divide-and-Conquer: Binary search, Powering a number, Fibonacci numbers, Matrix Multiplication, Strassen’s Algorithm for Matrix Multiplication. Sorting: Insertion sort, Merge sort, Quick sort, Randomized quick sort, Decision tree, Counting sort, Radix sort. Order Statistics: Randomized divide and conquer, worst case linear time order statistics. Graph: Representation, Traversing a graph, Topological sorting, Connected Components. Dynamic Programming: Elements of DP (Optimal substructure, Overlapping subproblem), Longest Common Subsequence finding problem, Matrix Chain Multiplication. Greedy Method: Greedy choice property, elements of greedy strategy, Activity selector problem, Minimum spanning tree (Prims algorithm, Kruskal algorithm), Huffman coding. Shortest Path Algorithms: Dynamic and Greedy properties, Dijkstra’s algorithm with its correctness and analysis, Bellman-ford algorithm, All pair shortest path: Warshall’s algorithm, Johnson’s algorithm. Network flow: Maximum flow, Max-flow-min-cut, Bipartite matching. Backtracking/Branch-and-Bound: Permutation, Combination, 8-queen problem, 15-puzzle problem. Geometric algorithm: Segment-segment intersection, Convex-hull, Closest pair problem. And NP Completeness, NP hard and NP complete problems.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to Algorithms- Thomas H. Cormen , Charles E. Leiserson.
    2. Algorithms –Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
    3. Fundamental Algorithms- Donald E. Knuth,”Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Addison-

          Wesley Professional; 3rd edition, 1997.


    CSE-208 Algorithms Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Using different well known algorithms to solve the problem of Matrix-Chain Multiplication, Longest Common Subsequence, Huffman codes generation, Permutation, Combination, 8-queen problem, 15-puzzle, BFS, DFS, flood fill using DFS, Topological sorting, Strongly connected component, finding minimum spanning tree, finding shortest path (Dijkstra’s algorithm and Bellman-Ford’s algorithm), Flow networks and maximum bipartite matching, Finding the convex hull, Closest pair.


    CSE-209 Numerical Methods

    3 Credits

    Errors and Accuracy. Iterative process: Solution of f(x)= 0, existence and convergence of a root, convergence of the iterative method, geometrical representation, Aitken’s D2– process of acceleration. System of Linear Equations. Solution of Non-Linear equations. Finite Differences and Interpolation. Finite Difference Interpolation. Numerical Differentiation. Numerical Integration. Differential Equations.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis –  S. S. Sastry
    2. Numerical Methods for Engineers –Steven C.  Chapra


    CSE-231 Digital Logic Design

    3 Credits

    Binary Logic. Logic Gates: IC digital logic families, positive and negative logic. Boolean Algebra. Simplification of Boolean Functions: Karnaugh map method, SOP and POS simplification, NAND, NOR, wired-AND, wired-OR implementation, nondegenerate forms, Don’t care conditions, Tabulation method – prime implicant chart. Combinational Logic: Arithmetic circuits – half and full adders and subtractors, multilevel NAND and NOR circuits, Ex-OR and Equivalence functions. Combinational Logic in MSI and LSI: Binary parallel adder, decimal and BCD adders, Comparators, Decoders and Encoders, Demultiplexors and Multiplexors. Sequential Logic. Registers and Counters. Synchronous Sequential Circuits. Asynchronous Sequential Circuits. Digital IC terminology, TTL logic family, TTL series characteristics, open-collector TTL, tristate TTL, ECL family, MOS digital ICs, MOSFET, CMOS characteristics, CMOS tristate logic, TTL-CMOS-TTL interfacing, memory terminology, general memory operation, semiconductor memory technologies, different types of ROMs, semiconductor RAMs, static and dynamic RAMs, magnetic bubble memory, CCD memory, FPGA Concept.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Digital Logic & Computer Design-M. Morris Mano
    2. Digital Fundamentals- Floyd
    3. Modern Digital Electronics-R. P. Jain
    4. Digital Systems- R. J. Tocci
    5. Digital Electronics- Green

     CSE-232 Digital Logic Design Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 231.


    CSE-321 Database Systems

    3 Credits

    Introduction: Purpose of Database Systems, Data Abstraction, Data Models, Instances and Schemes, Data Independence, Data Definition Language, Data Manipulation Language, Database Manager, Database administrator, Database Users, Overall System Structure, Advantages and Disadvantage of a Database Systems. Data Mining and analysis, Database Architecture, History of Database Systems Relationship Entity-Model: Entities and Entity Sets, Relationships and Relationship Sets, Attributes, Composite and Multivalued Attributes, Mapping Constraints, Keys, Entity-Relationship Diagram, Reducing of E-R Diagram to Tables, Generalization, Attribute Inheritance, Aggregation, Alternative E-R Notatios, Design of an E-R Database Scheme.

