Founder Vice Chancellor

Professor Dr. Sadruddin Ahmed Chowdhury
Founder Vice Chancellor
Professor Dr. Sadruddin Ahmed Chowdhury, a prominent physicist and educationist, was the Vice-Chancellor of SIU from its
inception in 2001 till April 30, 2010 when he retired. Under his excellent leadership, SIU became a renowned, successful university in a very short time.
Professor Dr. Sadruddin Ahmed Chawdhury was born at Phulbari, Sylhet, Bangladesh on 10th Shaban, 1349 H., 1st July 1931. He studied in Sylhet town and passed
the Matriculation and I.Sc. examinations creditably. He got his BSc. Honors in Physics in 1954 and M. Sc. Degree in 1955 from Dhaka University. He then joined
Rajshahi University and served there in various capacities till 1994. He obtained Ph.D degree in Crystallography from the University of Manchester in 1966. He was
a visiting fellow on several occasions at British Universities and Universities of other countries and worked as Professor of Physics at Alfatha University, Libya.
He served as Founder Vice-Chancellor of Shahjalal University of Science & Technology during 1989–94. He published a large number of research papers on organic molecules,
drugs, medicine etc. in reputed International Journals of which two papers on insulin Published in United States Pharmacopia and Diabetologia were of great importance
for the treatment of diabetics. Prof. Chawdhury visited a large number of countries of the world and attended lots of
International Seminars, Conferences and presented papers on important topics and presided over many sessions. He performed the Holy Hajj in 1974, 1982 and 1999