The Honourable Vice Chancellor

Prof. Dr. Md. Ashraful Alam
Vice Chancellor
Welcome to Sylhet International University, where excellence is nurtured, pursued and celebrated. Sylhet International University has been established with a view to creating an educational institution with a difference. Its goal is to provide quality education and at the same time to produce skilled professionals with a high standard of human/moral values. When you browse the SIU website, I am sure you will get the distinct impression that SIU is a quality institution and it walks the extra mile in terms of facilities and most importantly imparting knowledge to provide a world class education with qualified faculty in background, expertise and credentials. The University believes that education is a catalyst for positive change and the cornerstone for building strong, resilient and enduring communities. The University also instills a spirit of inquiry professionalism, social consciousness, and deep sense of patriotism. It provides many opportunities to grow academically, intellectually, socially and as well-rounded human beings.As Vice Chancellor , I am deeply committed to attracting a body of faculty and students dedicated to academic excellence, pedagogical sophistication, top-notch research, and service to society.
In our mission to contribute to national development, SIU stands tall as a center of excellence that is able to develop confident leaders, independent thinkers and creative entrepreneurs. Finally, I feel honor and proud to welcome you at Sylhet International University premises.