    Relational Model: Structure of Relational Database, Fundamental Relational Algebra Operations, The Tuple Relational Calculus, The Domain Relational Calculus, Modifying the Database. Relational Commercial Language: SQL, Basic structure of SQL Queries, Query-by-Example, Quel., Nested Sub queries, Complex queries, Integrity Constraints, Authorization, Dynamic SQL, Recursive Queries. Relational Database Design: Pitfalls in Relational Database Design, Functional Dependency Theory, Normalization using Functional Dependencies, Normalization using Multivalued Dependencies, Normalization using join Dependencies, Database Design Process. File And System Structure: Overall System Structure, Physical Storage Media, File Organization, RAID, Organization of Records into Blocks, Sequential Files, Mapping Relational Data to Files, Data Dictionary Storage, Buffer Management. Indexing And Hashing: Basic Concepts, Ordered Indices, B+ -Tree Index Files, B-Tree Index Files, Static and Dynamic Hash Function, Comparison of Indexing and Hashing, Index Definition in SQL, Multiple Key Access.

    Query Processing and Optimization: Query Interpretation, Equivalence of Expressions, Estimation of Query-Processing Cost, Estimation of Costs of Access Using Indices, Join Strategies, Join Strategies for parallel Processing, Structure of the query Optimizer, Transformation of Relational Expression. Concurrency Control: Schedules, Testing for Serializability, Lock-Based Protocols, Timestamp-Based Protocols, Validation Techniques, Multiple Granularity, Multiversion Schemes, Insert and Delete Operations, Deadlock Handling. Distributed Database: Structure of Distributed Databases, Trade-off in Distributing the Database, Design of Distributed Database, Transparancy and Autonomy, Distributed Query Processing, Recovery in Distributed Systems, Commit Protocols, Concurrency Control. Data Mining and Information Retrieval:  Data analysis and OLAP, Data Warehouse, Data Mining, Relevance Ranking Using Terms, Relevance Ranking Using Hyperlink, Synonyms, Homonyms, Ontology, Indexing of Document, Measuring Retrieval Efficiencies, Information Retrieval and Structured Data.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Database System Concepts – Abraham Silberschratz, Henry K. Korth, S. Sudarshan  (5th edition)
    2. Fundamentals of Database Systems – Benjamin/Cummings, 1994
    3. Database Principles, Programming, Performance  – Morgan Kaufmann 1994
    4. A First Course in Database Systems – Prentice Hall, 1997
    5. Database Management Systems, McGraw Hill, 1996


    CSE-322 Database Systems Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Introduction: What is database, MySQL , Oracle , SQL, Datatypes, SQL / PLSQL, Oracle Software Installation, User Type, Creating User , Granting. Basic Parts of Speech in SQL: Creating Newspaper Table, Select Command (Where , order by), Creating View, Getting Text Information & Changing it, Concatenation, Cut & paste string(RPAD , LPAD , TRIM , LTRIM , RTRIM, LOWER , UPPER , INIT, LENGTH , SUBSTR , INSTR , SOUNDEX). Playing The Numbers: Addition , Subtraction , Multiplication , Division, NVL , ABS , Floor , MOD , Power , SQRT , EXR , LN , LOG , ROUND, AVG  , MAX , MIN , COUNT , SUM, Distinct, SUBQUERY FOR MAX,MIN. Grouping things together: Group By , Having, Order By, Views Renaming Columns with Aliases. When one query depends upon another: Union, Intersect , Minus, Not in , Not Exists. Changing Data : INSERT,UPDATE,MERGE,DELETE, ROLLBACK , AUTOCOMMIT , COMMIT, SAVEPOINTS, MULTI TABLE INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, MERGE. Creating And Altering tables & views: Altering table, Dropping table, Creating view, Creating a table from a table. By What Authority: Creating  User, Granting User, Password Management.
    An Introduction to PL/SQL: Implement few problems using PL/SQL (eg Prime Number, Factorial, Calculating Area of Circle, etc).An Introduction to Trigger and Procedure: Implement few problems using Trigger  and Procedures. An Introduction to Indexing: Implement indexing using a large database and observe the difference of Indexed and Non-Indexed database.


    CSE-331 Computer Architecture

    3 Credits

    Introduction to Computer Architecture: Overview and history; Cost factor; Performance metrics and evaluating computer designs. Instruction set design: Von Neumann machine cycle, Memory addressing, Classifying instruction set architectures, RISC versus CISC, Micro programmed vs. hardwired control unit. Memory System Design:  Cache memory; Basic cache structure and design; Fully associative, direct, and set associative mapping; Analyzing cache effectiveness; Replacement policies; Writing to a cache; Multiple caches; Upgrading a cache; Main Memory; Virtual memory  structure, and design; Paging; Replacement strategies. Pipelining: General considerations; Comparison of pipelined and nonpipelined computers; Instruction and arithmetic pipelines, Structural, Data and Branch hazards. Multiprocessors and Multi-core Computers:  SISD, SIMD, and MIMD architectures; Centralized and distributed shared memory- architectures; Multi-core Processor architecture. Input/output Devices: Performance measure, Types of I/O device, Buses and interface to CPU, RAID. Pipelining: Basic pipelining, Pipeline Hazards. Parallel Processing.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Computer Architecture and Organization- John P.Hayes,  3rd Edition, McGraw Hill
    2. Computer Organization and Design: The hardware / software interface- David A.Patterson and John L.Hennessy

    MTH-203E Differential Equations, Laplace Transforms and Fourier Analysis

    3 Credits

    Differential Equation: Formation, Degree and Order of differential equation, Complete and Particular solution. Solution of ordinary differential equation of first order and first degree (special forms). Linear differential equation with constant coefficients. Homogeneous linear differential equation. Solution of equation by the method of Variation of parameters. Solution of linear differential equations in series by Frobenius method. Solution of Simultaneous equation of the form    = =  . Laplace Transforms: Definition, Laplace transforms of some elementary functions, sufficient conditions for existence of Laplace transforms, Inverse Laplace transforms, Laplace transforms of derivatives, Unit step function, Periodic function, Some special theorems on Laplace transforms, Partial fraction, Solution of differential equations by Laplace transforms, Evaluation of Improper Integrals. Fourier Analysis: Fourier series (Real and complex form). Finite transforms, Fourier Integrals, Fourier transforms and application in solving boundary value problems.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Differential Equations – H. T. H. Piaggio; 1st Indian Edition, 1985, S. K. Jain for CBS Publishers
    2. A Text Book on Integral Calculus with Differential Equations – Mohammad,  Bhattacharjee & Latif, 4th Edition, 2010; S. Chakravarty, Gonith Prokashon
    3. Schaum’s Outline Series of the Theory and Problems on Laplace Transforms – Murray R. Spiegel; Revised Edition, 2003; McGraw Hill Book Company
    4. Differential Equation – Md. Abu Eusuf; Latest Edition; Abdullah Al Mashud Publisher

    CSE 300 Software Developments

    1.5 Credits

    Students will work in groups or individually to produce high quality software in different languages. Students will write structured programs and use proper documentation. Advanced programming techniques in Mobile Application.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Android Application Development Cookbook- Wei-Meng Lee
    2. The Complete Android Guide- Kevin Purdy

    CSE 301:   E-Commerce and Web Engineering

    3 Credits

     E-Commerce Basics: E-Commerce Definition, Internet History and E-Commerce Development, Business-to-Business E-Commerce, Business-to-Consumer E-Commerce, E-Commerce Stages and Processes, E-Commerce Challenges, E-Commerce Opportunities.E-Commerce Options: Internet Access Requirements, Web Hosting Requirements, Entry-Level Options, Storefront and Template Services, E-Commerce Software Packages, E-Commerce Developers, E-Business Solutions.Marketing Issues: Online and Offline Market Research, Data Collection, Domain Names, Advertising Options, E-Mail Marketing, Search Engines, Web Site Monitoring, Incentives. Planning and Development: Web Site Goals, International Issues, Planning Stages, Resource Allocation, Content Development, Site Map Development, Web Site Design Principles, Web Site Design Tools, Web Page Programming Tools, Data-Processing Tools. E-Commerce Components: Navigation Aids, Web Site Search Tools, Databases, Forms, Shopping Carts, Checkout Procedures, Shipping Options. Payment Processing: Electronic Payment Issues, E-Cash, Credit Card Issues, Merchant Accounts, Online Payment Services, Transaction Processing, Taxation Issues, Mobile Commerce (M-Commerce). Security Issues: Security Issues and Threats, Security Procedures, Encryption, Digital Certificates, SSL and SET Technologies, Authentication and Identification, Security Providers, Privacy Policies, Legal Issues. Customer Service: Customer Service Issues, E-Mail Support , Telephone Support , Live Help Services, Customer Discussion Forums, Value-Added Options. ASP.NET programming model, Web development in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Anatomy of an ASP.NET page, ASP.NET core server controls, ADO.NET data providers, ADO.NET data containers, The data-binding model.

    Books Recommended

    1. E-Commerce, Jeffrey F., Rayport, Bernard J. Jaworsk , McGraw-Hill
    2. Understanding Electronic Commerce, David Kosiur , Microsoft Press.
    3. Introduction to E-Commerce, Jeffrey F. Rayport, et al. , McGraw-Hill
    4. E-Commerce Strategies, Charles Trepper

    CSE 302:   E-Commerce and Web Engineering Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 301.


    303 Operating Systems

    3 Credits

    Introduction: Operating Systems Concept, Computer System Structures, Operating System Structures, Operating System operations, Protection and Security, Special-Purpose Systems. Fundamentals of OS : OS services and components, multitasking,  multiprogramming, time sharing, buffering, spooling Process Management: Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Process State, Process Management, Interprocess Communication, interaction between processes and OS, Communication in Client-Server Systems, Threading, Multithreading, Process Synchronization. Concurrency control: Concurrency and race conditions, mutual exclusion requirements, semaphores, monitors, classical IPC problem and solutions, Dead locks – characterization, detection, recovery, avoidance and prevention. Memory Management: Memory partitioning, Swapping, Paging, Segmentation, Virtual memory – Concepts, Overlays, Demand Paging, Performance of demand paging, Page replacement algorithm, Allocation algorithms. Storage Management: Principles of I/O hardware, Principles of I/O software, Secondary storage structure, Disk structure, Disk scheduling, Disk Management, Swap-space Management, Disk reliability, Stable storage implementation. File Concept:  File support, Access methods, Allocation methods, Directory systems, File Protection, Free Space management Protection & Security : Goals of protection, Domain of protection, Access matrix, Implementation of access matrix, Revocation of access rights, The security problem, Authentication, One-time passwords, Program threats, System threats, Threat monitoring, Encryption, Computer-security classification.  Distributed Systems: Types of Distributed Operating System, Communication Protocols, Distributed File Systems, Naming and Transparency, Remote File Access, Stateful Versus Stateless Service, File Replication. Case Studies: Study of a representative Operating Systems.


    Books Recommended:              

    1. Operating System Concepts – Silberschatz & Galvin Wiley 2000 (7th Edition)
    2. Operating Systems – Achyut S. Godbole Tata Mc Graw Hill (2nd Edition)
    3. Understanding Operating System – Flynn & Metioes Thomsan (4th Edition)
    4. Operating Systems Design & Implementation – Andrew Tanenbam, Albert S. Woodhull Pearson
    5. Modern Operating System – Andrew S. Tanenbaum


    CSE-304 Operating Systems Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Thread programming: Creating thread and thread synchronization. Process Programming: The Process ID, Running a New Process, Terminating a Process, Waiting for Terminated Child Processes, Users and Groups, Sessions and Process Groups. Concurrent Programming: Using fork, exec for multi-task programs. File Operations: File sharing across processes, System lock table, Permission and file locking, Mapping Files into Memory, Synchronized, Synchronous, and Asynchronous Operations, I/O Schedulers and I/O Performance.

    Communicating across processes: Using different signals, Pipes, Message queue, Semaphore, Semaphore arithmetic and Shared memory.

    Books Recommended:

    1. The ‘C’ Odyssey UNIX-The Open, Boundless CMeeta Gandhi, Tilak Shetty, Rajiv Shah.
    2. Beginning Linux ProgrammingNeil Matthew and Richard Stones
    3. Linux System ProgrammingRobert Love

    CSE-315 Data Communication

    3 Credits

    Introduction to modulation techniques: Pulse modulation; pulse amplitude modulation, pulse width modulation and pulse position modulation. Pulse code modulation; quantization, Delta modulation. TDM, FDM, OOK, FSK, PSK, QPSK; Representation of noise; threshold effects in PCM and FM. Probability of error for pulse systems, concepts of channel coding and capacity. Asynchronous and synchronous communications. Hardware interfaces, multiplexers, concentrators and buffers. Communication medium, Fiber optics.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to Data Communications-Eugene Blanchard
    2. Data Communication Principles – Ahmad, Aftab
    3. Data Communication & NetworkingS.Bagad, I.A.Dhotre
    4. Data Communications and Networking- Behrouz A. Forouzan

    CSE-351 Management Information Systems

    3 Credits

    Introduction to MIS: Management Information System Concept. Definitions, Role of MIS, Approaches of MIS development. MIS and Computer: Computer Hardware for Information System, Computer Software for Information System, Data Communication System, Database Management Technology, Client-Server Technology. Decision-Support System: Introduction, Evolution of DSS, Future development of DSS. Application of MIS: Applications in manufacturing Sector, Applications in service sector, Case Studies.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Management Information Systems- James O’Brian , Tata MCGraw-Hill
    2. Management Information Systems-Post and Andersin, Tata Mcgraw-Hill

    CSE-403 Compiler Design

    3 Credits

    Introduction to compilers: Introductory concepts, types of compilers, applications, phases of a compiler. Lexical analysis: Role of the lexical analyzer, input buffering, token specification, recognition of tokens, symbol tables. Parsing: Parser and its role, context free grammars, top-down parsing. Syntax-directed translation: Syntax-directed definitions, construction of syntax trees, top-down translation. Type checking: Type systems, type expressions, static and dynamic checking of types, error recovery. Run-time organization: Run-time storage organization, storage strategies. Intermediate code generation: Intermediate languages, declarations, assignment statements. Code optimization: Basic concepts of code optimization, principal sources of optimization. Code generation. Features of some common compilers: Characteristic features of C, Pascal and Fortran compilers.


    Books Recommended:              

    1. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools – Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman. Second Edition.


    CSE-404 Compiler Design Lab

    1.5 Credits

    How to use scanner and parser generator tools (e.g., Flex, JFlex, CUP, Yacc, etc). For a given simple source language designing and implementing lexical analyzer, symbol tables, parser, intermediate code generator and code generator.


    MTH-301 Statistics and Probability

    2 Credits

    Frequency distribution; mean, median, mode and other measures of central tendency, Standard deviation and other measures of dispersion, Moments, skewness and kurtosis, Elementary probability theory and discontinuous probability distribution, e.g. binomial, poison and negative binomial, Continuous probability distributions, e.g. normal and exponential, Characteristics of distributions, Hypothesis testing and regression analysis


    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to M athematical Statistics –  Hogg
    2. Probability and Statistics for Scientists and Engineers – Walpole


    CSE-333 Microprocessors and Assembly Language

    3 Credits

    Introduction to different types of microprocessors, Microprocessor architecture, instruction set, interfacing, I/O operation, interrupt structure, DMA, Microprocessor interface ICs. Advanced microprocessor concept of microprocessor based system design. Machine and Assembly instruction types and their formats. Character representation instructions. Instruction execution. Machine language programming. Instruction sets and their implementations. The Assembly process. Addressing methods. Subroutines, macros and files. I/O programming interrupts and concurrent processes.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Microprocessors & Interfacing- Douglas V. Hall
    2. Microprocessors – Harunur Rashid
    3. Microprocessor & Microcomputer Based System Design – Rafiquzzaman
    4. Microprocessor Systems: 8086/8088 Family – Y.Lin & G.A. Gibson


    CSE-334 Microprocessors and Assembly Language Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 333.


    CSE-339 Theory of Computation

    2 Credits

     Finite Automata: Deterministic and nondeterministic finite automata and their equivalence. Equivalence with regular expressions. Closure properties. The pumping lemma and applications. Context-free Grammars: Definitions. Parse trees. The pumping lemma for CFLs and applications. Normal forms. General parsing. Sketch of equivalence with pushdown automata. Turing Machines: Designing simple TMs. Variations in the basic model(multi-tape, multi-head, nondeterminism). Church-Turing thesis and evidence to support it through the study of other models. Undecidability: The undecidability of the halting problem. Reductions to other problems. Reduction in general.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation, 2nd Edition- C. Martin, McGraw Hill Publications, 1997.


    CSE 401  Software Engineering

    3 credits

    Concepts of software engineering: requirements definition, modularity, structured design, data specifications, functional specifications, verification, documentation, software maintenance. Software support tools. Software project organization, quality assurance, management and communication skills.

    Books Reccommended:

    1. Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach, 6th Edition, Roger S. Pressman
    2. Software Engineering Concepts – Richard Fairley
    3. Software Engineering Environments – Robert N. Charette


    CSE-421 Computer Network

    3 Credits

    Network architectures-layered architectures and ISO reference model: data link protocols, error control, HDLC, X.25, flow and congestion control, virtual terminal protocol, data security. Local area networks, satellite networks, packet radio networks. Introduction to ARPANET, SNA and DECNET. Topological design and queuing models for network and distributed computing systems.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Computer Networks-A. S. Tanenbaum
    2. Introduction to Networking- Barry Nance
    3. Data Communications, Computer Networks & Open Systems-  F. Halsall
    4. TCP/IP-SydniFeit
    5. Data Communications and Networking-Behrouz A. Forouzan


    CSE-422 Computer Network Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 421.


    CSE-435 Computer Interfacing

    3 Credits

    Interface components and their characteristics, microprocessor I/O. Disk, Drums, and Printers. Optical displays and sensors. High power interface devices, transducers, stepper motors and peripheral devices.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Microprocessors & Interfacing-Douglas V. Hall
    2. Microprocessor & Microcomputer based System Design  –  Rafiquzzaman
    3. Microcomputer Interfacing-Artwick
    4. Microcomputer Interfacing-Ramesh Goanker
    5. Designing User Interfaces-James E. Powell


     CSE-436 Computer Interfacing Lab                        

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 435.


     CSE-405 Artificial Intelligence  & Expert System

    3 Credits

    What is Artificial Intelligence: The AI problems, The underlying assumption, What is an AI technique. Problems, Problem spaces and Search: Defining the problem as a state space search, Production system, Problem characteristics. Heuristics Search Techniques: Generate and Test, Hill climbing, Best First Search, Problem Reduction, Constraint Satisfaction, Means-Ends Analysis. Knowledge Representation Issues: Representation and Mappings, Approaches to knowledge Representation, Issues in Knowledge representation. Using Predicate logic: Representing simple facts in logic, Representing Instance and Isa relationships, Computable functions and Predicates, Resolution. Representing Knowledge using Rules: Procedural versus Declarative Knowledge, Logic Programming, Forward versus Backward Reasoning, Matching. Game playing: Overview, The Mimimax Search Procedure, Adding Alpha-Beta cutoffs, Additional refinements, iterative Deepening, Planning: Overview, An example Domain: The Blocks World, Components of a planning system, Goal stack planning, Understanding: What is Understanding, What makes Understanding hard, Understanding as constraint satisfaction. natural Language Processing: Introduction, Syntactic Processing, Semantic Analysis, Discourse and Pragmatic Processing. Expert systems: representing and using domain knowledge, Expert system shells explanation, Knowledge Acquisition. AI Programming Language: Prolog, LISP, Python.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach-S. Russel and P. Norvig
    2. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert System-Dan W. Peterson
    3. Artificial Intelligence-E. Rich and K. Knight
    4. An Introduction to Neural Computing-C. F. Chabris and T. Jackson
    5. Artificial Intelligence using C  –  H. Schieldt



    CSE-406 Artificial Intelligence & Expert System Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Students will have to understand the functionalities of intelligent agents and how the agents will solve general problems. Students have to use a high-level language (Python, Prolog, LISP) to solve the following problems:

    Backtracking: State space, Constraint satisfaction, Branch and bound. Example: 8-queen, 8- puzzle, Crypt-arithmetic. BFS and production: Water jugs problem, The missionaries and cannibal problem. Heuristic and recursion: Tic-tac-toe, Simple bock world, Goal stack planning, The tower of Hanoi. Question answering: The monkey and bananas problem.


    CSE-425 Digital Signal Processing

    3 Credits

     Introduction to digital signal processing (DSP): Discrete-time signals and systems, analog to digital conversion, impulse response, finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) of discrete-time systems, difference equation, convolution, transient and steady state response. Discrete transformations: Discrete Fourier series, discrete-time Fourier series, discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and properties, fast Fourier transform (FFT), inverse fast Fourier transform, z-transformation – properties, transfer function, poles and zeros and inverse z-transform. Correlation: circular convolution, auto-correlation and cross correlation. Digital Filters: FIR filters- linear phase filters, specifications, design using window, optimal and frequency sampling methods; IIR filters- specifications, design using impulse invariant, bi-linear z-transformation, least-square methods and finite precision effects. Digital signal processor TMS family, Application of digital signal processing.

    Books Recommended:

    1. Digital Signal Processing-John G. Proakis
    2. Signals and Systems-Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen
    3. Digital Signal Processing-R. W. Schafer
    4. Digital Signal Processing-Ifeachor
    5. Introduction to DSP-Johnny R. Johnson


    CSE-426 Digital Signal Processing Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 425.


    CSE-431  Computer Graphics

    3 Credits

    Introduction to Graphical data processing. Fundamentals of interactive graphics programming. Architecture of display devices and connectivity to a computer. Implementation of graphics concepts of two-dimensional and three-dimensional viewing, clipping and transformations. Hidden line algorithms. Raster graphics concepts: Architecture, algorithms and other image synthesis methods. Design of interactive graphic conversations.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics –William M., Newman, McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 1978
    2. Computer Graphics: Principle and Practice in C-James D. Foley, Andries van Dam, Steven K. Feiner, John F. Hughes, Addison-Wesley, 2nd edition, 1995

     CSE-432 Computer Graphics Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 431.


    CSE-400 Project / Thesis

    3 Credits

    Study of problems in the field of Computer Science and Engineering. This course will be initiated in the 3rd year or early in 4th year.

    CSE-402 Comprehensive Viva Voce

    2 Credits


     CSE-407 Simulation and Modeling

    3 Credits

    Simulation methods, model building, random number generator, statistical analysis of results, validation and verification techniques, Digital simulation of continuous systems. Simulation and analytical methods, for analysis of computer systems and practical problems in business and practice. Introduction to the simulation packages.

    Books Recommended:

    1. System Modeling and Simulation- V.P. Singh
    2. System Design, Modeling, and Simulation using- Claudius Ptolemaeus


    CSE-408 Simulation and Modeling Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 407.

     CSE-411 VLSI Design

    3 Credits

    Design and analysis techniques for VLSI circuits. Design of reliable VLSI circuits, noise considerations, design and operation of large fan out and fan in circuits, clocking methodologies, techniques for data path and data control design. Simulation techniques. Parallel processing, special purpose architectures in VLSI. VLSI layouts partitioning and placement routing and wiring in VLSI. Reliability aspects of VLSI design.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Basic VLSI Design-Douglas A Pucknell, Kamran Eshraghian
    2. VLSI Technology – S. M. Sze
    3. Introduction to VLSI Systems  –  C. A. Mead and L. A. Conway

     CSE-412 VLSI Design Lab                           

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 411.

     CSE-413 Information System Design

    3 Credits

    Information, general concepts of formal information systems, analysis of information requirements for modern organizations, modern data processing technology and its application, information systems structures, designing information outputs, classifying and coding data, physical storage media considerations, logical data, organization, systems analysis, general systems design, detail systems design. Project management and documentation. Group development of an information system project. Includes all phases of software life cycles from requirement analysis to the completion of a fully implemented system.

     Books Recommended:

    1. Information Systems Analysis and Design – Phil Agre, Christine Borgman
    2. Analysis and Design of Information Systems-Langer, Arthur M.


     CSE-414 Information System Design Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 413.


    CSE-419 Graph Theory

    3 Credits

    Introduction, Fundamental concepts, Trees, Spanning trees in graphs, Distance in graphs, Eulerian graphs, Digraphs, Matching and factors, Cuts and connectivity, k-connected graphs, Network flow problems, Graph coloring: vertex coloring and edge coloring, Line graphs, Hamiltonian cycles, Planar graphs, Perfect graphs.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Graph Theory and Its ApplicationsJonathan L. Gross, Jay Yellen
    2. A Textbook of Graph Theory – R. Balakrishnan, K. Ranganathan


     CSE-420 Graph Theory Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 420.


     CSE-423 Computer System Performance Evaluations

    3 Credits

    Review of system analysis, approaches to system development, feasibility assessment, hardware and software acquisition. Procurement, workload characterization, the representation of measurement data, instrumentation: software monitors, hardware monitors, capacity planning, bottleneck detection, system and program tuning, simulation and analytical models and their application, case studies.

    1.  Computer Systems Performance Evaluation and Prediction Paul J. Fortier and Howard E. Michel
    2. The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis- Jain


    CSE-424 Computer System Performance Evaluation Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory based on CSE 423.


    CSE-437 Pattern Recognition

    3 Credits

    Introduction to pattern recognition: features, classifications, learning. Statistical methods, structural methods and hybrid method. Applications to speech recognition, remote sensing and biomedical area, Learning algorithms. Syntactic approach: Introduction to pattern grammars and languages. parsing techniques. Pattern recognition in computer aided design.

    1. Pattern Recognition- K. Koutroumbas
    2. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning- Christopher M. Bishop
    3. Pattern Recognition for Neural Networks- Brian Ripley


    CSE-438 Pattern Recognition Lab

    1.0 Credits 


    Laboratory works based on CSE 437.


    CSE-453 Digital Image Processing

    3 Credits

    Image Processing: Image Fundamentals, Image Enhancement: Background, Enhancement by Point-Processing, Spatial Filtering, Enhancement in Frequency Domain, Color Image Processing. Image Restoration: Degradation Model, Diagonalization of Circulant and Block-Circulant Matrices, Algebraic Approach to Restoration, Inverse Filtering, Geometric Transformation. Image Segmentation: Detection of Discontinuities, Edge Linking and Boundary Detection, Thresholding, Region-Oriented Segmentation, The use of Motion in Segmentation. Image Compression.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Digital Image Processing-Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, Pearson Education Asia.
    2. Non-Linear  Digital Filter : Principles and Applications –I. Pitas and A. N. Venetsanopoulos, Kluwer Academic Publications.


     CSE-454 Digital Image Processing Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE 453.


    CSE-455 Wireless and Sensor Networks

    3 Credits

    Introduction: applications; Localization and tracking: tracking multiple objects; Medium Access Control: S-MAC, IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee; Geographic and energy-aware routing; Attribute-Based Routing: directed diffusion, rumor routing, geographic hash tables; Infrastructure establishment: topology control, clustering, time synchronization; Sensor tasking and control: task-driven sensing, information-based sensor tasking, joint routing and information aggregation; Sensor network databases: challenges, querying the physical environment, in-network aggregation, data indices and range queries, distributed hierarchical aggregation; Sensor network platforms and tools: sensor node hardware, sensor network programming challenges; Other state-of-the-art related topics.


    Books Recommended:


    1.   Wireless Sensor Networks – C. S. Raghavendra, Krishna M. Sivalingam and TaiebZnati
    2. Wireless Sensor Networks: An Information Processing Approach (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking)Feng Zhao,Leonidas Guibas


    CSE-456 Wireless and Sensor Networks Lab

    1.5 Credits

     Laboratory works based on CSE 455.


     CSE-457 Bio-Informatics

    3 Credits

    Cell concept: Structural organization of plant and animal cells, nucleus, cell membrane and cell wall. Cell division: Introducing chromosome, Mitosis, Meiosis and production of haploid/diploid cell. Nucleic acids: Structure and properties of different forms of DNA and RNA; DNA replication. Proteins: Structure and classification, Central dogma of molecular biology. Genetic code: A brief account. Genetics: Mendel’s laws of inheritance, Organization of genetic material of prokaryotes and eukaryotes, C-Value paradox, repetitive DNA, structure of chromatin – euchromatin and heterochromatin, chromosome organization and banding patterns, structure of gene – intron, exon and their relationships, overlapping gene, regulatory sequence (lac operon), Molecular mechanism of general recombination, gene conversion, Evolution and types of mutation, molecular mechanisms of mutation, site-directed mutagenesis, transposons in mutation. Introduction to Bioinformatics: Definition and History of Bioinformatics, Human Genome Project, Internet and Bioinformatics, Applications of Bioinformatics  Sequence alignment: Dynamic programming. Global versus local. Scoring matrices. The Blast family of programs. Significance of alignments, Aligning more than two sequences. Genomes alignment. Structure-based alignment. Hidden Markov Models in Bioinformatics: Definition and applications in Bioinformatics. Examples of the Viterbi, the Forward and the Backward algorithms. Parameter estimation for HMMs. Trees: The Phylogeny problem. Distance methods, parsimony, bootstrap. Stationary Markov processes. Rate matrices. Maximum likelihood. Felsenstein’s post-order traversal. Finding regulatory elements: Finding regulatory elements in aligned and unaligned sequences. Gibbs sampling. Introduction to microarray data analysis: Steady state and time series microarray data. From microarray data to biological networks. Identifying regulatory elements using microarray data. Pi calculus: Description of biological networks; stochastic Pi calculus, Gillespie algorithm.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms –Jones and Pavel A. Pevzner
    2. Introduction to Bioinformatics – Stephen A. Krawetz, David D. Womble
    3. Introduction to Bioinformatics – Arthur M. Lesk


    CSE-458 Bio-Informatics Lab

    1.5 Credits

    Laboratory works based on CSE-457.


     CSE-461 Neural Networks

    3 Credits

    Fundamentals of Neural Networks; Back propagation and related training algorithms; Hebbian learning; Cohonen-Grossberg learning; The BAM and the Hopfield Memory; Simulated Annealing; Different types of Neural Networks: Counter propagation, Probabilistic, Radial Basis Function, Generalized Regression, etc; Adaptive Resonance Theory; Dynamic Systems and neural Control; The Boltzmann Machine; Self-organizing Maps; Spatiotemporal Pattern Classification, The Neocognition; Practical Aspects of Neural Networks.


    Books Recommended:


    1. An Introduction to Neural NetworksProf. Leslie Smith
    2. Fundamentals of Artificial Neural NetworksMohamad H. Hassoun


     CSE-462 Neural Networks Lab

    1.5 Credits

     Laboratory works based on CSE 461.


     CSE-463 Machine Learning

    3 Credits

    Introduction: Definition of learning systems. Goals and applications of machine learning. Aspects of developing a learning system- training data, concept representation, function approximation.   Inductive Classification: The concept learning task. Concept learning as search through a hypothesis space. General-to-specific ordering of hypotheses. Finding maximally specific hypotheses. Version spaces and the candidate elimination algorithm. Learning conjunctive concepts. The importance of inductive bias. Decision Tree Learning: Representing concepts as decision trees. Recursive induction of decision trees. Picking the best splitting attribute: entropy and information gain. Searching for simple trees and computational complexity. Occam’s razor. Overfitting, noisy data, and pruning. Experimental Evaluation of Learning Algorithms: Measuring the accuracy of learned hypotheses. Comparing learning algorithms- cross-validation, learning curves, and statistical hypothesis testing. Computational Learning Theory: Models of learnability- learning in the limit; probably approximately correct (PAC) learning. Sample complexity- quantifying the number of examples needed to PAC learn. Computational complexity of training. Sample complexity for finite hypothesis spaces. PAC results for learning conjunctions, kDNF, and kCNF. Sample complexity for infinite hypothesis spaces, Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension. Rule Learning, Propositional and First-Order: Translating decision trees into rules. Heuristic rule induction using separate and conquer and information gain. First-order Horn-clause induction (Inductive Logic Programming) and Foil. Learning recursive rules. Inverse resolution, Golem, and Progol. Artificial Neural Networks: Neurons and biological motivation. Linear threshold units. Perceptrons: representational limitation and gradient descent training. Multilayer networks and backpropagation. Hidden layers and constructing intermediate, distributed representations. Overfitting, learning network structure, recurrent networks. Support Vector Machines: Maximum margin linear separators. Quadractic programming solution to finding maximum margin separators. Kernels for learning non-linear functions. Bayesian Learning: Probability theory and Bayes rule. Naive Bayes learning algorithm. Parameter smoothing. Generative vs. discriminative training. Logisitic regression. Bayes nets and Markov nets for representing dependencies. Instance-Based Learning: Constructing explicit generalizations versus comparing to past specific examples. k-Nearest-neighbor algorithm. Case-based learning. Text Classification: Bag of words representation. Vector space model and cosine similarity. Relevance feedback and Rocchio algorithm. Versions of nearest neighbor and Naive Bayes for text. Clustering and Unsupervised Learning: Learning from unclassified data. Clustering. Hierarchical Aglomerative Clustering. k-means partitional clustering. Expectation maximization (EM) for soft clustering. Semi-supervised learning with EM using labeled and unlabled data.


    Books Recommended:

    1. Artificial Intelligence: a modern approach (2nd edition), Russell, S. and P. Norvig, Prentice Hall, 2003
    2. Introduction to Machine Learning – Ethem ALPAYDIN
    3. Machine Learning – Tom Mitchell, McGraw Hill
    4. Introduction to machine learning (2nd edition), Alpaydin, Ethem, MIT Press, 2010
    5. An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and Other Kernel-based Learning Methods, NelloCristianini and John Shawe-Taylor, Cambridge University Press


    CSE-464 Machine Learning Lab

    1.5 Credits.

     Students should learn the methods for extracting rules or learning from data, and get the necessary mathematical background to understand how the methods work and how to get the best performance from them. To achieve these goals student should learn the following algorithms in the lab: K Nearest Neighbor Classifier, Decision Trees, Model Selection and Empirical Methodologies, Linear Classifiers: Perception and SVM, Naive Bayes Classifier, Basics of Clustering Analysis, K-mean Clustering Algorithm, Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm. Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to perform the followings: a. Evaluate whether a learning system is required to address a particular problem. b. Understand how to use data for learning, model selection, and testing to achieve the goals. c. Understand generally the relationship between model complexity and model performance, and be able to use this to design a strategy to improve an existing system. d. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of the learning systems studied in the course, and decide which learning system is appropriate for a particular application. e. Make a naive Bayes classifier and interpret the results as probabilities. f. Be able to apply clustering algorithms to simple data sets for clustering analysis.


    CSE-465 Contemporary course on CSE

    03 Credits

     CSE-466 Contemporary course on CSE Lab

    1.5 Credits

     Laboratory works based on CSE 465

Faculty Members

Khaled Hussain

Dean and Head

Md. Umor Faruk Jahangir

Assistant Professor

Farjana Akter


Tasnim Rahman


Anirban Chanda Suhag


Md. Mahfuzur Rahman


Arnob Debnath


Fariah Samanta

Teaching Assistant

G. M. Abdullah Al-Kafi
